good this faggot did not do anything special
There's a reason your family gets disinvited to the best summer grilled cheese jam ever
>Mohamed's family announced they would be moving to Qatar shortly after Ahmed's arrest.
Good. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Press J to jizz on this nigger's bare ass
*hnnnnnggggg* J-J-J-JJJJJJJJJ
Why did he leave Qatar. That's what I want to know
To move back to the states, because he likes it here better than the shithole arab peninsula.
he's gay
he likes boys
>his father Mohamed Mohamed
Jesus Christ how many people in this country have that same name at this point?
There was at least 1 or 2 Mohamed Mohameds at my HS. Why are they so uncreative with their naming?
So we've got the blacks who just make up random things to call their kids and mudslides who choose between like 2 or 3 first names.
Which is worse?
well, he can build a clock from a clock, so he should get some praise.
They moved there, then moved back shortly afterwards. Look into his father and his financial ties/elections there
Everywhere in Asia it's always the same names. You've got Ahmed Mohamed Abdul Hassan and then there's Kim Park Lee.
clock makers have short lifespans in the arab world
>Arab peninsula
user they make America look third world. I kid you not
That clock's not so nice after all, Ahmed.
he trolled a whole country and received fame and gibs, that's pretty special desu