Be Greek

>be Greek
>be Olympiacos fan
>come to İSTANBUL for Euroleague Basketball Finals
>visit İstiklal Avenue before the match
>shout "Konstantinopolis"
>The ordinary Turks who are passing by the avenue attacks you
>Get stabbed
>Turkish police prevents lynching
>All of your friends gets hospitalized

Watch the video motherfuckers. These were just ordinary citizens who heared that bunch of drunk Greeks were shouting "Konstantionopolis" Such a thing is enough for get lynched in İSTANBUL.

You want to take İSTANBUL back? You want the Pope to call Crusade against Turkey? You want to turn Ayasofya to church? Watch the video sons of bitches. It is not something that you can even make fun of.

>Lé roach meme lé deus vult meme

Other urls found in this thread:

>be roach
>be always mad about muh impire
>beat up random white people in the street
>go home and have gay sex with a goat
>pray to lord erdogan and go to bed in the basement of my forefather's garage


i still dont get it

Istanbul is a beautiful place and I hope your people will be accepting of me OP.


Revealing your subhuman face to the world sure will increase your popularity. Go grab a quran and kiss the feet over your borderline retarded sultan, pedo warlord worshippers

bait thread

germ takes the bait

>be roach
I honestly can't imagine it

>going to roachland and expecting not getting roached.

I want to fuck your sexy Turanid Mongol boipussy


>getting this mad over calling the city Constantinople
Pathetic desu. Sounds like your people are incredibly insecure.

>proud to be a nation of scums

the common thread here is sports

people in america do dipshit stuff regarding sports too. riots after games, ignoring kiddy diddling, etc.

ban sportsball.

At first I thought it was written
>The ordinary Turks who are pissing by the avenue attacks you
Wouldn't be even surprised.

>You want the Pope to call Crusade against Turkey? You want to turn Ayasofya to church?

Why would the Pope would would sacrifice catholics for a mostly Eastern Orthodox Church to Orthodox? Only if the other Ortodox Patriarchs ask him for help and Orthodox help us too.

I don't hate the Turks but it is obvious that whites in the West are awakening.
You know what these whites, from the US all across to Russia really want, don't you?
What are the chances of your people holding this territory in the future?
If I were you I'd think about where the Turkish people can move to once all of us start coming for YOU.
Because your people cannot win.

Lmao. Greeks so pathetic.

turks are the worst

Why are Turks so subhuman? Just some guy coming to enjoy a football match and gets stabbed

>Turks are so insecure about the 70 year old name of their city that they will murder anyone who calls it by it's 1000 year old name

We didn't forget Constantinople roach.

We do like to sperg out like autists a lot, so you might be onto something.
>pic related is last time we properly lashed out

Eh, drunk sport fans beating each other to half death is a common occurrence after a game.
Especially when one side is buttblasted their lost their savings on a wrong bet.
Which is vastly more common than what nerds like to believe.

What's wrong with shouting Konstantinopolis? It's just the name for the city in Greek. Should an Englishman get stabbed in Wien for shouting Vienna instead of Wien during his visit.?

pest control has arrived,

They realise on a subconscious level that whites identifying territories that Turks claim as their as white territories is a deadly danger to them.
So they lash out against those whites in hopes to suppress any kind of manifestation of the idea that these territories should be white.
This is obviously impossible, but what are they going to do? Just drop concede and drop dead?

brits and french saved ur ass. now they die, revenge soon ;)


fuck off we're fu-hahaha jk faggot. come and let's burn in this pit of despair together

abandon all hope

Victory for islam

Reminder that after the pan European national socialist revolution filthy inbred shitskins like you will be slaughtered like pigs

Your sisters will get raped by rabid dogs

Our brave soldiers will march over your rotting corpses


Lets double team him
No homo

We'll find another way, don't worry Aléxandros.

hahaha byzancucks BTFO

>fear the great roach battle formation

>so culturally inept your only famous city is the one you stole from someone else

Whenever I visit Turkey, I put this thing in my bag, never failed me. 100% recommended if you want to go home in one piece.

Why do we allow roaches to organize our sport events?

>being this much of an underage to not know about the PAOK invasion


Go visit Palestine you disgusting animal. Stay away from Turkey.

>be olympiakos fan
>destroy Putin's team
>destroy Fenerbahce on Sunday
kek, you turks are about to get BTFO bigly


Pick one

How to ruin your few chances to get into Eu


they never had a chance

sshhhhh shhhhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

oh shit I have to buy another one now

>be roach
>claim Greeks were stupid enough to shout "Konstantionopolis" in a place where they could easily have their asses kicked by doing that
>claim Greeks were drunk so why the fuck would it matter what they would say
>even if they were drunk AND shouted "Konstantionopolis", roach brags on his about beating heavily outnumbered drunk men in their mid 40s and early 50s
>"hurdur watch the video sons of bitches"
>turns off his PC
>goes out for a walk
>gets bombed by PKK or Peshmerga
>turn on PC to cry on the internet
>realize half of his social media is blocked by Erdogan
>pray to Allah and fuck goat


>Be roach
>Get embarrassed
>Resort to dirty tactics to express your rage

> Drunk
> White
> Doing/saying dumb shit that would result in your ass getting beat
> Gets ass beat
> Dindu doesn't understand

What's wrong with white people?

Number of nuclear warheads of the West: a shitton
Number of nuclear warheads of Turkey: none

It's a matter of will, not a matter of power.

Did you know that most studies say turkish people are faggots :o

did you know that Turkmenistan doesnt exist?


dont scare the rare flag away faggot

I literally don't care about your shithole of a county. Enjoy your right wing Muslim leader.




It checks

Lithuania with the hard hitting green text today.

Türkmen misin?

It's a matter of unity. That's precisely why the they fear the Trump-Putin connection.
The result of such a political shift would have far reaching consequences to all other races.

My view on what whites were doing in history is that it was always guided by the realisation that other races they have encountered are inferior to our race, no matter if conscious or not. It was there, we always knew

So first we tried colonialism, which was basically the attempt to change lower races in behaviour to the behaviour of whites.
After that failed we tried multiculturalism, which is the hope that we can create a model of coexisting by changing ourselves in some respects and changing immigrants within our society, proving this way that cohabitation and coexistence is possible.
If this attempt fails, and I believe it will, what will happen next?
We will have to face consciously the fact that they are inferior to us, and that no amount of social engineering will ever change that.
This is something that our elites and many whites fear, me included, first of all because of our inherent generosity and humanity, but also because the consequences could be brutal beyond anything most of us could ever imagine.
Maybe we will come up with another theory or social experiment to prevent ourselves from facing this truth and maybe it is better for us to do so, I honestly don't know, because this truth could lead us collectively on a very dark path since these races would basically stand no chance against us.

A part of me once us to go all hardcore and not stop until we have conquered the whole world.

Another part of me wants to do it all peacefully. I wonder which part will win?


>implying we won't remove all human life before occupying the city

How do you even have access to Sup Forums? Isn't Turkmenistan one of the most censored places on earth after North Korea and Eritrea?

Probbaly a proxy

Sup Forums Türkmenistanda gadagan dâl mi?

>implying you will do anything at all


>The ordinary Turks who are passing by the avenue attacks
wow you people truly are uncivilized roaches


Nice try Jamal. Or is it Abdul?

I am sure most Turks just want to live their lives and all, but god damn I hate Turkey as a country. Not halting migrant crisis, rallies in Europe, violent suppression of protests in the U.S, funding terror in Syria. Fucking stop. Time to remove kebab from Constantinople and reinstate the Byzantine Empire, after Grexit.

Turkey thinks its a European nation despite being Europe's enemy for centuries and having no cultural connection to it. Turkey doesn't belong in the E.U or NATO.

This. When mudshits finally manage to puch far enough, there will be nowhere for them to run.


We dont think we are E*ropean fatty


Do you like to compare skin tones, Anatoli?
Ffs fucking brownies

Turks are fucking animal niggers what else is new?

At least one thing we can agree on.

Christians have rightful claim to Rome, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Antioch, and Alexandria. They are the seats of the Church's five great patriarchs. We have as much claim to them as Jews have to Israel and Muslims to Mecca and Medina.

That's right, you only applied for E.U membership. And are trying to distance yourselves from your even shittier neighbors.

No one listens to the serbs and they always regret it after noticing their mistake

lol, what number of nukes you have

it is pointless to rob niggers, it is better to rob you and make you our slaves, why should we share with anyone apart from murricans, but when they are finished due to civil war you will be our rightfull claim

This is why whites will lose the race war... Arabs are just more adept at violence. Whitey instead puts his tail between his legs and faith in tomorrow like the Dodo bird did before going extinct.

wrong, russia is the third rome due to dinastical marriage of paleolog and rurikovich

These guys just can't realise how we've gone constantly went out of our way to no be forced to descend into absolute barbarity against them.
We took a lot of hits in order to uphold what we believe is our humanity, we even lie to ourselves that we are not superior.
But what do they do? They are resentful, not realising that I didn't harm them by just being biologically the way I am. I just am born that way, so are they in their way.
In addition to that they follow an ideology whose stated goal is to submit everyone else, not realising that we would exterminate them all if we followed the same type of ideology.
Then they wonder why we act this way.
It's a sad thing really, it wouldn't have to matter much on an existential level if a nigger is dumber than a white, so long as the nigger isn't resentful for the cards that have been dealt to him to a degree that causes him to attack whites for having what he doesn't and can't have.
But they can't see this because of their level of intelligence

what is the 'we' you are talking abount, non country, you lost your chance in 1918

I'm Orthodox (Serb) myself so I know that we will not attack the West without being attacked first.
And you know this too.
That's because I see on a human level eye to eye with a Westerner.
I don't view though Arabs and blacks as equal to us, and you are just lying to yourself if you believe this.

What country? Phoneposter

Go suck Muhammad's cock you mudslime faggot. Allah is a woman.

>>I know that we will not attack the West without being attacked first.

lol, gipsy, we will because we are raptors, and you guys are whining sheep, always crying for help

strategical paradigm of russian empire and ussr was constant attack, all the settlments and compromises ended badly, however thanks to soviet tactics west is weak and degenerate and will submit after civil war and america and some example anihilaton of mudslim nation (like turkey)

not really it's Bermuda.

>be mighty Ottoman

>Ge rekt by Russia 5 times out of 5 wars , effectively reducing your "empire" of subjugated fellow shitskin to a phantom

Your roaches whole shtick is try hard poserdom.
In really though you suck mighty cock

>TFW when used to beat up Turks in school
Feels good man

>TFW turkroaches get rekt by goatfuckers in Syria the first week they engage them and have to ask Russians to save them from extermniation

There's always also about 5% among white males whose intelligence is more similar to that of niggers. You are an example of that.
But that's usually not a big problem as long as you don't choose to become a criminal.

Keep telling that to yourself, Ibrahim.

Good! Fuck Greeks. They always stole Albanian lands when Albania was down, without allies or protection. I hope Turks fucking destroy that shithole full of Turkish rapebabies.