Are you National Socialist?
Are you National Socialist?
Nah, I dont worship some self loathing manlet with a tiny, mutilated penis and a dirty sanchez "mustache" lmao.
Maybe, If I am qualified to be part of the aryan master race.
No, they are white trash.
I'm a social nationalist.
>Are we there yet?
>Are we there yet?
>Are we there yet?
>Are we there yet?
What are you then?
National Socialism represents preserving and taking pride in one's culture, heritage, and people but most importantly assuring the survival and advancement of your race. Don't you want to protect your people?
I suspect you aren't white.
Not outside of memes no
Depends on if National Socialism can respect the Constitution and Bill of Rights (the original, not the butchered version the liberals have made)
t. KKK outbred from Louisiana.
no just a fascist
Sieg Heil motherfucker.
National Socialism is literally the future of Mankind. If we don't implement it our world will crumble under the weight of humanity, and we will forever be bound to this rock.
The Internationalist Jews are the ones who have wrecked this world. Usury, degeneracy, and supremacy (for jews) is all they offer this world. They are the ones who rob us of our future, often by getting others to do it for them (useful idiots... think liberal college campus goers)
t. koksal baba
Funny, I actually live in New York City and I don't have any connection to the South but please continue to spout your nonsense in hope of demoralizing those who are simply looking out for the future. I doubt you have anything to preserve when your nation is on-par with the Third World, Romania.
You guys think I would get shit for telling normies I am a social nationalist when asked about my politiks?
Kind of, I learn more towards Capitalist Fascism but corporatism and monopolies are Jewishness at its finest so some degree of government intervention in the economy will be necessary to prevent Jewish control.
>dont worry, we'll protect you, but if you don't go along with it we'll imprison or execute you
Strong cognitive dissonance coming from the unusually small brain of this retard lmao.
lets finish what they started
It's literally the only way to kill all the pedophile cannibal sadists in power today and save the world from jewish usury slave peddlers.