Im in to deep

Sup Forums i need help i may have gotten involved in some shit
>be me bored
>decide to make fake antifa troll page on kikebook.
>post a few stupid posts and some retarded sounding videos.
>the bait works
>a few local antifa queers like the page but people talkimg shit about how they can beat us up.
>have some good laughs.
>this guys messages the page.
Im not sure what to do. I need advice. Should i report him to the feds? Plz help



Judging by the spelling he's 10yrs old

Better call securoty




Somebody report this thread to the FBI to be safe.

>report him to the feds
>the feds are mostly liberal faggots who hate this country
It's like you have no idea where you are or what's even going on anymore


Just say youre black genderqueer and noone understands you. Its that simple


I could do this negros job, it isn't hard to train killers.

>my veteran brothers

Jesus christ they talk like there was a real war in the last 50 years

Freedom of speech does not cover plotting to overthrow the government. You should report this.

>tfw you larp as Che and someone actually offers you their services

OP you dumbass he IS the feds. In other words if you agree to hire him or whatever, you'll be arrested.

do it faggot

and livestream it for us

Army Ranger here ask him what unit he was in, what his favorite gun in the service was, etc I'll help you wade through his bullshit so you can call him out on it.

Op is such a fag he trolled his way into federal prison.

Do you need a DD 214 that backs all your claims? Mine says most of that. MP, CATM instructor, transferred to HUMINT collections, but I got honorable discharge though.

Stop hiding his fucking name OP.
This shirt is gonna backfire on you when he realizes you're trolling him. Gives him one more reason to join those faggots

The SA80 is best gun. :^)

this, just ignore him
Even if it is legit, what then? there's nothing to gain from that guy

FINALLY some kind of happening. I bet 20 (you)s this gets nasty and this thread will be on Fox News

>Mfw the feds are the puppet masters behind both ANTIFA and the NAZIS (spencer tier controlled op nazis)

funny how this took some of you guys so long to figure out

Oh shit, palindromes don't lie!

report to the fbi lol

lol top federal lel amirite? :^)

he's openly ofering his services as a merc in US soil

Normie hours are cancer.
Thia guy is fake as fuck and you're going to jail.

> plotting to overthrow the government

you mean all the media and DNC?

why hide his name?

Yeah, no.

Right, look chaps, if you are the sort of person who governments hire to murder people you don't brag about it to strangers on the internet for forum cred.

This guy is larping. See if you can get this Intelligence Expert to let slip where he lives, or even just the area, eh?

>I need advice
There's always the (slim) chance he's legit, and serious. If this is true, you want him to lose interest on you. Let him know you aren't interested. Trying to fuck him seems like a very bad idea. You'd have to risk too much to get any solid proof, and he's not a guy you want to make an enemy of

video chat him faggot

>wait for videochat to start. loading. pulse pounding. screen flickers to life "HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG REEEEEEEE"

Sup Forums trolling Sup Forums.

Report his ass to the feds.
Or give us his name and those who formerly served with him will give him what he really deserves.

You're being strung along by an FBI CI user.

>Better call securoty


Im blocking his name so antifa shills on here wont scare him off.

This guy is a militia member. He'll try to meet you somewhere and then ambush you at the location.

If you're lucky he's just looking to humiliate you, but you might be getting straight catfucked.

He's going to go Punisher or Dredd on you.

yea that was an undereated post

I do not plan on meeting this guy anywhere. Im taking full precautions. And in honor of antifa i always wear a mask amd glasses while on video

>don't respond
>disappear/dump page

You must stream.
You know, while I still have an internet connection... sad kek. :(

>interviewing retarded mercenaries on facebook for the position of "anti-fascist hitman"

>Even if it is legit, what then? there's nothing to gain from that guy

Quite honestly I'm on the market to learn these skills. Learning things is generally not illegal in my country.

Fucking newfag plebbit cancer, going on about shit you think you know

No. Bad. Bad user. Down.

>A mercenary with the IQ of a carrot.

Don't get me wrong, the spelling points to trolling or someone without the intellect to be much of a merc. I'm just daydreaming about having Solid Snake teach me everything he knows.

This OP. Either you are getting duped by FBI, or being trolled. Anyone contacting you on FB is probably fake or a cop.

>What is a palindrome for $500, newfag?
Go fuck yourself bong

Dude just ask him where they kept the keys to their humvee when deployed
spoiler alert, humvees dont have keys

Only way is to say you can't afford to pay him or you're supusios he's a Fed

That the only way

He said it himself , he doesn't care about agendas and is only a bun for hire

Who has no passion for the revolution has to GTFO

An whom demand money for services is a filthy capitalist pig

>I refused to kill children and non combatants and was summarily discharged for it.

Guy is so full of shit.

here's a free (You). (you)'re going to need them.

2nd this

Send this guy's ass to prison

Almost sure it's some kind of bait but still it's more interesting then 6 gorilions of "who is white" or "why don't atheists eat babies" threads. Have a titties and bump.

I'm friends with OP. I also recommended him to report to feds and include some type of statement which reads something like "this should be enough evidence to have antifa put on terrorist watch list, and give all screenshots with himself as the sock account". Is this not a good idea?

Trolls trolling trolls.

Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling other trolls that think they're trolling but actually being reverse trolled.
yadda yadda can't let him near the ice cream codes



this is a stupid slide thread

if you were actually doing this you wouldn't post about it here on a public hentai enthusiast forum

I remember that movie

This is 2 /ourguys/ talking to each other

Antifa shills trying to cover their friends ass.

hmm slick fuck, ask for his DD-214, where he deployed, when, and in what region. If it shows up that his unit wasnt deployed there at that time you know.

It's real you fucking mong. Scared one of your commie faggot friends is about to get v&d? Get fucked antifa shill faggot

This. And the killing children thing, it's something from a Hollywood movie

So he's reading this. Almost as if this is some kind of public board.

Sounds like one of those fbi agitators, he'll ask you to do illegal things and arrest you if you let him be friend you

Well I bet 20 (you)s that he's an undercover cop


This is the correct answer

Have a (you), my

Just git him before he gits you, simple.

You're being trolled, dumbass. Nobody "trained by the military to gather intelligence" has the writing skills of a 10 year old.

He's sure trying.

Maybe you shouldn't LARP as terrorist organizations, retardo OP


Ah, he's a drugged out exmilitary hippie. Nothing to fear here, but report his ass anyway.

>"The fact that when I was on mission I refused to kill children and non combatants and was summarily discharged for it"
Ask him why he would LARP a faggot.

are US cops that illiterate?

A) Kid larping: Doxx
B) FBI agent provocateur: report to FBI
C) Antifa proving you: doxx
D) RWDS trying to fuck you: yell i'm one of yours!
E) Actual merc offering his services: report FBI

I'm between D & E

That's a cop trying to get close to you. Stop larping before you get yourself wrapped up in one of those fed terror ops. Do you really want to come home to a house full of weapons and bomb delivery like Shia in eagle eye?

Dude. No ex-"assualt combat" instructor who worked for militias in Idaho (lol) and worked overseas killing people is going to admit that shit in a message on fucking Facebook. Wake the fuck up. This is a poorly written troll, that the dumbass OP fell for.

Anyone with a TENTH of the training this idiot claims to have wouldn't admit any of this until they're sure they know who they're talking to - let alone some NEET larping as Antifa.

How dumb are you anons, anyway?

Oh, god, just turn Mommy's laptop off and go clean the garage like your mom told you to, kid.

Listen moron.
>Get cops/fbi
>Make sure they know what you're doing
>Let them handle this

>i won't kill kids for the USA even though you can do life in jail but i'll kill in 3rd world communists states happily
spicy larping there lad

Lel that's a provocateur OP.

The Whole point is to get you to say yes and then they raid your ass with SWAT.

Report to FBI now and you did nothing wrong

Dude is an obvious LARPer - people like this don't sell on record through Facebook...

US cops can't spell for shit and they are easy to outwit. But They have really good training, but there's an upper iq limit because smart people tend to leave and waste the states training money

Op belongs in prison for incompetent trolling

Yeah, no, stupid. Smart cops get promoted to detective or into leadership positions.

Fucking kids, trying to pretend they know how things work.

This person is obviously making a lot of things up here or wildly exaggerating certain things. I do not think this person is well in the head. It makes sense because antifa is exactly the kind of organization that would attract types like these.

Congrats OP. You found an FBI infiltrator.

Dude it's Sedona, he might know where the demons and ayy's might really be.

>t. cop with a middling IQ and stuck in a middle mangement position.
Alright, calm down, Sergeant. ;)