*race war intensifies*

*race war intensifies*
>YAAAS! We're finnaly gonna have our white ethno-state!
*knocks on door of colored resident*
>Sir, we're like building this thingy called a ethno-state, sooo... you'll have to move.
>Haha, funny, Sir. Listen, we are building a safe space for white people, so you'll have to go live somewhere else.
But I build this house, this is my property!
>Well... your property inconveniently just happens to be on the soil of our future state.
*pulls out glock*
I don't believe in states rights.
>S-sir, please understand, we are building a home here, please leave.
*racks the slide*
You just made a big mistake, white boi!
>Uhm, s-s-sir?
You just violated the NAP, you crazy ass cracka!

How do you reconcile the fact that building a white ethno-STATE will inevitably violate the NAP at some point?

They are coming for Spencer next.

why are all russian colonies so bad at posting ?

>this is how libcucks see the world

What a fucking sickness.

Never scare me like that again faggot

Niggers can't into civilization, as evidenced by the fact that they constantly violate the NAP in every nation in which they reside.


Fuck the NAP.

Jared Taylor is dead? Will Murdoch cover this in the next installment?


Oof I fucking felt my heart drop then for a second there, you little bastard


Los Angeles Casino?

How am I violating someone's nap if they aren't sleeping?

>a white ethno-STATE

NATO has been fucking with Libya, Syria, Iraq and such for the past 20 years. Sanctions against Zimbabwe etc. So now Arabs and blacks are flooding into Europe.

Same for the US - the US interferes in Mexican and central American politics all the time - the Contras, Honduras, CIA interference in Mexican elections - so the countries go to hell and the immigrants come flooding into the USA.

It's the western policies - "we can't allow these countries to become socialist where every worker is fed". OK, they become divides between the very rich and the multitudes of poor, and many of the poor travel to the west.

Look at the UK, France. Filled with the population of its former colonies.

Also I swear it's the same fucking Slovene making anti-Spencer threads. It's him and a German and the rest are Americans, that's all the anti-Spencer base is on here.

Check them titties out

how to build a white ethno-state without violating the NAP

step 1: stop giving welfare to minorities

step 2: tiny minority of minorities will get jobs and can stay as uncle toms, a larger minority will chimp out and then its ok to gun them down in the street as they riot as they are violating the NAP, and the majority of the minorities will have to fuck off to some other country that will give them gibs

step 3: enjoy glorious white ethnostate no brownies want to come to since they cant get free shit

now this does mean that there will have to be at least some white countries giving out gibs for the minorities to want to self deport there, I suggest we use Germany for the designated brownie dumping zone since they are already fucked and deserve it for trying to destroy Europe every few years

Spencer is a weak soft faggot, he shouldn't be the leader of any movement. He talks and has mannerisms like a woman. You need someone willing to kill at the forefront.

Niggers don't enter into the NAP, they are non-humans.

>Thinking /pol is lolbertarian


Is that Robert De Niro?

>but I build this house
>but I build

Anyone see the problem with queer bait OP's story?


OP is a fag, nothing to see here.

not that he doesn't have moobs, but I need you to understand that this is a shoop'd version (and a made up quote)

>How do you reconcile the fact that building a white ethno-STATE will inevitably violate the NAP at some point?
Why should we care?

fuck this guy agrevates me

he looks like someone took a big steaming shit on his head

As long as the American constitution exists, a white ethnostate can never happen.

>a canadian wanting to abolish safe guards to people rights

why am i not surprised

its photoshopped you fucking idiot

Minorities are gauranteed those same rights under the Law.

Besides, if you have any fascist leanings, abolishing the Constitution should be a top priority, shouldn't it?


I really almost puked. If only for half a second.

>GOOD GOY, those pesky constitutional rights only hurt the white devi.... i meen the glorious what man, you should get rid of your protections under law!!!

i know it a shop but regardless my original claim is not invalid.

Waste of a thread.

why richard head for the top of head is big like this man? if he for making hair short then looks stupid. grow it for longer a bit to cover it hahahah wtf bro