Jews get blacked too, is no one safe?!?

At least my waifus don't get blacked and there's no black guy love interest in anime :)

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Fucking hell, they're gunna make some ugly kids.

Hilarious that even black celebs get UGGO girls. Meanwhile Asian guys get how White celebs

So their kids will be ugly and stupid. Nice.

>Meanwhile Asian guys get hot White celebs

still gonna be prettier and smarter than you desu

Regular Asian guys get the HOTTEST White female celebrities

Rich Black celebs get big-nosed uggos

>there's no black guy love interest in anime :)

This is why I can't really swallow the blame it on the Jews pill. I can blame it on bankers and Hollywood and all sorts of things in which Jews are overrepresented, but it's just a consequence of them being persecuted that the ones that survived that were the elites.

If you cuck a jew, they win

The biggest White females in Hollywood are with Asian men


i came here to laugh but you "people" really have deep mental issues lol,i'm out. Your schizophrenia is progressing every second you spend on this site

Jordan Peele is half white.

Ahh yes. Even Hollywood's leading ladies embrace Asian-Aryanism.

We need these new janitors quick.

Jealous whiteboy get rekt.

Jeurasian (Jewish-European-Asian) master race will be the future overlords over the Redblexican (Redneck-Black-Mexican) untermensch.

funny how people are only considered half white when they are successful

doubt you'd try to argue that if he was a thug


Sarah rector, a black girl who became a millionaire

>As news of Rector's wealth spread worldwide, she began to receive numerous requests for loans, money gifts, and even marriage proposals from four young men in Germany—despite the fact that she was only 12 years old.[5] Given her wealth, the Oklahoma Legislature declared her to be a white person, so that she would be allowed to travel in first-class accommodations on the railroad, as befitted her position

this is pathetic, stop trying to whitewash people lol

chelsea peretti is italian...



>Custom jew meme for any post

how pathetic and miserable is your life honestly?

At least he's not that closeted faggot who posts black penises everywhere.

Jews dont care because the children get their jewness from the mother. So the jews just keep on jewing.

And? just because there's someone out there more pathetic than you doesn't change the fact that you're pathetic as fuck

i come on Sup Forums like once a month to laugh at you lunatic idiots with grandeur delusions but honestly i feel like most of you will kill yourselves in the following years. This place is so miserable lol. Its r9k with grandeur delusions

You sure about that?

New York Italians are pretty much New York Jews.

>Aryan + Aryan = Aryan

I don't see any problem here

That's lovely but genetics don't work that way.

>Hollywood couples
>not virtue signaling nonsense

He has been posting these pictures for ten years. He is way beyond the point of no return.

Imagine what kind of nose the baby will have.

jesus fucking christ

that's dumb and pathetic,are you 12? You thought about that alone? You made that shit? You saved that shit? you found it funny?

Be useful to the world by making sure to not fuck up your upcoming suicide attempt, the E.R team shouldn't have to waste time on pathetic filth like you

western jews are degenerate and they are washing themselves away. And you must participate.

and you saved his picture + you've been coming to this shithole for 10 years? and i was talking about the whole lot of you,not him+ it's clearly not the same person

Don't cut yourself on that edge


Key and peel are both half jewish from their mom's side

Explains why these talentless fucks even had a show.

>a custom image reply for any post
welcome to image boards, faggot. if you haven't noticed thats kinda the way it works around here.

feel free to go bick to leddit at any time. sorry I hurt your feelings by pointing out that chelsea perretti isn't jewish.