Are you guys happy now!!?
Are you guys happy now!!?
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Why would anyone be mean to this individual
Because the hair is fucking stupid
should be searching for a fucking toothbrush.
>Put a pink bow in the hair
I'm a proppa lady now
Aside from being a tranny, what about him warrants this much hate?
made some comic so a bunch of idiots got triggered and started targeting her
Skin looks soft though desu :)
False flag
Now go away.
(S)he(?) has pretty eyes.
So what comics did he make? Any Sup Forums edits on them?
>Get easily doxxed
>Find new place to live
>Get easily doxxed again
Just look away from your fucking screen you dumb cunt.
yes desu
Oh, it's that guy
Thought he looked different, remember a pic of some hormone abomination that was said to be him
Damn, she's cute af. I want her as my waifu.
>Are you guys happy!!?
Who? First I've heard of this weirdo. I don't waste my time caring about the trans cartoonist community.
No because it's still alive.
>"I want to be a gurrrrl xDxXD !!!"
>dye hair fucking cornea-burning color so everyone immediately notices you and how you don't look normal compared to the average girl
While he still breathes, I am not happy.
Very much not a smile of happiness
Nah dude. Look at the eyes.
She's 101% insane.
It can go live with the gay black canadian troll who comes here all the time.
>crazy eyes
>danger hair
>empty smile
How can a "human" being look so awkward in every fucking picture he takes? I swear 99% of his photos have that annoying uncomfortable "smile", it makes me want to shoot it in the face.
Can't write scripts. At least OJST has the writing going for if, it's a comic you can love to hate. Assigned male has no joke besides the kid speaking in tongues.
>torrent of harassment
>omg time to end the arbitrary gender stereotypes the patriarchy imposed, women can also like blue and play wear pants!
>in order to be a woman, i must dye my hair pink and wear a skirt because that makes a woman a woman
jesus christ
Her assigned male crowd started alot of shit against kekistani faggots. Frankly these people need to know no one is going to take their shit lying down.
Isn't this the degenerate who does a comic about transgender children?
It might be the opposite; too much brushing wearing away the enamel.
Fucking mentally ill. Why is grandma checking his dick?
I think its Justin Trudeau's nephew or somethin
Come on, Tim Pool. I know it sucks to be bald like that, but a pink wig?!
After the next time he'll probably do an hero
Plot Twist: Anti-Trans trolls are Muslim.
>Cartoonist is brought to Canadistan court for offending Muslims.
>'Moderate' Muslims are the jury.
>Cartoonist is sentenced to 50 lashes for committing Haram.
>Bleeds to death after 30.
>"This is a good day for the fight against Islamaphobia".
C'te tronche...
jewbook .com/assignedmale/
>Are you guys happy now!!?
It's a start.
I will be happy when it commits suicide, and stops poisoning the minds of impressionable people.
It's not even trying
The forced humble, harmless smile that conceals an inner anguish that seeks to warp reality to satisfy it's infantile omnipotent rage.
Learn to accept yourself as you are, everybody can't always be happy, sometimes not being unhappy will have to do.
Be strong, be yourself
clean your room
Pretty much
Did he make a gofundme to cover "moving expenses"?
it looks like it just farted
eagerly awaiting news that it killed itself
Thats really well made
that's make-up you fucking faggot
That troll derserve it, Horde scum!
Oh look, a scam artist looking to get stupid SJWs to pay for a their new stuff. Never seen that before within that community.
that is how it works in canada. Honestly I don't know how some guy hasn't put on a wig and committed a crime, so he can get thrown in the women's jail and just fuck and get free food all day.
Prolly attacked by fellow lgbtqahawd out of jealousy.
>Don't like my women to have dicks
>I'm fucking gross
Nope. This cartoonist has been inventing increasingly improbably tales of harrassment while rattling the tip plate for about a month now.
This latest escalation is entirely in their own mind and of their own making, literally.
No-one is harrassing Assumed Male, it's too good a resource to show how insane trannies are.
Funny, isn't it? All of these sjws either jumping ship, quitting or faking false flags? It's almost as if they were being funded by one central source prior, maybe an NGO, that has now closed down?
"Anytime I have dealt with police, I ended up being a victim of their transphobia."
Funny, isn't it?
The fuck this comic suppose to mean? Is it trying to be funny?
You tell me? I dunno?
These aren't edits.
you think i care enough fag
It should just take it LIKE A MAN!
>No idea what this comic could mean
>Even being trans - no clue for understanding
Because she hasn't brushed her teeth in her entire life
would be happier if he went to live in pic related
>mfw someone in my facebook feed linked her twitter and said "literal nazis are sending rape and death threats to this poor trans woman. We have to help!".
That resolution was uncalled for. Didn't need to see that.
now where have i seen that nose before.
These are all late career Assigned Male, where the artist has simply given up trying to conceal the fact that their patreon supporters don't even read the comic, it's all just ideological virtue signalling to give them a buck or two a month.
While they lack the general insanity of the first runs, and certainly lack the artistry, there is a frankness to them, like a sort of shorthand "bla blah bla BUZZWORD pay me" that is refreshing.
We've seen it already with GG. They literally doing everything themselves or just make everything up in order to get sympathy and money out of imbeciles who believing them.
holy god.
Epic. Who made it?
Shit like that cartoon causes killings. Seriously
Just seen a dude on lockup killed his "wife" cuz it used to be a man
I can't decide whether it looks more like a goat, or more like an ape
It Put's the lotion in the basket.
It Put's the lotion in the basket.
It Put's the lotion in the basket.
No idea mate, there's loads of them
Transition Age Assigned Male: the panels are still full (a good thing) but the detailed line work and creative angles previously used are starting to be replaced with large blocks of single colour and buzzwords.
>Dat nose
Why don't you guys get the ovens started again?!?!?!?!?!?!?
NO, that piece of degenerate trash needs to die.
Pathetic. Doesnt even say it actually relocated itself, it is just searching because boofuckinghoo.