Without any conspiracies, why do you think U.S has such strong ties with Saudi Arabia even after their countrymen orchestrated the worst terrorist attack on our soil. I want a real discussion about all the factors that would make them such a strong ally of ours.
Without any conspiracies, why do you think U...
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Oil dude. That's all it ever was. It has evolved a bit but not enough to draw away from that sole purpose.
Lucifer's trips of truth. /thread
This. Fuck politics, fuck what anyone and everyone says. Just follow the money and youll realise who is with who.
>muh oil
America gets a tiny percentage of oil from Saudi Arabia. It's almost as if it's more expensive to ship it across the world than to pump it on the same continent. Really makes you think.
oil, having at least a fake 'ally' in the region that isn't actively hated like israel
>Itt: retards who have never looked at an oil imports chart
>implying the Saudi state isn't a proxy entity designed to funnel money and influence to Israel by being the perfect foil to Jewish expansionism
Lmao the Saudi royals are all masterminds manipulating the inbred goyim of Saudi Arabia and the US
Almost every one of those countries in the Middle East was carved up by the (((British))) Rothschilds after the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
That's why we send them so much money and weaponry. The saudis are just another Jewish puppet state
Redpill: America is friendly with Saudi Arabia because A) they didn't commit 9/11 and B) The kaaba houses something very important to the Cult of Saturn.
All will be revealed here
Dad get off my threads im sick of it
This too. Jewish phylacteries.
Laziest redpill ever. Sources cunt or lurk more.
Mecca Saturn Black Cube Worship.
Read this for a quick brief, user:
While we no longer rely on them for actual energy resources, their ability to influence the energy market is just as important in the 21st century.
The royals are the epitome of inbreeding, retard.
>lurk more
Says the bluepilled faggot who has never heard of the Cult of Saturn. Return to Reddit where you belong.
Oil treaty and enforcing the petrodollar all over the Arabian peninsula
It's not about the percentage of oil the USA get, it's the fact that the value of the US dollar is indexed on the oil stock of the US and Saudi.
The USA can't give up on that sweet petrodollar. That's why all their interventions in the Middle-east were essentially them doing the saudis' dirty laundry.
OPEC trades oil only in USD. We stop defending Saudi Arabia and that arrangement ends, which would cause rapid inflation of the dollar and a huge contraction of the world economy.
The strategy is to reduce foreign currency reserves through petrodollar recycling and then allow OPEC to die. For now though we are stuck
TL;DR on the link you provided?
add on top of that, the petrodollar
oil is one of the reasons
>That's why all their interventions in the Middle-east were essentially them doing the saudis' dirty laundry.
if you honestly think that, you have reddit-tier knowledge of grand-strategy and the motives of the people in charge.
the other reason is that the saudi government is a corrupt faggot and a cryptokike
britain has a long history of relations with them, because they are always willing to toe the line of the general mideast programs in exchange for weapons
the saudis do enough in terms of diplomacy to make keeping them easier than replacing / boycotting them
Where did I say that? I said include sources. It's not a fucking redpill if it's just some asshole spouting shit on a forum. Include sources and quit being a lazy cunt or don't bring up important subjects. Lurk more you collosal faggot.
Russia produces as much oil as Saudi Arabia. If you faggots actually think everything going on is because of Saudi Arabia oil, you should get yourself checked for down-syndrome. It's much more complex than that.
> Lurk more you collosal faggot.
Stop projecting, newfag. It's not my job to attempt to educate you redditors.
The problem is foreign currency reserves tied to the global sale of oil, not the oil specifically. We already have plenty of oil.
Been here since pol started and well before dude. And it is precisely your job if you're choosing to post you lazy fuck boy. Return the courtesy afforded to you. Also so far it seems all you know is that it exists. Now go refresh and when you do, post the links you find valuable and concise. Learn to post or shut the fuck up and lurk.
saudi oil was historically relevant and they've managed to get a comfortable establishment based around that. In a sense, the oil is a lubricator for negotiations nowadays.
Only low-level opportunist bankers care about the petrodollar and installing central banks. That's not the driving force beyond the strategy in the middle east, north Africa and Russia. Sure, the bankers engage in propaganda and benefit from what's happening, but they're akin to vultures fighting over the scraps, not the predators. The predators are driven by a completely different ideology that's not as simple as "muh oil".
Those second two emails are just random people sending pasta to Stratford through the contact form on their website. The first, need more context.
Saudi Arabia is a CIA/Mossad client state.
Everything they're doing is with the full backing and approval of their masters.
The more pertinent question is, why are our taxpayer funded agencies spreading radical jihadi Islam and terrorism across the globe through Saudi Arabia?
>implying conspiracies aren't real
retarded shill tread
You have it backwards. If elites were truly interested in blood sacrifice and ushering in the Apocalypse, they could fulfill both those desires much more efficiently than they are now. If such a cult really does exist, they are only telling themselves that they have some semblance of control, when in reality they are a marginal group of parasites being buffeted along by the much more powerful force of mercantilism. You claim that there are elites controlling major events for supernatural reasons; if that is truly the case, they must be incredibly incompetent, since none of their desired goals have come to pass, nor will they ever come to pass, and they will grow old and die just like any other person, and the world will keep turning as if they never existed.
Saudi Arabia is too fractured to be a client state. It's barely holding together as it is. Money is hemorrhaging out of SA because the sheikhs are desperate to invest their cash elsewhere before the Kingdom collapses. The same phenomenon occurs within every other body of elites residing in failing countries, especially China.
Because the ruling royal family is allied with the US and things would be much worse in the Middle East if they weren't in control. Their military (which is trained by the US) actually do work towards fighting terrorism and the people who were involved in 9/11 had absolutely nothing to do with them. Their country is absolutely backwards as fuck, but turning them into an enemy would be a disaster for peace in the Middle East.
You realize these are emails TO Stratfor FROM a form they put out for tips, not the opinion of Stratfor employees.
Petrodollars. After Nixon took us off the gold standard, we needed a way to ensure USD was still valuable to the rest of the world. Saudi Arabia helps us out here by only pricing oil in USD and ensuring the rest of OPEC does the same. Because Saudi Arabia is a large swing producer of oil (it can stabilize or destabilize global supply, and thus prices, by ramping up or backing off), any country that wants a stable supply of oil needs USD, keeping the USD as the world reserve currency.
There are other aspects, too. Saudi Arabia is very generous in spending money on US made military tech, so the Military-Indistrial complex loves them. We also have been allies for a long time due to our shared interest in fighting Communism.
Read the book "Thicker Than Oil" if you want to know more. It is were I learned this stuff.
Arguably maybe an intel job as well, but almost certainly because of money.