Why aren't you a radical environmentalist? Do you care more about (((corporate profits))) than the future of the planet?
Why aren't you a radical environmentalist? Do you care more about (((corporate profits))) than the future of the planet?
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>Do you care more about (((corporate profits))) than the future of the planet?
Yes. There's nothing wrong with the Jews.
So you're happy for the end of human existence as long as some jews make a quick buck now? Is that you shlomo?
But I am
Good lad.
This is the first time I've been impressed on this board in I literally can't remember when.
I wish more people understood this
Redpills are healing
Seriously, being as self sufficint as possible and as such more indipendent is the most redpill thing to do. Also strengthen the community and agriculture is the backbone of civilization itself
I couldn't agree more desu. I've noticed a primitivist strand in Sup Forums but it's by no means dominant, I think we need to be a bit more vocal.
Hitler was an environmentalist, and rightly so, but I don't rub shoulders with Lefty faggots like the Greens.
Good thread
Corporate bootlickers are cancer. We only have one planet, and its beauty is worth more than any amount of money.
I am currently renting, but my family is looking at buying a house soon.
I will plant a food forest
complete with an Aquaponics cycle, solar panels, wind turbines, and maybe some hydroelectric generators to offset power use on the aquacycle. I'll also be collecting rainwater for use.
I intend to be as self-sufficient as possible ,as eco-friendly as possible, and as healthy as possible.
There is nothing more redpilled.
Also, anyone here growing Spirulina?
It's 100% required to be Ironpilled.
Careful. If we post to much Greenery/Enviornment/Gardening/Selfimprovement threads they always get deleted or moved by janitos or butt hurt mods.
Don't overdo it or we might get booted out permanently. Same with the architecture threads. Not to many so noone fag with power gets anoyed
wait... do you care about humans or the planet? which is it?
I'm unironically seriously considering joining the Greens in my country, who are just as memeworthy. I think it might be a case of redpilling them from the inside. They need to see that mass immigration cannot possibly co-incide with a sustainable way of life. The traditionalist/primitvist strand needs to be represented in this movement to take it back from the identity politics morons.
Good lads.
This is too broad a question to give an honest answer or take a side. They seem to be unrelated issues.
This whole hatred of capitalism is fucking ridiculous, not every corporation is controlled by the Jews, sometimes I think it's a shill attempt. I can understand if we have protected forests, but to be honest, these shills are just fucking annoying retards. Trees can't feel shit and sometimes I get tempted to just chop down trees to piss off these environmentalists; I did it once in my local forest and the local environmentalists started freaking out and called for an investigation.
is there a board specifically for gardening?
I think we need one.
Alternatively, just a /RLG/ "Redpilled Living General" would be a cool thread.
I want humans to live in co-existence with the planet, so that both are able to thrive in a sustainable way.
Humans need a healthy, non-polluted planet to survive, you sub moron. You want everywhere on Earth to look like Beijing?
Human beings are a plague to the planet. Destroying it is our nature.
I stopped eating beef because of its effects on the climate. I stopped using that beady soap too. What else. Umm. I'm considering going vegan.
I'm also a WN fascist who thinks the environment must be protected by the state kek
Fuck Jews
>tfw all vegans are bleeding heart faggot kikes
>Do you care more about the future of the planet?
nope none at all
it is still in working order while im alive
what ever happens to it after im dead, is not my problem
Never knew so many people shared a set of values with me. I thought I was just politically inconsistent and weird.
There's always the homegrown general on /out/, but I stay here on purpose to spread the green pill under people that need it
I am torn between wanting all non-whites obliterated, all humans in general obliterated, and all life as a whole obliterated. Nature is cruel, but humans have a really bad habit of perverting it to the point of absurdity. We don't deserve this wonderful rock we live on, but at the same time, all life itself creates misery, so why should anything live?
found the nigger scum who can't think ahead for shit
there's a reason your people never created the wheel
>Why aren't you a radical environmentalist
I am and Iwas a trump fan until 2 months ago
I obviously don't really think it's the case that there are some jews at the top deliberately pulling the strings and destroying the world while they pocket all the money. The capitalist system is at fault because it still puts profit before ethics unless it is forced not to. Just look at how the global food industry has been corporatised to such an extent that a small number of companies control the vast majority of the production of a single crop or food source. This then turns into an industrial process whereby we push for greater efficiency at the cost of everything else, and that has led to a completely unsustainable system. It's the tragedy of the commons played out again and again and again.
I actually agree desu, which is why a few enlightened geniuses like me need to run the show and force humans to change their ways whether they want to or not. They won't do it until you force them to, but once you do, they'll adapt and they'll be fine with it.
Don't go vegan. For that matter don't even go vegetarian. Eat less meat, but buy high quality meat from your local farmer to support his way of raising livestock instead of doing noting and letting gigant cattlefarms win by default because of their cheap shit. Act responsible and local. Also it is always good to grow your food, at least some of it yourself.
I don't think people on the right tend to group together as much
Like whenever the left is upset about any minor thing they organize a retarded march that accomplishes nothing
I think we don't see other right-wing environmentalists because they don't feel the need to organize and announce it like they're some ultra-virtuous paragon of excellence
but now I'm just pontificating about my bullshit theory
>all life itself creates misery, so why should anything live?
But the beauty of life overwhelms the moments of misery we all face. Existing is better than not existing, with misery sprinkled in or without.
Just a reminder that Nazis were environmentalists
The issue is that misery isn't sprinkled in, it's the rule. For every moment of happiness a living thing enjoys, another living thing experiences far greater agony. There's a deficit of joy compared to suffering.
true, that shit is a lot of work though, especially if your neighbors are all fucking spics that can't speak English or lazy niggers that you can't enslave and whip anymore. i grow all of my herbs and tomatoes though. other produce i buy from farmers markets, and I also have a meat guy. the only thing I buy from the store is breakfast cereal and other staples like tp.
I don't think capitalism is at fault by default. Coporate capitalism is the cause because instead of many small local buissinesses tht act from and for the community we have giant globe spanning megacorps that are working on buying all the water in africa.
Just a matter of regulations
Environmentalism should be the final redpill, but it has been coopted by its own set of corporate fuckery that uses it as an excuse to push another form of agenda by shifting blame.
Self-sufficience, short consumption networks and smaller communities should be the way to go.
Also, home grown fruits are so fucking good, I can't eat industrially farmed tomatoes or apples anymore.
Support your local farmers, grow what you can, live in a smaller town away from pollution sources that will get you hooked on (((medications))), be more independant that way you won't depend too much on the (((agro-alimentary industry))) (Monsento-bashing is getting boring at this point but seriously, these corps are the jewiest of them all. Look at some of the shit american food companies tried to push through TPP or TAFTA, it's dystopian at best) and other shit like that.
i am a passionate nationalist but i am an environmentalist
i get so fucking triggered seeing poor animals cooped in a small cage. liberals cry about it too but they dont do shit about the population "lets import them here so they can breed" fucking hell we need a plague to wipe out 3/4 of the planet
Well, you can certainly see where they marched
I can get on board with this. I wish people looked into what their meat did to the environment and how it was killed. I'm not sure if I'm going vegan or not - if I do it'll probably be "vegan-ish" because I enjoy hunting and fishing.
I've been hunting since I was a kid and I've been chastised by meat eaters on numerous occasions for "cruelty." They have no idea that the bacon they're eating came from a pig that was raised in abjectly miserable environments and was more than likely beaten and killed heinously. Let alone the health consequences of eating a pig raise in such an environment that it needs to be pumped with antibiotics.
When I take a shot at a wild boar it drops almost instantly, it lived a full and happy life, and the meat is delicious.
I've always had this idea that there should be laws that essentially squelch the mass-production of meat a la factory farm - it would reduce efficiency by incalculable amounts to make sure that livestock has adequate space, living conditions, and ethical treatment, but it would cut back on emissions like crazy, plus meat prices go up.
My only issue here is that, when I think about it, I think a sort of paradigm-changing law like that could potentially negatively effect the poor quite a bit.
>all that shit used for nothing that won't even get recycled
I always envied you for the Provene and your country in general because you get a bit more sunlight. You have beutiful rural areas with nice people there
There's nothing wrong with capitalism per se, agreed, it's a matter of imposing far far stricter regulations. Capitalism encourages corporations to make the highest profits they can within the confines of the system. Sometimes they break the rules (and should, but aren't always, be punished for that), but most of them play along and make their profit. I think it's a case of changing the landscape so it's no longer possible for the corporations to make their profits through businesses which destroy the world. We just need to make it illegal, and capitalism can continue to flourish in areas that are less destructive.
Agree 100%. The problem for me had always been the fact that locally-sourced produce is typically much more expensive (and also pretty much impossible to find where I am now, in London). But unless people start to pay more for sustainably-sourced produce, then the unsustainable practices will continue. I've started to change my own buying practices to reflect this, although I still have some way to go.
You might like to check out the idea of "municipalism" by murray bookchin, it's pretty much exactly what you described
So here is a paradox, humans reproduce more when they feel happy and are stress free.
There also are large population booms after wars.
The uneducated will continue to reproduce because it is easy fulfilling the biological imperative of human biology.
The only way to escape the cycle of ecocide is by reducing the population drastically and education the millions of survivors.
Gas the cats, species war now!
I care more about my job opportunities which are heavily dependent on fossil fuels and ravaging the planets resources. Why should I pay for your fairy dust delusions?
I never asked to be part of this planet either all of its bullshit so tell me why I should care or even do anything than what I want again?
I don't see any paradox in this but I defenitly agree that there are way too much humans. It would be best if everyone could live in a townish sized environment. Then we'd also have enough resources for everyone to be happy and educated
>They need to see that mass immigration cannot possibly co-incide with a sustainable way of life.
Naive endeavor. I mean I respect the intention but you have to remember that those people are the way they are not because of some intellectual reason, but because it's what their intuition and feelings tell them to do. To be a conservative and an environmentalist is to rail against the orthodoxy and examine the arguments in a detached way - this is something the Greens never had to do. Their ideology is set by their base emotion.
I dunno, maybe I've become a cynic. I've tried redpilling lots of different groups in my day and it is near impossible. There are only a few individuals at any given time in any given group that actually find it valuable to have their ideas challenged.
What are you working as? There are most of the times ways to reduce harmful pollution, but if you don't see the benefit in that I think I can't help you.
Because you're evolutionarily tied to every living thing here you egotistical jackass. If you can't feel any connection to or tranquility in the broader environment around you then you're probably a nigger for whom life is a simple series of actions, reactions, and occurrences. You've never found enjoyment in a forest, on a hike, on a fishing trip, etc.? Doubtful, but you're a leaf so who knows.
The problems with "green" parties is that they mostly consist of people born, raised and living in cities. They might have the feeling they are doing the right thing and feel great for an afternoon when they take a train past a poppy field, but in the end they have not a great deal of knowledge about nature or what to do with it. Also, since they are city people, these parties also get quickly overun by leftists shit so their once green intentions are quickly only a fragment
>tfw anons are becoming ecologically woke
Because, as a boomer with around 20 years left to live, I don't really give a fuck.
You kids are so smart, you
ll figure it out, or not.
How do I build raised beds in my garden?
Are raised gardens even worth having?
Will boomerposting always be so stereotypical? I wish you fuckers would die already
I don't expect to be particularly successful with the crowd who aren't willing to listen, but I think I could convince some. Lots of debates fall flat because people on both sides resort to emotional arguments and then walk away. I think I could do that by just sticking purely to facts and logic and framing the immigration debate within the sustainability agenda. It also probably helps that I genuinely have no problem with immigrants and think the vast majority of them are probably very nice people (muzzies are obviously a bit problematic, but I think that's a semi-legitimate response to the west's illegal wars in the middle east). It should just be obvious to anyone who genuinely cares about sustainability that it is never possible with an open-door immigration policy.
>implying Im not
I planted shit load of saplings last year
Lol. There's still kew in london and the australian plantbank here tho.
I'm not a """"radical"""" environmentalist, but I definitely am an environmentalist. There's a fine balance to be found between humans dominating the planet and living in harmony with nature.
I did and enjoyed everything you mentioned but it still doesn't answer my question. Why should I because some feel so? Let them do it.
I won't deny myself the pleasure to drive a V8 vehicle for example and spend my free time at the beach collecting plastic, syringes and used condoms when we can use niggers and prisoners for that
Why I should live with that in my mind? As I said, never asked to
True, it's an interesting thing I also noticed when visiting urban dwellers vs rural people. Rural people typically viewed as right-wing idiots, and while it's true that they're more conservative, they're far more in tune with and respectful of nature, and far more likely to be self-sufficient and not buy so much into the capitalist system.
I hate jews so that compasses every other worthwhile activism cause
Worth it if the soil in your backtard is shit or contaminated. If not just fertilise it and plant directly.
What species did you plant and in what kind of areas? I do revegetation in bushland here sometimes, planted lots of eucalyptus tereticornis and eucalyptus moluccana recently.
It's usually best to work on improving the local soil with a permaculture composition, unless you are doing more intensive vegetable cultivation.
>the sustainability agenda
Greens are communists. Pure and simple. They don't care about ecology, it's a tool to gain power over the masses, and institute the rule of an aristocrat party in its walled gardens.
Having worked extensively on sustainability initiatives that sought material return on investment, I know this to be true.
>humans dominating the planet
Nature inherently produces apex predators. 'Environmentalists' who ignore evolution are simply fools. Again, they don't care about the ecological SYSTEM, only preserving the illusion of it.
Same here. It's pretty stupid to not care about the environment and allow regulations to be dropped. I'd rather not have China tier air quality.
>I won't deny myself the pleasure to drive a V8 vehicle for example and spend my free time at the beach collecting plastic, syringes and used condoms when we can use niggers and prisoners for that
So? Pitching in doesn't require that you change your lifestyle amigo. I still drive a big ass V8 and a motorcycle to boot and I've still made changes. They don't have to be drastic like cutting out meat, just turn off the fucking lights or something. And picking up plastic for 30 minutes every weekend wouldn't god damn kill you.
Nature also produces viruses and populations that wipe themselves out because they destroy the basis of their existence. The domination mindset has fucked up us, we need to change to stewardship and co-existence.
>stewardship and co-existence
There is no such thing without dominance. It is through the safety that control grants that humanity is afforded the LUXURY of choice.
Without continued evolution, a virus will come along and wipe the species out. You won't even see it coming. Nature, real nature, is always after your stuff. Working in ecological remediation, you see exactly how malicious even plants are: trees actively slaughter grass allelopathically.
Sustainability and control are not mutually exclusive. It's only the insane greens who don't understand how even ants use aphid cattle, "devil's gardens", etc. Nature includes reciprocal predation.
It's way too late for that. There are too many people and there are too many idiots. The system will not change. It will continue to grow and devour until it reaches the tipping point and everything starts falling down. Desertification, peak phosphorus, China and India at war for water, half of africa fleeing to Europe. All that will happen, maybe even stil in our lifetime.
Because of that it is so important that small enclaves of sanity and sustainable, sensible management emerge and try to survive the shtf scenario we are probably going to witness.
I am doing my part.
>tfw your country is so crowded it's nearly impossible to get off the (((grid))) properly
>framing the immigration debate within the sustainability agenda.
Also there is a party for sustainability minus the Marxism in Aus.
I agree with so many things on Sup Forums but I have no idea why being environmentally-conscious isn't part of the redpill...
Taking care of the Earth is the same as taking care of one's race. Nature has given us all of this and all people civilized should care. There actually dumbfucks around here who want China-tier air quality/destroyed ecosystems only because of money, how pathetic.
What is money going to do when your lands are destroyed anyway?
>Greens are communists
What are you basing that on? In our countries at least, they've never even had a sniff at power. I do think this is one area where we need absolute state control though - left to their own devices, humans will continue to overfarm, overfish, pollute, etc.
I also work in sustainability, in the field of construction/renovation, and have also noticed that businesses are only interested if return on investment is guaranteed. The argument is framed in terms of energy savings, and sometimes around the building occupants' health, which costs the building owners money (through sick days, low productivity, etc). The argument is good and valid, but the premium on green construction is still high, and that puts a lot of clients off - it's still very much a luxury that the richer clients can afford when they want to show off. That's why I think it should be a statutory requirement for all new builds rather than an optional certification - and the government would probably have to subsidise that.
Will not happen. This is a media scare tactic that has no basis in reality.
Desert formation is purely a water balance issue. No, 'global warming' doesn't cause it. Remember, deserts are very cold at night with no vegetation to trap heat.
Present agronomic predictions are that global warming and CO2 fertilization will cause mass greening, leading to a more jungle-prone environment, similar to the carboniferous rainforest era.
Before agriculture and animal husbandry there were only a few million humans. A virus can't wipe out Greenland, Madagascar and Tahiti at the same time without a massive interconnected sedentary globalist humanity.
Civilisation itself is also what causes the acceleration of viral evolution.
>that businesses are only interested if return on investment is guaranteed
In the UK, they well should be. You've got subsides for heating empty buildings with American wood pellets, and mass capital drain-out to non-producing solar-plants in Africa.
>where we need absolute state control
This is exactly the rationale used to direct cronyist tax funds to empty-house activists and ramp pocketed emissions taxes: Just look at California. The only desert forming there will be economic.
Greens have a massive propaganda and protection racket in America, through producing bad publicity for innocent companies. You should see how Greenpeace targets Canadian forestry: an industry which is almost completely neutral on tree growing/cutting.
They use "environmentalism" for votes for tax money and that's all. They don't know how ecosystems work worth a shit.
Yes, actually yes I do
Interesting, making my way through it now. Was this on mainstream TV? What was the reaction?
I would like to refute yuor not desertification claim better, but it's getting late and this will be my last post. Deserts are created by the loss of the top soil. Through over extensive grasing of cattle or giant monocultures that leave a field barren for a longer time after harvest sun and wind erode the humous and nutriental L,O and A horizon. Any grain size smaller then sand gets blown away. Over longer periods of time this causes a lack of plant cover by its own and we have a loop that cannot be stopped naturally. Just because it is cold at night does not mean that water would be taken into the ground. If it rains it usually either flows over the ground causing mud flows or getting suck into the ground so fast that no plant could benefit.
Just look at the middle east which was the cradle of agriculture, but though mismanagement became the desert shitland we know today. Same with Chinas loess plateu. The yelow river got its name from all the valuable substrate getting washed away forever.
I hope I still could more or less explain it though I'm getting tired now. Good night.
I work in nature every day and i disagree with that characterisation. I see co-operation and co-dependence far more than violence. Here every tree gives sugar to fungi in return for nitrates. They also connect their roots and feed each other if necessary. Insects get rewarded for pollinating. Etc etc
True casuarinaceae do that chemical poisoning thing, but it supresses weeds and their seeds are food for cockatoos.
Of course we're not going relinquish material control, but the mindset that nature only exists as means for our ends which we can exploit and dominate indefinitely without repercussion has put us in our current situation.
Nature also includes symbiosis and coevolution.
I don't know enough about the Green movement in North America (or UK, for that matter) to say if that's true or not. I've got no reason to believe you're lying, but I don't think that past failings are necessarily a reason to discount 'mainstream' Green offerings - we all know they're full of dickheads already, it should be our job to reform them and push the environmental case seriously.
>Deserts are created by the loss of the top soil.
No, they aren't. You can strip topsoil in a monsoon band all you fucking want, it won't desertify.
It happened in the American 30s with overgrazing because the grass was holding moisture. If they irrigated concurrently, it wouldn't have happened. Deserts are pure moisture balance, and it's really simple ecology.
I.E. Why you don't call the middle of the Atlantic a "desert".
Are you serious????
All of north africa was fertile ultil the roman empire when unsustainable farming practices eroded all the soil.
All of Australia was a literal rainforest until abos burnt it and killed all the megafauna which helped systain it.
The sahara is expanding by meters every year, and so is the gobi, causing people to flee.
Deforestation = desertification.
my property has over 200 trees on it so i'm doing my part, snowflakes
how about you? or is pic related more similar to your dwelling?
odd that there are no tax credits for people like me
This is now an Uncle Ted thread
user, after a certain point of mismanagement the natural cycle will break. There won't be any good soil left for grass to grow and hold moisture which will in turn make everything worse. I am in no way an expert, but I certainly know more then the average jow about soil
Humanity should be afraid of nature.
The planet doesn't care about me so why should I?
Can't wait to get off this stupid rock and colonise other stupid rocks in space.
1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.
I agee. I don't know what that user is talking about.
>retaining moisture without topsoil
>he says on a computer that harmed the planet both in its manufacture and constant operation
You first.
>Here every tree gives sugar to fungi in return for nitrates.
Yes, trees have ectomycorrhizal symbionts. A popular one is the truffle. Do you know what happens in a truffle grove? There are rings of dead grass around the white oaks, because the truffle fungi, while helping the oak, kills every other fucking plant.
Obviously there is symbiosis in nature. It can work. But only with each having mutual control.
Do you know what happens to ectomycorrhizae when you feed the tree with water soluable phosphates? The tree stops feeding the fungi and they die, because it no longer needs them to solubilize the rock phosphate. Funny, huh? Some of the fungi can even turn pathogenic if they no longer get food, they have much of the same saprotrophic genes: they evolved often from pathogens.
Trees themselves only exist at all because they shade the fuck out of grass, killing it all. That's why they evolved to grow tall in the first place.
>it should be our job to reform them
It should be, but most just comply with the propaganda.
They don't seem to realize that "sustainability" implicitly means "return on investment", not "have a laugh, some good feelings, and go bankrupt".
2. The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down. If it survives, it MAY eventually achieve a low level of physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a long and very painful period of adjustment and only at the cost of permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine. Furthermore, if the system survives, the consequences will be inevitable: There is no way of reforming or modifying the system so as to prevent it from depriving people of dignity and autonomy.