im not clicking that
>child has 4 parents
>op is crying because both his parents were killed by gangs or drug dealers or some guy on a scooter who tried to carjack them
At least both the parents stayed in the kids life. That would never have happened if "dad" was the nigger. The real dad realized his mistake and cut slingload before it was too late to go find a new white girl. Mommy, on the other hand went to burn the coal. It looks like Dad made the right choice.
How long until that nigger starts abusing the white girl? What about the child? I wish there was a market in Vegas for this.
Articles like this make me want to have a news service dedicated to followups.
Like the gay men who adopted a kid then were later arrested as pedophiles and child abusers
>this is my wife's daughter
>I-I swear I'm the bull
That's more along the lines of what I meant.
familam goalz
>the black guy is literally a cuck
>still Sup Forums will complain about white guys being cucked
Mommy left daddy for the BBC. That's why daddy got street trash step-mommy so he wouldn't look single and pathetic. Pretty sad story actually. Women are whores.
this picture sums up the degeneracy of the modern era well
>literally a cuck
Use the word literally correctly you millennial or millennial wannabe piece of trash.
The black guy doing the Kaepernick kneel always gets me
>Letting any black near your young girl
Yeah thats pretty cuckish alright
>millenials need 4 people to provide for a single kid
What are you on, mate ? You're either wrong on the meaning of "literally" or the meaning of "cuck".
Amerifags are such faggots. Stop broadcasting your broken home lives to the rest of the globe, I honestly do not care how much of a fucked up personal pife you all lead. Please kill yourselves.
How is taking up the responsibility of another person's child not make you a cuck? It sounds as if he used to word properly and you're just trying too hard to use the MUH MILLENNIALS buzzword trash argument to feel superior. Fuck off, dumbass.
>t. Habib
It's their own choice to leave the white tribe, I won't touch anyone who's been with niggers, burn the coal, pay the toll.
>tfw my sister is a step cuck
>Her ex found another woman and is having his second child while she's still a single mom using dating apps
>Last person she dated was a jew
The last straw for me is when Jerome shows up then I'll feel obligated to intervene.
>implying the nigger is actually taking care of another human being
he's just fucking the mother. he'll leave her as soon as he finds another peace of meat
>he's just fucking the mother
He's posing for corny Facebook memes in a humiliating jersey so you might want to rethink that hypothesis.
>Last person she dated was a jew
>The last straw for me is when Jerome shows up
The last straw should of been the kyke, you diversity supporting piece of shit
>fat 2nd wife
I haven't met the guy myself or heard anything since that day I heard about it so I doubt it went anywhere.
I ain't clicking that shit, but it appears to be a story about some cuck family where the ex-wife married a Brazilian. Am I right?
Why is this so upsetting for you guys? I think it's sweet.
Took a while to realize what the fuck was wrong with the family. But nothing unusual.
>divorced family
>people found new partners
>oh hey, it's sweet because mom now dates a nigger
Kill yourself
Christ americans are so fucking lame. Just getting shirts saying "mommy" and "daddy" makes me cringe. Why are americans like this?
american Sup Forumsacks do not support this
Because in Germany you'd get raped by antifags for saying "Mommy" and "Daddy".
>Non shitpost answer
Idk. I guess a lot of families here just want to act like "the perfect family" just to hide how insecure they really are.
>Taking up the responsibility of someone elses child
>not a cuck
are you fucking high?
Read what I posted again. I never said that.
There are tons of prediction market sites online. It would be a stupid bet that takes years to pay out if it even does tho
Shouldn't you be starting another world war?
what do you think he's doing?