If you're white and don't dress like pic related, you don't deserve to procreate. Fucking kill yourselves please

if you're white and don't dress like pic related, you don't deserve to procreate. Fucking kill yourselves please

/preppy/ is the redpilled way to dress, /our way/

Here's why:
> Triggers leftists and SJWs
> Can't be afforded by shit skins
> Clothes made by white men for white men

BTW I'm vacationing in Madrid right now and these smelly white spick bitches just drop their panties at the sight of an AMERICAN and the sound of my American accent.

Other urls found in this thread:


It doesn't pay to be white anymore haven't you learned amigo?

I love the dress shirts but the fucking shorts? lol no thanks looks gay a sfuck I'll stick to pants.

Why open shirt like a tranny

It does if you do it right

BTW someone in Spain pls explain this wannabe Spanish hippie bluegrass bullshit.

Shit was pretty funny doe

yeah sure let's look like faggots

You're right.
But just to be clear, you don't have to dress exactly to some brand/men's fashion magazine standard.

You just should dress nicely and look good. Ironing, folding your clothes, nothing discolored or stained or worn thin, belts, shirts tucked in, buttons, well fitting, hair is combed neatly, etc. All with an element of practicality

You see a lot of people dress like this in Stockholm, doubt you'd consider guys living in the cuck capital to be the epitome of manliness

That's how people who've never had a real job dress.


KA here. Yes.

Shorts with a belt < Super cuck
Shorts < Average cuck

so if i dont wear shorts i dont deserve to procreate? fuck man you sound like some fashion police

Listen son, you're wrong

im too fat to tuck my shirt into my britches like that cause my big of fat blubber gut will poke out lmao

I'm never going to wear shorts or ballcaps in my life because I'm not 12 years old. Also not going to tie sweaters around my waist because I'm not Zack Morris.

Why all the shorts tho?

> Sweden
You Muslims aren't allowed on this board

Shorts are only for wars like Rhodesia.
Don't use them if you are not killing niggers

You sound like a faggot, telling other people how to dress.

Quite right, we should leave together my Moorish friend


>mommy still dresses me

the thread

I dress like pic. A 1950's James Dean look is timeless in our modern society and women love it.

The college lecturer starter kit 2013 Edition

> Ireland is such a meme, most Lecturers in Ireland are called Teaching Assistants in America.

>never wear shorts

This just means that you don't leave your house ever, faggot.

>faggot at it again
nice try

>modern upper-middle class male fashion
The effete, socialized modern man is responsible for the decline of masculine values and the feminization of society. Go to the interior dressed like this where society is still healthy, and you'll be laughed at as a faggot.

absolutely disgusting

Oh looook they're trying to be like us!

Shorts are gay though.

>not wearing a suit
>rolled up sleeves

Those pics have to be from the US. US new money is second only to Chinese new money in shitty, obnoxious taste.

I'm sorry you didn't get into trinity

>wearing shorts in Spain

Have they lynched you yet?

I live in a cold climate for fucks sake, there are very few days of the year when I'd get away with wearing shorts.

this is not Sup Forums related faggot take this shit to /fa/
then go fuck yourself

Those guys look like fanooks.

You're going to let the gay man take shorts from us? You fuckkkin beta cuck.

These guys pay $35 for a gram.

I'm black and I dress like this, helps to attract white girls

Here's some white man fashion for ya!

I dress like neo

Didn't apply. I never even completed the Leaving Cert.

Still cleverer than 90% of Irish people, though.

Shorts are gay, bow tie is super gay. Other shit is ok.

I prefer polo shirts though.

Nah. If we wan't to smoke the marajauna we just hang out with our spic/nigger buddies and smoke their weed for free.

What's wrong about jeans?
kill urself dude

fair, here is one of my TA's for a laugh

I knew a guy that dressed like that, he rode a bicycle too, which made it even more hilarious.

The only problem with jeans is they're bad a in a scrap, too constraining.

pic related

you're a faggot

>shorts are gay
Oh please.
I'll give you bowties though

Wearing jeans and a white tee every single day is the most redpilled way to dress. Practical for working yet still stylish in a simple way. Wearing this makes you the exact opposite of a hipster numale with his overly complicated, impractical, totally wacky(TM) thrift store shirt and waxed mustache. Also, wear white or gray tennis shoes.

Men who dress like this look like faggots. They're the kind of guy who gets a job doing nothing at a business owned by one of his dad's college buddies. He listens to Drake, still goes to frat parties after he graduates, and refuses to interact with anyone who doesn't think he shits gold just like his mommy thinks. Spoiled, lazy. They're white jews.

These guys are insufferable. They're the source of every anti-white stereotype, and it's completely justified.

The Eurotrash girls are after a green card, you moron. They don't like you.

Pic is what a real white man looks and dresses like. Get your girly shit out of here, and neck yourself immediately, OP.

I have studied Computer Science though, at MSc level.

What if its 100 degrees?

Dude I dress like that sometimes and I'm a shitskin.

Shorts and bow ties aren't gay, they are classy and mature. It doesn't make you look like children at all. Us southerners are better at prep and fashion than you stupid yankees are so take our word for it okay?

When it comes to impressing women there's only one fucking thing -- the fit and your comfort level.
Okay that's 2 things, but if the fit is right, and you are comfortable, she will approve no matter what fucking clothes they are.
Oh and the colours have to suit you -- so 3 things. Lifting someone else's style is pointless, and in this case needlessly expensive.

I wear work pants, and v neck white tees with a polo tucked in because I work for a living. After work I usually stick with a white tee or a collared shirt and no undershirt with either chinos or nice shorts if its in the NC summertime.

These guys look like fags with those bowties.

Pretty good. You should even add a watch.

This is the excuse sluts use to wear underwear for shorts. A few extra inches of cloth on your legs won't save you from being hot if it's 100 degrees.

Guys who dress like this are total faggots and everyone outside of their frat thinks so and laughs at them. Bow ties are for faggots, nerds and frat boys who want to seem interesting. Pastel shorts should be worn with a casual shirt or not at all. With a sport jacket makes you look like an utter faggot.

t North Carolinian


The white race deserves to die....

This is the gayest and most obnoxious frat boy thing I've ever seen

Shorts are not for children. Cargo shorts are. Obviously you shouldn't just wear shorts everyday, but they're not off limits.

Yeah, tell us about dressing like a man with your pack of skittles looking crew.

>Triggers leftists and SJWs
Nigga what? It's just visually more appealing to dress nicely. Ive never met a bitch who gets triggered wearing that. It's a cultural trend, not a political one

Have fun working construction for the rest of your life

t. The guy who handles your """"retirement""" plan

>tfw Cargo shorts aren't cool anymore
I miss my extra pockets

I wear a button down almost every day.

Not going to give into slobhood like the Baby Boomers retirees around here who wear t-shirts and sandals every day.

Sorry, I don't have time to dress up like a preppy douche.
I do this little thing called working for a living.

I'm more of a Carhartts and Redwings kind of guy but thats fine man. OP can dress like limp wristed bottom faggot if that's what works for him. I make good money but I work in construction and I'm proud of it. I ride a motorcycle so that also plays a part in my clothing choices. Never shorts. Not even once.
My dress clothes are either black or grey 3 button suits, always white shirts, and red or blue neck ties. Bow ties are for fags and so are all the shorts OP posted. All shorts outside of Rhodesia are for fags now that I think about it.

He was so aesthetic during the Thin White Duke era, jesus christ

That was also his Nazi phase. He called for a fascist dictator for Britain. There's no coincidence he made his best album during that era, Station to Station.

>i dress like faggot therefore i'm successful

These bro's are about to bang each others boners.

Sounds like every dude from the Midwest ever.

Running shorts and a trendy t shirt is all you need to get laid


Thin White Duke is the best he's ever looked, but Ziggy Stardust is a better album.

More pockets = more bitches

The best male fashion tip is to dress simply. Simplicity is a masculine trait. If it looks like you spent to much time or money on your outfit or it looks complicated and showy, you're going to be called a fag.

My wrists are actually limp quite often how do i fix this?

>Not dressing like a manly gaucho and have your knive ready to defend your honor.

Daddy you are getting gay.

>being older 13
>wearing shorts

Only the guy on the right looks ghey. The others are fine.

I wish this slim fit fad would die very, very soon. More men would dress up if it wasn't so uncomfortable and effeminate to with the way the (((fashion industry))) tailors everything now.

Look at suits from the 80s and 90s and compare them with the GQ shit today. You can literally see the outline of these homos' nipples through their blazer.

Even I see these people as targets, to harvest their degenerate parents' wealth. People who dress like this are literally asking for robbery. Also, brown girls love white guys because you have money and arent a starving desperate rapist like everyone in the third world. Not because you dress the way that got white dudes this reputation for being trust fundie fuckheads with no actual working knowledge of the world in the first place.

To dr enjoy being robbed and shot

Chest hair

Ziggy Stardust helped me get into Bowie, but with time, I think it becomes clear that Station to Station and Scary Monsters were his best.

He was so experimental and daring during the late 70s-early 80s, and didn't care who he was impressing anymore. Very artistic and transgressive.

Checkmate, Sancho

You don't have to tighten it that much to look good. 90's suits look like garbage, they're way too baggy.

You can dress well AND defend yourself at the same time.

Gtfo private school , live one my papas monies wannabe faggot

Wifebeater+cargo shorts+sandals/flip flops is the patricians choice

Left two are pretty good. Others are sickening. Showing off the top of your bare feet or ankles is the gayest thing ever.


How does it feel to be a hick?

>dressing like a fag

link related is how you dress if you're a self-respecting man.

Do you honestly think the first and last ones look good? And that the second guy's sweater doesn't look like a worn out rag? I mean come on. #1 looks like a giant middle-class 10 year old.