The Fall of South Africa (Video)

Simon Roche of the Suidlanders and Stefan "Molymeme" Molyneux discuss the racial tension which has risen in South Africa the past few months.

Skip to 40 minutes if you don't want a redpilled history lesson, but its a nice watch overall.

>Coligny violence past few weeks:

White family houses being set alight during the last few week

No-go zones

Hotel being plundered

Businesses and houses being torched

Other urls found in this thread:,_1992

No I won't bump this thread

true story its ending soon

small wee crew reporting

molymeme is a faggot and im not watching an hour of autism.

fuck blacks and jews anyway, though

fuck this guy too, fuck the dutch in general

the video is pretty good

it seems like the smaller a white community is in africa the better they treated. Fucking Guy Scott! also kenya of all places has a cool white people scene

Hey mehmet get off the internet and come help me prepare this kebab


I'll watch a video by actual south africans

>no go zones
the whole fucking continent is a no go zone


in africa, there are go zones. That's how it works.

You mean a few lodges on a hillside where degenerates do shrooms all day.

White Kenyans were the first casualty

did you actually watch all one hour and eight minutes of it?
yeah I dont think thats an observable trend until white people are all gone and the blacks realise their mistake and start sucking white dick again for gibs and economy. like is starting to happen in zim now.

the one guy is actually a saffer and he knows his stuff, but he used to be an (((activist))) so I dont trust him

>being this uneducated
Naoribi, Lusaka, Lagos, Orania..the list goes on ...all very fine places to live

>fine places to live
>posts shitholes

get the fuck off of my internet

See the bottom video

Nah.I got bored.

yeah, and I mean, the whole setting. Doesn't need to be hosted by some molynigger

>Naoribi, Lusaka, Lagos

fuck off

actually lots of those on youtube if you feel like looking, but very few are as coherent and in depth as the saffer in this was


the race relationships are terrible but the answer is not more racism but an dialogue about tolerance.


colgate is undeniably the best toothpaste

yeah I was never dissapointed when looking for information. It's just that you generally don't get much attention in damage control west

Who can tolerate a mutt like me?

Come home whiteman. Your return is long overdue.

Fucking kek
>hi we just want to be left alone
>we want your people dead
Good talk

every self-respecting white country

you come from a long line of balding men kek

lmao germany kill yourself

not an argument.

So non-existing white countries?

Hello Boers
I have a question?
What did the Siener van Rensburg say about Europe when the racial war broke out in South Africa?

By the way, I spread your message to well-known Youtube channels so your message is spread ( )
Greetings from the good old Germany

I think he said Europe will get fucked by nukes in ww3

WHITE South Africans are refugees I'd gladly take in. Let the dumb brown cunts tear their country to pieces, and China wants to domesticate these animals? Fucking drop a nuke on them.

british colonies are probably your safest bet since they share a similar history and should have understanding for changing the place of stay sometimes.

He said a lot of things but the new government is trying to wipe him and the rest of his kind from the history books

Simon did a good research but on the topic of Europe he was quite daring?

In prophecy it is said that at the end of war germany will sit at the head of the table?!?

He said that racial war would break out due to a economic crisis across the globe. Germany would ally with America after right wing uprisings in both countries, UK would get nuked and Russia beaten by the US+Germany in issuing chaos. The blacks in South Africa die of attrition while some of the whites manage to survive and repopulate the country. South Africa becomes a bastion of peace for Euros fleeing devastated Europe and the four colours fly again. "Die Vierkleur wapper weer".

I haven't read his books and I might be seriously paraphrasing here from what other people have said, his visions are metaphorical and can be interpreted in many ways. I'd suggest you read up on them yourself to be sure.

probably not literal, unless he is talking about merkel leading the race war through her underhanded tricks

Excellent video. Interviewee was very compelling and hopefully some normies get to see it. Really enjoy Stef's videos, but I never donate to Freedomain Radio lol.

>molymeme is a faggot and im not watching an hour of autism.
me neither

He predicted the migrant crisis. He talks of Europe being flooded by "Turks" (which in his eyes could be Muslims in general) and causing racial tension. Russia sees a chance to impose its will during the issuing race war.,_1992

Reminder that there was voter fraud in 1992, which is why South Africa is now a black country

I have already read the original version but I understand some things not, because I do not understand the accent of this time.
I think you know what I mean.
The old Boers understand the prophecies, Is not there somewhere a version that is more precise?

This interview taught me that the British are the cause of the world's problems.


>In Cape Town (a left-wing stronghold) and Durban 85% voted "yes" and in Pretoria over 57% voted "yes". Only Pietersburg in the Northern Transvaal, a rural right wing stronghold, voted "no" with 57%.

It's always the same, always the same

Did you read his prophecies in Afrikaans?

And for those who don't know who Siener is:

If you haven't already, watch this short documentary about a man called Nicolaas "Siener” van Rensburg, a Boer prophet who accurately predicted South Africa's 20th century history and foresaw a cataclysmic civil war in South Africa as well as other world events including the migrant crisis in the 21st century.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

>not an argument
Oh colour me surprised.

As I have understood, there will be a racial war in Europe and the Russians will be attacking Europe in the middle.

There are only a few things I often see as an interpretation error
1) not america but europe will swallow England financially
2) racism is breaking out very hard in America, not in Europe

or am I wrong ?

lmao whites in south africa deserve to suffer or be exterminated. they should have stayed in europe.

Found the nigger.

Maybe Lincoln should have sent you back to Africa with your fellow spear chuckers?


this coming from america

Hahaha yes fuck the boers I hope they get slaughtered go Julius Malema, maybe we can give him a state visit after he slaughters you nigger-aryans like Nelson Mandela

Excuse me
I forgot to mention who the Siener is
Thank you.

I have read in the original (Boer dialekt) the most I could translate and the documentation in Youtube is really good.

But there are still a few points where I am unsure

I often have the feeling that Europe is confused with America and vice versa.

For example when the siener describes above the water or from the east, etc

Here's a song I love, Mandela and jewish communist Ronnie Kasrils singing about killing the Boer with fists raised high!

It was great for me as a leftist in the USA for the past decades fighting for ANC/SACP control of South Africa, fighting for sanctions against Rhodesia along with my left-wing English comrades and so forth - and Cuba, and the USSR and the PRC of course.

Africa looks MUCH more like I want it to look today then it did decades ago.

Here's hoping the remnants of white colonialism and imperialism in Africa get SMASHED.

Don't be a cunt, Jamal.


>1 million

>11 million

>losing the war

More like

>120 million

I recommend you a lobotomy
you would do a favor for humanity.
Thank you

Kankerdom gespuis.

Dutch Godrace will survive all genocides the left forces on us.

Fuck that. It's their land by right, and we should help them keep it rather than give in to what zuma and their ilk want

Always felt a connection to you Afrikaaners I'm a West Germanic dialect speaking Reformed Proddie too. You're the only group of people who could properly understand a colonial identity outside of Americans and Canadiens

Blacks were forced from their homes into townships during apartheid. Why is it any different than when whites are?

Stefan's an autistic cunt. Nothing is going to happen down here.
This is just (some of) the ANC doing damage control after realizing that they're losing more and more support as the years go by. All talk, now show.

>the same

Trust me you do not know the whole story of South Africa.
The blacks were constantly at war.

The black ones in South Africa are not to be compared with the black (white mixed) in America.

At most with the ghetto niggern

yeah. The ANC are really despicable cunts trying to tell their supporters to do damage to stay in power

Apartheid was wrong it's well known fact

However whites at least maintained the order

>apartheid was wrong


still not a good enough excuse to limit their rights at the legislative level

whites did not break into the homes of black people and robbed them.

well known fact because you were educated to agree with this view?
Why was apartheid wrong - the cities they were banished from were built by whites. The blacks could have improved their townships, you know.

Then I have to ask you something?
Aprtheid is indeed bad (from an ethical point of view)
But how do you guarantee for the security of a minority (boers)?
How do you want to let two different peoples live side by side in a country when the mentality and the IQ are so different?
You also have a problem with alienation and the muslims do not integrate
Do you not think this will soon be a problem also for you?

why don't white people in eastern Sa abandon the lands in the east fell the farms sell the house and move to the north cape state joburg natal all seem fucked

Blacks had it better under apartheid, than now.
Less criminality, higher life expectancy more jobs and stability.

Apartheid is as much ethical wrong as owning a pet.

You speak of the past,
The black represent the government today.

That is the naked truth.
The life lie that all humans are equal will bring very big problems with itself.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

>well known fact because you were educated to agree with this view?
I could get the first hand information since my relatives are still living in SA

These measures were taken not only against blacks, but also against coloured people, who partly of Dutch descent

Blacks were left on their own.
creating of bantustans were doomed to fail because Apartheid government didn't give a fuck about their own citizens

That's why I am calling apartheid wrong


Since they were left alone, they failed
Do you recognize the problem of your statement?

>Less criminality, higher life expectancy more jobs and stability.

Contrary to popular belief crime rates were still high in townships during aparheid era because, as I said, government didn't combat crime within black communities since they simply didn't care

Are there any charities that are trust worthy that pol can start donating or "support a family" in saga? I found a few links but no idea if trustworthy.

So nothing really changed then, except that now whites would also be affected.

Objectively false. If the townships were rowdy the SAPS would drive in very quickly.

Now destruction and riots happen and the police come afterwards to clean up the damage.

Here's to hoping you get enriched and tortured by a nog

american-tier discussion, nice

They failed not only because that they were left on they own, but because the government didn't play a fair game by creating discriminative laws and allocating worst places of the country to blacks

This 100%


>white colonialism and imperialism in Africa get SMASHED

Don't worry. It's another type of colonialism now.

Definition of an actual cuck right here. SA blacks were far better off during apartheid, not to mention the boers were feeding nearly all of Africa when they ruled. Now its up to Europe and America to keep sending free meals to these niggers that do not deserve life.

However, even I will admit any African's life is worth more than yours. Rare to see such worthlessness as high as you.

The police intervened only when situation could get out of the control, otherwise they stayed out
Crimes in bantoestans were underreported, fact


>during apartheid you could walk down x street without fear of being attacked
>after apartheid you cant even go to the side of town x is on or you'll get robbed
haha but at least the racist system is dead!