does he deserve all the hate? Isn't he just trying to help our movement hit the mainstream?
Richard Spencer
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hes a plant that makes us all look bad
damn richard spencer got fat!
10/10 image.
He's a big guy.
That's a shoop, right? He isn't that fat, is he?
He's a retard. Jared Taylor or even David Duke himself are more reputable than this gooflord.
I hate these small-detail photoshops
That's not even Spencer's body, his head was shopped in.
He splintered the Alt-Right into the "Alt-Light" and got it disavowed by Trump in the space of a week.
He's an obvious plan / CIA shill
Those boobs are funny
the only movement is those jiggling man boobs
He is bulking
Why does that pic scream DELEGATES?
This is a really good shop.
thx nigger
Fucking terrible
It's like he got fitted in goodwill
Hes a fucking plant. i never heard of this faggot until the commie media needed a villain for the alt-right.
>our movement
He's always been a little on the doughy side, somewhere between skinnyfat and chubby, but it's shopped and I've heard he's taken to wearing bullet proof vests at public events as well.
What kind of shill job is this?
I've noticed this a lot lately. Always posting about Spencer and having bad pictures or slightly shopped ones posted.
Is OPs pic really shopped? I hope it's is.
Post original pic.
He's in a suit and stretching his arms back and waist forward. Ever worn a properly fitted suit?
He's a fake put in place to make idiots like you guys look bad.
I'm retarded
However he's gotta do something about that haircut.
That guy is a Spencer impersonator. Spencey doesn't want more punchings
They hate us cause they ain't us.
People think Spencer is a plant or something because he's so good at a PR and getting press. Just because the media gives him exposure doesn't mean they control him or that they can help it. He always
1. accepts every press opportunity no matter from who
2. never takes the bait during interviews and says something outrageous
My guess is they will quit covering him once they are tired of pushing the "le rebranding nazism" narrative
However I imagine because he
Nice pair of tits on that man, I'd love to drink form them.
he fine, he can have any beliefs he wants just don't take pepe the frog reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I came to read this
Is that Enoch in the white shirt?
People who say Spencer is a plant are either
1. Civic cuck Trump shills (reddit and /nupol/)
2. Some paranoid low energy cucks
3. Commies
4. Kikes
His hair alone is killing your movement by association.
Nonsense. He's not a shill, in fact his progression is traceable. He's a good asset and diplomat. Spencer hate just stems from /nu/pol fags.
is it fuck, have you seen Enoch?
that guy is what Enoch wishes he looked like
Outfit and hair is fucking ridiculous.
>I made that post again mom
>when the jews track down your water supply and drop some oestrogen in it
I think it's pretty corny, but it makes sense for who he is. It's "fashy". It's a signal to other whites familiar with the movement
That would be hilarious if true
this make for me to laugh bro why he head so big on the top part of head? he must grow for his hair to be long on fr the top part of head man hahah
And shills
They hate that our guys are a lot of clean cut looking white dudes while the Antifa are well.... you know
No he doesn't deserve hate. Yes he is definitely trying to help the pro white movement. In fact, I haven't really heard anyone on our side say he's not so the fact you are suggesting that coupled with the photoshopped image you posted makes me think you are an anti white cuck.
Also, I can't believe so many of you can't spot an obvious shop, pic attached is real, recent and non shopped.
Look at this dude
>posting the photoshop
he's a big guy what can he say
Y'all leave Spencer alone, my lord he doesn't look like any of these pictures
is that image fucking real
Old dick is now thicker than a snicker
These people dare call themselves white? Not a single one of them ironed their khaki's before wearing them out in public.
He probably has 3 lead proof vests on. I would too if i had Antifa coming after me.
I heard they fighting ISIS now. Respek
Is that him? He looks like a fucking egg.
>ironing pants
Yes, you're supposed to iron your dress clothes you fucking retard. That includes your pants. It's a shame what passes for white these days.
>feminism is emasculating men
>why aren't men ironing pants
I truly feel sorry for you if your father never taught you how to look presentable in public. Learn how to be a man you uncultured peasant
Why do his clothes not fit?
Pluck your eyebrows while youre at it
I see what you're saying but he's literally a plant.
What is that hairstyle called?
Go back to 8ch TRS shills
Jesus Christ, that hair cut... If he isn't a plant, he's fucking dumb.
Yo, guys! I swear, I'm tots not a Neo-Nazi! Look at this based Hitler Youth haircut!
You shouldn't make fun of obese people.
This is just sad /leftypol/. If you're going to shitpost at least try put some effort into it
To be fair there's nothing wrong with plucking your eyebrows. Looks a lot cleaner.
>What's that haircut called
"The Nixon Nigger"
Pretty sharp
>hating Dick Spender makes you leftypol
I hate your shittaste, Fingolian.
HA HA! Awesome!
there's most likely a bulletproof vest under that.
Why do you hate him, then?
He literally works for the FBI
he gets owned by leftists all the time.
he's a peanut with legs
What movement is that, the international brotherhood of LARPing pseudo Nazis?
>Is OPs pic really shopped?
Obviously. Only complete newfags can't tell.
Never saw this original but holy fuck theres hardly any difference
That's subtly shopped, doof. Do you think he'd ever get a haircut that made him look that bad?
Why? Because he is a fucking embarassment on two legs. Wears a hitler youth haircut, is married to a literal Russian plant - the main translator for Dugin and if you don't know what Duginism, you are the useful idiot here. He's embarrasing, did I say that already? He thought it was a great idea to HAIL TRUMP! HAIL VICTORY! HAIL OUR PEOPLE! And many of the people at his conference were proud about giving Nazi salutes. He is worse than Red Ice in regards to making the entire right and ethno-nationalists look like Neo-Nazis. And it is so fucking embarassing of red ice to shill that it was great to "purge the alt-light and normies" from the movement with this action. Millions upon millions of people didn't think of this as anything other than a Neo-Nazi event.
It is people like him that ruin the work of actually presentable people like Jared Taylor with their autism. And why Mr. Taylor even associates with these disgusting people is beyond me.
They also attract the worst kind of people. People you don't want in your movement. People that get you into trouble and make you look bad. The only thing worse is the Daily Stormer and Andrew "totally not a FED plant" Anglin.
Oh look its another "cucked german projecting his cucked mental conditioning on the rest of us" episode.
>nigger asking a dumb question
the rules are in place for a reason, faggot. the two years lurking rule protects you from making a fool of yourself. You broke the rule and--surprise, surprise!--ended up humiliating yourself publicly.
Stop posting, you're giving white people the reputation of being dumber than niggers.
>le cuck, le maymay
Go on. Stay fringe. Stay a meme. And stay embarassing. And if you honestly think that people like that are clearly superior to men like Jared Taylor, you should gas yourself along with Spencer and the entire clown show that comes with this circus.
He's doing his thing, you should do yours.
Fuck Richard Spencer. Marxist asshole wants all the same bullshit Bernie sanders wanted, but only for one race. He can go fuck himself.
post a pic of his breasts
He has no tact or street smarts and isn't a particularly good speaker.
Mostly shills. I see the same German making the same thread every single day, and this South African:making the same sorts of comments and posting the same images, every single day.
I'm 99% sure that they are paid, at this point.