Why are Jews so powerful???
Why are Jews so powerful???
heavy persecution for thousands of years leads to natural selection leads to superior preservation techniques and intellect
Who was persecuting whom now?
this is excluding ancient rome
It's less about power and more what they do to us, especially the targeting of our children with drug/tranny/fag/degenerate propaganda 24/7, after we treated them as brothers and let them into our nations with open arms in most cases only a few generations ago. Essentially if I wanted to bribe people to destroy Canada from within it wouldn't be hard to do rather the opposite, but why would I destroy my own country? This act of destruction surely wouldn't make me exceptionally powerful or intelligent.
Remember Europeans could do far, far more damage than Jews ever could imagine but why would we destroy our own societies on purpose? The hard truth is Jews and Muslims will always be envious/afraid of Europeans and this is why they shouldn't be allowed to live in the same political unit as us.
>heavy persecution
If this wasn't justification for deporting every last Jew from Germany watching Jew NKVD head Gengrikh Yagoda, Stalin's right hand (Jew) Lazar Kaganovich, and (Jew-married) Minister Molotov (yes that Molotov) famine 6,000,000+ European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's was certainly justification for full internment and deportation. The Cheka/NKVD which was almost entirely Jewish from the outset had murdered any halfway intelligent gentile in Russia/Ukraine and it's hard to dispute this was the plan for Germany and the rest of Western Europe.
OP knows all of this surely. Jews had no right to Ukraine just as they had no right to Germany. They were refugees, guests allowed in because their situations would have been hopeless otherwise. Jews would repay Ukraine for taking them in by famining millions of its people in the 1930's and by raping it into the ground in the 1990's, turning it into a modern third world country. This Jewish rape of their former saviors continues at the rate of tens of billions of dollars every single year to this very day.
They even just installed Jew President Valtzman and Jew Prime Minister Groysman.
persecution is persecution
thanks for missing my point and failing to answer OP's question, though
>implying that's not the correct usage of the word
Why are rich people so powerful?
Extreme undercover nepotism + Christians didn't practice usury so Jews became money lenders now the money lenders control the world.
The kikes that that did this were refugees let in by Germany. The German people saved these rats and look what they did. Also look at America, they treated the inbreds like brothers and it took only a few generations for most to turn on them. The destroyer of nations.
The first massive continental banking system was set up by christian templar's. You've been brainwashed, usury isn't interest it's obscene interest. Interest has always been allowed in Europe this is how credit and barter worked for thousands of years.
And to clarify they heavily practice nepotism and tribalism while simultaneously denouncing white people from doing the same and often making it illegal or impossible for them to.
Also usury was hardly ever persecuted by the church. It was a tool kings used to get favourable loans from their vassals and a tool the church used to gain influence with kings.
Yup, globalism is the Jewish society where everyone is mixed so they can live freely from persecution but still practice extreme nepotism themselves allowing them to rise to the top of the fragmented society.
If you persecute any group of people, natural selection is going to occur
they are inherently smarter and more tactical because they were persecuted for years. I'm not defending them, I'm not even giving my own opinion, I'm just stating a fact.
Are you this dense?
Because they pretend to be white people. Then, when they get into positions of power and influence, they do whatever they can to enrich their real people, the Jewish people. Usually this involves doing things which are not in the best interests of the racial majority -- in this case, white people. Basically, on the whole, they act as top-tier parasites.
Cohesive hive mind.
They are efficient parasites. They are a worthy enemy for whites to exterminate.
Culture based on making money.
>Why are Jews so powerful???
unlike regular white people, they protect their own and promote each other, because they're smart. on the other hand, the average person is stuck in this bizarre survival of the fittest, fuck-you-got-mine mindset where they will eat 100 their own kind to get one tiny step ahead.
It's not right to stab my brother in back because my neighbour knocked me out the night before for trying to burn the entire neighbourhood down..
Is that how the kikes justify their absolute destruction of christian white America? It's all fair play because a past generation of Germans and Russians held them accountable for their crimes against humanity? How can Europeans live on the same planet as these people if this is the case?
Ya sure explain Jekyll Island then.
It is not usury or banking that is wrong ultimately but what the joo did out of it. It as now become a gigantic enslavement machines.
Looks like Anthony Weiner.
we're not on the same page at all. are you a bot?
>Is that how the kikes justify their absolute destruction of christian white America
"christian white america" destroyed themselves. jews didn't do anything. you guys eat your own. you vote against your own interests, you vote against your neighbor's interest, you vote against your family's interest--decades of policy to fuck the poor and take more and more away from the majority of working americans.
jews are just another scapegoat.
Because they Believe they are the one and only children of God and can do whatever they want
It's corruption, subversion, and a cult that brainwashes them to dedicate their life to furthering these ends. Their near immediate backstab and destruction of white christian americans (people that have done more for jews in the past month than jews have done for all other races in their entire existence) really just proves that these people cannot live in our lands under any circumstances.
Satan is literally on their side, and I'm not joking.
I could point out how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with.. etc. etc.
Read Culture of Critique
their god is literally satan
He used it correctly there though
I'm sure most leafs know about the Rosenbergs/Pollards but I wonder how many know that the only Canadian MP to be convicted of treason in our history was a communist jew by the name of Fred Rose.
Oh look I found the Jew
After being here for years you're so easy to spot
They made a pact with Satan which grants them the riches of this world but nothing for the life beyond this world. That's why they don't believe in Hell, they believe there is only Heaven right now.
alright mate, keep voting to enrich the people who have continually fucked over working class americans because they said they were gonna get rid of the brown people.
pro tip: everyone is suffering.
>the more they serve his intererts, the more power they get
They are not powerfull as the rest of humanity understands the word "powerfull".
They are just immoral spineless bastard sandniggers with a befitting culture of lying, backstabbing, deception and colluding and no respect and empathy for "fellow" humans, leeching of the selfmade and naturally powerfull people.
The whole muh persecution cristalized le smart joos and le jooish selfreported MUHDIQ is literally just a selfjustfying forced meme.
They only think about themselves.
We let them.
I'm actually not suffering I'm thriving. Even more now that king nog is gone.
The only people that continually fuck me over are Jews with their liberal bullshit.
they drink the blood of sacrificed children
Because they're intelligent with no integrity or shame.
nice try, you fucking kike
you can't fool me
>I'm actually not suffering
>The only people that continually fuck me over
i spelled it out for you, yet it went completely over your head. this sort of selfish mindset is the reason working class americans are suffering.
>you guys eat your own. you vote against your own interests, you vote against your neighbor's interest, you vote against your family's interest--decades of policy to fuck the poor and take more and more away from the majority of working americans.
re-read this until you understand it.
Trips wasted on a retard
Because they are the sons of Satan.
they lose confrontations with gases man
because shoahs throughout history cull their numbers so their bloodline is pure and doesn't experience dysgenics to the extant that other races do
this enables them to increase their IQ over the years and keep a homogeneous, tight knit community
No, you're the dumbass who isn't getting it and keeps repeating the same stupid shill line
>voting against your interests
Jewish politicians are typically liberal and I don't vote for them. The bloated federal government which is basically controlled by Jews is fucking this country up just as they have been since 1965.
>eternal krauts always ruining civilizations
>Sup Forums worships "muh nazis" and makes their nazi pepe and their nazi may mays
yeah the fleecing of the working class is due to liberal policy, lol.
>jew trying to fit in while using socialist talking points
>even on an anonymous anime forum they try to subvert and conquer
You are the only people in the world I truely hate.
Jew detected.
>trying to fit in
i don't need to fit in because i have genuine convictions.
god's chosen people.
They turned their backs on God a long time ago.
>muh 6 gorrillian Christians
Yeah it is. Subsidizing subhumans while simultaneously importing more and more subhumans. Turning neighborhoods into ghettos by busing in niggers. Ever increasing taxation to subsidize the life of leisure for subhumans. Driving businessss out of the country due to ridiculous amounts of regulations and social justice bullshit.
Superior beings
Kushner is single handedly going to create middle east peace
Rethink goverment IT structure
Spearhead american innovation council
Solve the opiod crisis
It goes on and on
All he's done previously build buildings with Chinese immigration money
But superior jew genetics give him super powers
why isn't Hitler on this list?
what is your pragmatic solution?
can you make a suggestion for a policy position that would benefit working class americans without using "subhuman", "niggers", or some other appeal to racist sentiments?
Hitler is the most lied about man since Jesus Christ. He warned us nearly a century ago.
because of the good little pedophilic police military politician hollywood education and municipal goys who gleefully serve their ends just so that they themselves can get access to trafficked child sex slave poon
turns out people, especially the most prestigious of white people, are nothing more than degenerate goons chasing after their degenerate vices
kill all journalists
kill all teachers
kill all police
kill all military
kill all politicians
kill all municipal niggers
kill the entire government, they werw never on your side and they're not going to let go of their grip on our nation until they are forcibly removed
Satan is helping them.
Don't forget that the same Stalin wiped out educated jews and made a home for the jews: in the middle of fucking nowhere. He just was able to mask his antisemitism unlike Hitler
>European Christians
Following of some arbitrary deity does not make their suffering more relevant. Given it's mainly orthocucks it makes it less relevant actually but never mind.
The only godhood is Europa and the only religion is your race.
Yes. Gas the kikes
forgot, kill all (((abrahamic clergy))) too
really too many types of people to list who simply have to go and have to pay for their crimes
the government isnt ever going to be the one to make then pay
distributing justice is up to the people, or the people and their children continue to get fucked like a bunch of cucks
>Venetians use banks and money to lead the Crusader army astray, sack Zadar and Constantinople later to scam Bosnia into falling to the Ottomans
Lol who cares
>Plague happens
Omg it's da juice and a total juice conspiracy reeee
We must make peace with the jews. Even they should realise that once the foreign hordes come, they will fall victims. What does an ape know of power and wealth after all?
Hitler was autism personified and an hero'd because he fucked his country up more than anyone thought possible
pragmatic solution is to kill you because we dont take kindly to kikes around these parts hymie
This is how:
Their RELIGION allows them to subvert us. When you think of "Jew", you should be thinking in religious terms. The sham of their racial claim is another story, with many modern Jews openly claiming to be descendents of converts.
The Jewish Talmud says they may lie, steal, kill, etc any non-Jew. It's similar to the Islamic Taqiyahh, but Jews have far less honor than Muslims. PIC RELATED
Are you ill?
how many other people do you think should be killed?
We are at an interesting time right now. The oldest living human is 117 (Violet Brown, Jamaica). That means that 117 years ago, we were an entirely different batch of humans. But in her lifetime, the world's population has more than QUADRUPLED.
Of course, with a monetary system based on growth, that is going to confer a lot of power.
But it simply cannot keep going up at that rate.
All the movement of people into western countries is a stopgap against the ponzi scheme collapsing, as western countries are already sensibly contracting their native populations. The host countries are already as laden with debt as possible so they have to bring in fresh people to take on more. This, too, can only go on for so long.
So they want to eliminate cash, and move everything over to ones and zeroes that are more easily fudged behind the scenes by the chosen technocratic insiders.
It's a real race against time. this set of circumstances has literally never been encountered.
Will earth's population overshoot its mark because the wealthy are unwilling to give up their debt leverage, and we'll all crash and burn?
Or will we manage to level off at cruising altitude with a minimum of fuckery?
need to go read up on Jewish end times prophecies
Because unlike Americans that eat shit all day, masturbate to blacked and play video games while stoned out of their minds the Jews actually have ambition to go and make something of themselves.
>implying that all jews know of this
>implying that a poor hummus seller is part of a conspiracy
>implying that "taqya" is used beyond shias
Yup mate, that's how the world goes. Only us white have different opinion all other races are hive minds and think the same of the stereotype we have for them. Surely there are no jews who were fascist, European nationalists, normal people, volunteers to German forces in the East in WWII via third countries.... Oh wait, THEY WERE.
Hitler was autism personified and an hero'd because he fucked his country up more than anyone thought possible
Idk how to quote texts, but that is fucking BEYOND retarded.
The power of Christian National Socialism was barely showcased by the UBoats, King Tiger tanks and the Red Baron...(threw that last one in just because).
Hitler IS the most lied about man of our time. Most people think blacks were rounded up along with Jews. Wrong. If you were Christian, and wanted to stay in Germany during the Havarra Agreement period etc, you did.
I'm confident 80% of white Sup Forums could agree to a modernized version of this.
Jews are the perfect example of natural selection via hardship.
Different times are here, we do not need hardship to filter the worthy, but the filtering must be done.
The jews are friends to be made.
The "Jewish communist" is no more guilty than the Russian bolsheviks and others which were in far greater number. Was it not the Anglo and Venetian bankers which were there before the first jew saw a bank?
Yep i've seen many jew posters that like to go on about how Stalin wasn't jewish but his son married a kike and Stalin had many jewish affairs according to jewish publications.
It also forgets that Stalin wasn't supposed to take over. Marx the founder of communism was a kike, Lenin the founder of the soviet union was a kike, and Lenins chosen successor Trotsky was a kike. Nobody really knows how Stalin felt about the Jews. There were estimates in the 1980's that up to 30% of his purge victims were Jews, but he did other things such as clear them out land like you mention and also evacuated a shitload of them from the west.
If you scrap the ethnonationalism bullshit then yes.
Any white person is entitled to live in any white country as if they were born there.
Even better if we make a European State and sleep away every other culture on the world with our might.
Hitler is a symbol not only for nationalism but also that even socialism (as it was at that time) was able to be a prosperous system given the right conditions. He didn't love me as an Anglo-Celtic mongrel Canadian, he loved his people. Why on earth could I not admire that? Nationalists want their own Hitler perhaps not Hitler himself (unless they're German/Austrian)
National Socialism won 95%+ reunification plebiscites after they abolished democracy. It wasn't destroyed from within.
unlikely. this is rabidly anti-capitalist. they don't know what they support. Sup Forums shits on poor white americans just as easily as they do poor black or brown americans while fellating job creators and lauding tax breaks for people who don't need them.
So instead of Fapping to blacked, they create blacked?
Most people are lolbarts before they go full 1488
no, but you are, faggot
All of the shills, all (((ngos))) all (((charity workers))) all (((congressman))) all (((state employees))) anyone who is terminally (((bluepilled)))
There won't be rolm, resource-wise, in tue future for all of these undesirables whom have been trying to exterminate our race, the race whom made civilization.
Explain why they push degeneracy and race mixing through porn. Tv shows and movies, and push for mass 3rd world immigration when Israel refuses it?
>his son married a jew
Which one? The one he let die in a camp or some other poor child he gave no shits about?
Marx? A jew sure, but one raised lutheran who had forsaken both identifies to strive to become an English gentlemen, becoming in the end nothing.
Evolutionary pressure on high intelligence, also culture of literacy, like regular tora readings. But it aplies only to ashkenazim
Americans are the ones that support it, because they are the degenerates that pay for it.
Blum was a socialist, not a communist.
How old is Kushner? 20's-30's? I don't think having a bunch of kids in goverment is helpful.
Sure, maybe they're all smart, as in book-smart, but I really wonder how much WISDOM some kids have when I think About Jared and his YF? I think Mr. Trump is doing what all us older guys do and take everything with a grain of salt when it comes from someone in that age range by default. Us older guys know death better, and tend not to be as ideologically foolish as impulsive youth, and especially liberals.
They are the master race. They are God's Choosen People. Goys were created to serve Jews.