Trump has lawyered up

>Trump has lawyered up

Why would an innocent man need a lawyer?

Other urls found in this thread:

>innocent people have never been railroaded by the (((legal))) system

Knowledge of law

>innocent men shouldn't lawyer up and simply trust the justice system


retard kraut

What is your rationale for suspecting the guilt of anyone who lawyers up, and did it not occur to you that maybe hiring someone who's gone through law school could be of benefit, especially if he plans on counter plaintiff motion for libel?


I would never talk to any government official without legal counsel

A perfect bubble you trump shills have erected for yourselves. Anything that goes against Trump is FAKE. If he goes down for an illegality you will say he was the victim of wrongful persecution. He will always win and can do no wrong in your eyes. Many such cases. Sad!

Why would someone with nearly 50% of the country reaching for any possible reason (and inventing reasons at random) to attack and fire possibly need help maintaining his rights???????

What a kidder.

This will not end like you think, at all

Because without a lawyer anyone can get fucked.

It's not even an option to not lawyer up in US, unless you're a dumb nigger.

>Why would an innocent man need a lawyer?
This is the single greatest fallacy in the legal system, and they use it to fuck people over all the time.

>If you have done nothing wrong, why do you mind if I violate your privacy?

Are you starting to see the problem?

It's not that he can do no wrong. It's that it is very clear the mainstream media have no objective other than to fling countless lobs of (((scandals))) at him, with no motive for actually telling the truth. They just want to rile their democratic base for 2018.

>Why would an innocent man need a lawyer?

This is such a common and yet misguided opinion. I can tell you that, especially in cases with federal agents such as the FBI, you should always lawyer up ESPECIALLY if you're innocent. The amount of "gotcha" that they play is mind boggling to the point where you actually question if the agents even care if you're really guilty.

Keep in mind, this is an agency that proves it's budget is a value to America by producing results. They don't get credit for crimes averted by fear of being caught or other risk assessment, they get credit for investigations that convert to prosecutions and convictions. So they are essentially a machine for putting up big numbers, and in their view, if they don't put up those numbers than their budgets get cut and only then is the hypothetical possibility of protecting the innocent every brought into question. At the individual case level, they genuinely DON'T care.

>tfw Trump is going to start suing people

Why would a race that makes up 13% of the population be responsible for 50% of crimes?

Would an innocent man need rights???













Americucks, why don't you vote in someone who is not fucking bat shit crazy?!!

There were plenty of other conservative candidates, why this idiot, I will never understand. You are ruining a unique change to pass conservative legislation with this fucking baboon throwing around feces in the white house fuck

I have not thought of an end to all of this. What do you know Jose?

this guy is right. if you thought arguing with jews and shills was bad, just wait until you're in court arguing with a jewish prosecutor.
to protect yourself you must adopt their tactics. deny everything.

>why would an innocent man need a lawyer?
So he doesn't get fucking railroaded.

Trump is a dead man walking

how can you be this deluded.
partly you are right, but they don't do it because of an agenda, trump seriously is the worst president ever, the media isn't fabricating anything because trump is such a retard they don't even have to.
black-white thinking is very common in the US, if you are against trump you have to be a clinton voter ...

Politico says.....


>other conservative candidates

Neo-cons and cucks, are nowhere near the same thing as Trump.

Why would an innocent man need a lawyer?

Are you fucking retarded, OP?

And someone disapproved of by 90% of the federal bureaucracy and 98% of the population of Washington, D.C.

>Trump held a meeting with his legal teem


>but they don't do it because of an agenda, trump seriously is the worst president ever, the media isn't fabricating anything


so the mainstream meediuhs purpose is to fight trump and get the left riled up for 2018. you dont realize how delusional that sounds? isnt it easier to believe the media simply cares about generating money and couldnt give a fuck who is president? you really believe the media is conspiring to take down trump? how does reporting an events happening around trump equal trying to take him down? how can the media lob scandals? do you mean theyre making up scandals? what the hell are you saying?

you are not capable of understanding this: i never said that media doesn't have an agenda, but in this case it isn't even necessary, they just have to report what this orange retard is doing.

>The Importance of Maintaining Cover––No Matter What
>Even when the traveler does everything right, the best protection during secondary screening is to be well-prepared with a cover story, according to an experienced CIA traveler. In one incident during transit of a European airport in the early morning, security officials selected a CIA officer for secondary screening. Although the officials gave no reason, overly casual dress inconsistent with being a diplomatic-passport holder may have prompted the referral.
>When officials swiped the officer’s bag for traces of explosives, it tested positive, despite the officer’s extensive precautions. In response to questioning, the CIA officer gave the cover story that he had been in counter terrorism training in Washington, DC. Although language difficulties led the local security officials to conclude that the traveler was being evasive and had trained in a terrorist camp, the CIA officer consistently maintained his cover story. Eventually, the security officials allowed him to rebook his flight and continue on his way.

pick a story and STICK TO IT

A retard like Jeb Bush would have been able to do more than the current cuck simply because he had the backing of the conservative party.



>you really believe the media is conspiring to take down trump?

How can you honestly have existed in this country for the past year and not see this? If you can't, I really can't help you. We could call each other delusional, but I don't think it will get us anywhere.

Lawyers can fuck their clients over sometimes too.

>as if a billionaire who just became president wouldn't have a legal team
Sage this faggot ass thread

"An unnamed...."

What a surprise.

How do you know my name?

Did anyone read the thing?
It basically says he met with the official legal team at the White House and discussed how they are required to handle the inquiry. Shut like record keeping and interaction with the investigative team. And trumps long time lawyer was their to break it down Barney style for Trump. Has nothing to do with a defense. Has to do with obeying the law and regulations regarding the inquiry. Clickbait title is clickbait.

Is Trump in control of US military anymore?
Or was his promise of noninterventionist foreign policy a lie all along?

I watched the news channels leading up to the election. They gave trump non stop coverage, even pointing cameras at an empty podium, they reported on his gaffes and looked into his background. Trump is a goofy character, hes said goofy shit in the past, this got reported. How is reporting of his actions "taking him down"? "Taking down" to me means making shit up. Is that what "taking down" means to you?

>Is Trump in control

Nope, and I didn't even read the rest of the question.

>A Harvard study has documented the mainstream media’s blatant anti-Trump bias and found that while the President dominated news coverage in his first 100 days, that coverage was almost entirely negative — with 93 percent of CNN and NBC’s Trump coverage critical of the new president.

>1 post by this id


do you call it "negative" reporting when the news reports something goofy trump did?
heres the news channels right now.

CNN: Trump told Russians that Comey was "nut job"

MSNBC: White House official targeted in Russia probe

Fox News: Anthony Weiner

should, they not report trump news? is the reporting negative? should they cover only weiner right now? what is negative reporting?

Trump is going to be impeached. Mark my word.

You'd have to be a (((jewbox))) brainwashed idiot not to have a lawyer for anything.

If you are innocent that's when you most need a lawyer

trump is no neocon, he just is a rich retard that has no plan for the future.

>best prusideent ever

You could read the study instead of asking stupid questions.

Why would you not lawyer up when freaks are out to take you down?

Yeah he will get impeached, but he won't be removed. Can't wait to see your reaction

Why do retards still claim Russians hacked the election for Trump when it was Hillary that had the illegal votes?

>Why would an innocent man need a lawyer?
This sounds like some shit I would hear a detective say on TV lol

>impeached by a largely republican senate

Even the neocons wouldn't impeach trump, not when election time is rolling around next year

>Why would an innocent man need a lawyer?

I take it you've never been in "legal trouble" when you didn't do anything wrong.

I was dating a guy who had some nutjob student with a crush on him. He denied her advances. In retaliation, she came forward with a sob story claiming he had touched her inappropriately and said nasty pervy things into her innocent little 15-year old ears. They had never spent time alone in the school. They had never met outside of the school. They did not communicate on social media. Not even phone numbers exchanged. NOTHING. And, yet, so many around us had practically convicted him of rape. And she actually had him SERVED. Her parents had totally bought this story.

So because he was not guilty, he needed no attorney? Is that what you're saying? Just waltz on into court all by himself? Bull SHIT! He lawyered up!

The fun ending to this story is where I used a backdoor entrance to get pictures she had uploaded to the internet as "private" (they are not if you know how to find them) and provided his attorney a nice collection of her underage drinking, her posing in basically nothing, her dry humping a guy at a party (and worse), her making out with girls, etc. It was pure degeneracy. Also got my hands on some dirty messages she was sending. Shortly after his attorney shared with her attorney what we were packing, everything dropped like magic, no day in court, and her parents shipped her off to some sort of private reform school.

You'd better fucking believe if he hadn't lawyered up, that all might have turned out very different.

is this a joke or are you serious? even in germany there was constant trump bashing. everything he did was literaly a hitler move even if obama did the same exact things.

Not for McCain and Graham. They will be there for the next six years.

Trump was a fucking moron for endorsing them.

It's all painted in a negative light. Imagine if Trump stuttered 'if' fifty times in a row like a robot, the media would claim he has alzheimers. It's called creating a glass narrative so they can out him. AND IT ISNT GOING TO HAPPEN! The leakers will be prosecuted, traitors will be hanged and the media will be sued along with new laws being enacted to restore credibility to the national media apparatus.

>Why would an innocent man need a lawyer?
I'm a solicitor, I used to work in police stations advising suspects. That's exactly what the police used to say to people (along with telling them that it would take ages to get a lawyer etc), usually before stitching them up.

dont be an asshole. I want your interpretation of "negative news"

>Negative stories include stories where the actor is criticized directly.

so no criticism of it

>Negative stories also consist of stories where an event, trend, or development reflects unfavorably on the actor.
>Although journalists are accused of having a liberal bias, their real bias is a preference for the negative.

its like the news would rather print a negative than suck the dick of the president

is that why FOX news and BRIETBART are so loved here?

>trump seriously is the worst president ever, the media isn't fabricating anything because trump is such a retard they don't even have to.
>black-white thinking is very common in the US

Kinda like "If I don't agree with his politics, then he's GOTTA be dumb"? You almost forget this guy scored almost 2200 out of 2400 on his SAT and went to Fordham which makes Harvard grads jealous... He's the 45th president in American history, and worth a few billion, and yet it's so easy that the chinese are currently working on automating the process!

To answer that question, I went to my Caucus and voted for Ben Carson. After watching the treatment Ted, and Donald was getting. I knew Trump was the right one to WIN. That media onslaught was the worst I have ever seen in my life. Ben Carson was to nice. And, I didn't want some establishment shill. Picking a complete outsider, I expected problems for the first 3-9 months. McCain is the perfect example. Been in Congress longer than I have been alive. Inclined to feel entitled in such a way that Newpublicans should be his bitch instead of the other way around. We don't need any more of these old fuckers and we need to kick them to the curb. Donald is the perfect message to the establishment.

its like when the media counted all the times obama said "i" in a speech. or when they reported that he liked arugula on a salad or mustard on his burgers. or when they kept saying he was kenyan or that he hated white people or that michelle was a man. thats negative right?

user, common sense and every empirical study of the news shows that they're biased against and unusually fixated on Trump. I'm sure this is out out some "journalistic duty" and not petty revenge because 98% of journalists voted against Trump.

What we're seeing is the mainstream media turning into the liberal equivalent of Infowars during the Obama administration. Over dramatic, chicken-little bullshit 24/7.

Trump isn't stupid, he's the opposite of stupid. He's diputs.

Archive link:

why can i not reply

He played the game to get the entire base on board which was the only way he could win. We didn't play our part by kicking our cocksuckers out of office

thats the problem with news channels. they need to fill 24 hours of the each day with news and things like two scoops gets time on air. 24 hours news shows were meant for things like 9/11 and now were stuck with time filling bullshit. theyre fixated on trump because hes a character. a total new york type character who speaks unlike a past president. his actions as the most powerful man in the world will get coverage and when he fucks up or says something stupid it will get coverage. the news orggs are in it for the money and because negative coverage garners more views/clicks. they could go the fox route and dick suck the president all day but that gets boring and that marker is already covered.

This is not true

Are you saying the first lady low key being a man is negative? Just leave you nazi shitlord

Eat a dick faggot

You obviously didn't read the article. Negative news even on Fox about Trump is twice as prevalent as negative news was about Obama during his first 100 days.

Believe it or not, there is an entitled class of journalists and politicians within the beltway who don't like outsiders that challenge their power.

Because if you keep the focus on Trump it makes it really hard to investigate voter fraud in Miami, Detroit, New York and California

>Why would an innocent man need a lawyer?
What even are you ?

oh the funny "reverse anger" meme. cool

trump having two scoops is BADDDD dont look over here look at the two scoopssss

Trump won Michigan. Detroit is a moot point. That win shocked the hell out of me.

>Why would an innocent man need a lawyer?
Are you trying to undermine the justice system?

This. I mean, if your man is on top then it's a pretty strong strategy, but since Trump is getting railroaded it's become pretty sad to watch.

What's your favorite subreddit?

>legal teem

neads grammerly

any action can be spun negatively or positively depending on how cunning you are. news orgs know that you can suck trumps dick all day and have a large audience or criticize his every action and also have a large audience. to think that the owners of the news channels/papers are out to get trump is delusional. they only care about revenue.

oh the "go back to feggit" meme. thats the first time ive seen that on Sup Forums

What happens to Trump does not matter in the long run, neither does what he REALLY believes.
What liberals have correctly identified is that what draws Trumps voters is the rising realisation amongst whites that they are part of the white race and that they want political leadership that in favour of whites, even if that means that it'll be at the expense of all other races.
Putin is attacked by the same media because he is a manifestation of the same principle in Russia, whose population is according to studies about 50% are Antisemitic in their tendencies and don't want any other races the right to immigrate.
So even though the country has been for about 500 years at a stable 10-15% Muslims, these Muslims are to this day are whites.
Again, it doesn't matter here what Putin himself believes and why he does what he does, the main thing is that he doesn't allow the racial demographics to change like other Europeans.
No matter what happens, impeach Trump, or get rid of Putin, the masses will eventually become Nationalist on a purely racial basis and that's why they fight these figures.
I have no doubt that many jews and liberals try to discredit these movements on this board as controlled by the jews or anti-white, and they might even have a point in some specific areas, the tendency where all of this leads i clear though.

First Nationalism -> Nationalism on racial basis (or white supremacy) -> Antisemitism -> expulsion of all jews and non whites.

They try hard to fight it but it is already impossible to stop this process. The only thing they can hope to control now is how brutal this process will be towards immigrants and other elements of society like the jews.

Spam all you want, but if I were you I wouldn't be too public about your hatred of whites and white nationalists, because the writings are on the wall that there will be some kind of violent eruption.

I was surprised as well but thought after that the dems poising children might have had something to do with it. Yes it was a Democrat scandal.

Also, Rustbelt, no job prospect and Hilary did nothing to give confidence to blue collar workers. Was still surprised but I guess some people are waking up to Democratic mismanagement.

>he is a manifestation of the same principle in Russia

Uh huh.

Yeah, there's no political motivation at all. That's why large conglomerates own the news organizations, because they're financial powerhouses, not because it helps them control the narrative.

Jeff Bezos bought the failing Washington Post and spends tens of millions of dollars to keep it in operation because he's just a good guy. He would never abuse the power it welds.

All these journalists got caught colluding with the Clinton campaign and were promptly fired because the news organizations care deeply about integrity and reporting the news fairly..

Are you going to answer the question or not?

U mean the convoy heading for a US FOB that was warned 3 times to fuck off and didn't and got btfo?

You see that alot because you stick out like a sore thumb. Lurk moar before you post, redditfag.


fuck off shilling your blog fgt. i know you'll bait a bunch of leddit fags that can't read more than one sentence before flying into a tizzy of posting and upboating but take this shit elsewhere.

>Why would an innocent man need a lawyer?
Are you really this retarded?

>The amount of "gotcha" that they play is mind boggling to the point where you actually question if the agents even care if you're really guilty.

They literally make up conspiracy theories about you.

hahahahahaha you posted a flashing picture, oh fuck i can totally imagine you thinking "how can i hurt this guy" and posting a picture with flashing colors. what a fucking retard.

>low level journalist
>multinational multimillionaire news org owners

pick one

>I have no doubt that many jews and liberals try to discredit these movements on this board as controlled by the jews or anti-white, and they might even have a point in some specific areas, the tendency where all of this leads i clear though

I do not care about Putin the man, he keeps Russia white. Muslims on these territories for more than 1000 years and that will not change.

The expulsion of non whites will come eventually everywhere in the West when it becomes sufficiently clear to the majority that these people cannot coexist with whites in a successful nation.

These ideologies all fail eventually and then there's blowback. It didn't matter that Russia lost 100 million people to this ideology in the last century, just as it will not matter that we have an will have many losses in the West.
The day of the rope will come and whites will win, like we always did.

Innocent men need lawyers more than anyone tardnut.