Can you really blame him?
Can you really blame him?
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Why would he go to jail for sexting?
He was sexting a minor.
sexting is illegal now?
>15 years old with saggy tits
Some of the women he texted were underaged, and he likely had sex with them
1: The picture he took was right beside his 4 year old son.
2: He is married
3: She is a minor
4: His last name
5: He won't go to jail, he will strike a deal and sell out the entire DNC
probably a dick pic. girls dont even like dick pics. just keep it to covered bulges and text boys
Is even legal post that pic of the 15 years old girl? They told me not to fap to those but they can post those pics? This is a fucking double standard dammit
Why isnt it illegal for this article to show a 15 year old girl barely clothed? Has MSM become that degenerate?
wasnt the girl suppose to be JUST 15 YEARS OLD
why are they posting her pics and how does she have such huge tits?
Nothing minor about dem titties
In the Land of the Free if you say lewd things to sexually developed seventeen year old girls you go to prison for a decade and get raped by apelike prison negroes. Then no one will hire you when you get out and you either turn to a life of crime or work as a bagger at a grocery store. Eventually you turn to alcohol to ease the memory of the violent rapes to which you were subjected in prison. You die alone and drunk, having finally relieved the deep pain in your psyche, fragmented as it is by those dark memories of the BBC.
This is actually really good advice, I don't blame him. A big Titty hot 15 year old slut wanting you cock? Fucking hard to resist man.
With that said, he knew the risks and he took them. I enjoy cake, I actually fucking love it, but I have to resist it because I know I can't stop at a little. And I know it's not good for me. I have to practice self control.
Do I wish I could fuck hot young sluts? Of course, and most men would too, but we all have to practice self control when it comes to that. For those of us that say fuck it, and take the risks...well, amazing reward, but really harsh penalty.
cash me outside was 13 with double D's
It's not. It's a pic of a random hot girl. They're trying to make women sympathize with Carlos by associating him with a hot chick and therefore activating their tingles. It's very easy to control what women think and this is the best way to damage control this controversy.
That's what you get for being weak
You wanna diddle kiddies go to a mud country
Sam Fox was a page 3 topless model in the sun newspaper she was 16 at the time.
Cracking set of top bollocks
wtf is that seriously the girl? that body looks 21+
this is really fucked up
Seriously, though, what the hell is wrong with him? What "disease" made him keep doing it even after he was caught and publically humiliated? We all have some self-destructive traits I suppose, but how could it become that epic?
>sexually developed teenagers
Nice virtue signaling faggot. Want a pat on the back? Fucking cuck
It's another "politician is crucified for something pretty fucking everyone does" episode.
In some ways, no; not really.
If I were born a nig nog, I'd run track or play negroball for positive white role models like coaches.
If I were born a chink, I'd open a restaurant and serve white people dog meat.
If I were born a female, I'd whore it up and get my easy assets by flaunting mine.
If I were born a filthy, disgusting, larger-than-averaged-dicked jew, I'd probably be just like Weiner.
People generally live up to what they can potentially be. For Weiner, it was a time of his life where Huma was bringing home the bread; rubbing elbows with the most powerful family in the DNC. He was a failed "politician" worth absolutely nothing. He's fairly ugly, but packing a kielbasa sausage for a piss pump, and lets face it, Huma loves the dick enough to get preggers by it.
The poor guy is just a sleazebag, and was living up to that pathetic expectation.
It's not her. They're trying to get you to not blame weiner.
Threadly reminder that this is a modern fifteen year old
not at all! this is a witch hunt
UK age of consent is 16.. USA is 18.. do you really believe it's right to be labeled a pedophile for having sex with a women who gave you her consent? I understand not having sex with a child but we are not talking about that. It's troubling to see a country like the USA get up in arms about a young women who is sexually active rather than the constant bombardment of violent content that influences the USA's minors on a daily basis.
>girls dont even like dick pics
This is true only if you have a small or average dick. 11" here. I get asked for dick pics all the time from 8/10+ girls who I haven't spoken to in months.
you'd be sick if you didn't want to tape dat ass
The reason why many people are so mad at the thought of adults having sex with 16-17 y.o. teens is because they are angry betas that missed out on teenage sex and they self justify it to themselves with self righteous moral bullshittery. This or they're old hags that did exactly the same at their age but now it's bad for them because they can't just trick a decent man into marrying and supporting their worthless ass because they can't just compete against them.
Always remember: You missed out, you will never get back those years. Stay mad, moralcucks.
how much hormones do you americunts put in your damn food
i see 15-18 year olds here and they look life fine developing kids
>inb4 pedo stalker
i work near a high school and see kids every work day
uh, yes.
why wouldn't we??
>be a healthy strong man
>understanding top level first aid for victims of cardiac arrest
>still cant sext women
lol, salty libcucks trying to defend a pedo. Your faggot kike is going to jail
Another man blamed for natural urges.
flat lolis = best lolis
No I can't blame him. Most females are largely sluts by the time they turn 18 anyway. Most of pol wouldn't know because they were virgins or near no pussy getters into their mid 20s.
All women lie. However many cocks your gf or wife says she's had in her, multiple that number by 3 as a starting point.
Hi, Anthony.
>honest guys
sure fagget
A lot
Anthony Weiner's weiner pics got Trump elected.
When investigating him the FBI reopened Clinton case and cost Clinton a lot of votes.
Sexting is OK for an adult as long as it is not to anyone under 18. Weiner's weiner pic was to a 15 year old girl. Now there is a chance he will have his anus expanded in an American Federal "Pound me in the ass" prison.
he is a animal that thinks with his dick
can I really judge animals, user?
Looks like a Tunisian knife-fighter.
wrong. the vast majority of females dont like dick pics.
tight body on that girl
It's literally everywhere. There's a reason American beef isn't allowed in the EU.
She's not actually a DD.
>be femanon
>recognize the VS double pushup
>literally nothing (((but padding)))
Yeah this is shit. Regardless of size, take a good pic
Above is good advice
stop larping
Much rather have Huma, thanks.
its a fake
he was honeypotted
In the united state it is a federal law that it is illegal to have sexually explicit images of anyone under the age of 18. This is often confused with the Age of Consent law, which is the age where you are legally able to consent to sex. This is typically up to state law varies state to state. When a states law has an AoC lower than the federal law people, typically within a similar age group (I.E 17-21, ect), get mixed up and sext each other which results in a ass load of teenagers and young adults in trouble.
If you're wondering why in European countries have it as low as 16 while the US places emphasis on the age 18, it's because our feminist movement wanted all women to have a chance at being independent and believed that men would marry them out of their futures before they finished highschool. Some states even had a push for 21 to retain this factor since a highschool diploma doesn't get you jobs anymore.
Which one of you nasty fucks has that feet pic?
draw and quarter him
Okay this shit is getting ridiculous
Girls are literally starting puberty at 9 years old these days
She looks like a hot grown woman.
This is assault on all men.
>being such a jewish pervert that you can't even try to control yourself
>despite controlling yourself enough to be a successful jew
Fuck that, throw that Skype in the oven.
>Girls are literally starting puberty at 9 years old these days
>these days
>female puberty is a recent development
>modern fifteen year old
Threadly reminder that boys
In times past girls wouldn't start puberty until there mid teens. Now they're peaking at 17.
these are the pics he sent? its illegal to be a shirtless male now?
I think Weiner is compleatly innocent. I can't image any female would be interested in him
Thanks, Mohammed
At what age do Americans stop being minors nowadays, 30?
2 years in jail for this.
Fucking murica.
See file name
His sexting is...
>I'd berry my dick so far in that ass whoever could get it out would be crowned king arthur
... tier
>sexting anyone, ever
>sexting children
Both should be punishable by death in a perfect world.
I'd rather say 45-50 at least. Add 10 years for females.
>When the villagers ask why all the 9 year old girls and goats* are walking funny
>it is illegal to have sexually explicit images of anyone under the age of 18
It is technically illegal for a 17 year old girl to take naked pictures of herself masturbating, but is OK if she is 18.
American Puritanical laws are awesome!
People, particularly girls, are starting puberty much earlier than they did in the past. The point of marrying girls aged 14-16 in the past was to get them just before they began puberty, now they're fully mature by that age.
She's not a child.
She can get pregnant already.
Children cant have children.
fuck off libshit
>leak and limp for a week
wew lad
>t. someone who's had sex
Yeah when I got laid too sexting started becoming cringeworthy to me
>Mfw I'm not attracted to this at all and you have a problem
so he didnt even send real dick pics.... what in the fuckk
nah he only talked about raping 15 year olds.
Anyone who uses "xyz for a week" is automatically gay for taking it from this movie
>implying having kids early is and was mudslime-exclusive
Anytime, Josh. Keep suppressing your natural tendencies because (((they))) say so and funnel them through the porn (((they))) provide you with so you're easier to control.
Watch the real girls get mounted by superior males and stay child-less till you're 30.
Least you're not Mohammed.
His wife was munching Hillary's carpet.
So he sexted with a teen that probably looked and was developed like she was 25.
OH NO. Real sickness.
I guess all the Islamists they want to bring over, that regularly engage in child brides, are all "sick" too? No. Wait. That's xenophobic to say.
>Lives in a country where women can withdraw consent four years after having sex and get a guy arrested
>Makes fun of the greatest dadgum country on gods green earth
Sven Cuckoldson strikes again.
That doesn't make sense considering people married a lot younger and started families earlier in the past.
If the right is the girl he was talking to, I would have "sent" her "dick pics" too, if you catch my drift.
It's actually feminist.
>you're a Jew or a Jew puppet if you don't want to fuck children
>In Sweden women can withdraw consent four years after having sex and get a guy arrested
>USA and Canada are great
Are you even aware what the fuck is happening in your country?
He took this plea deal because the other shit he was caught doing was much, much worse.
>15 year olds
If that's what you believe, I'm afraid you are indeed a kike puppet.
You are supposed to start puberty at 11 you retard what do you mean that doesn't make sense?