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Your headline should be 'pol was wrong'

>believing a cgi movie studio hologram

It took them longer than I would have expected to find a suitable body double.

The White Wizards Lives!! Paid Disinfo shills and Assange is dead trolls BTFO


Norway fag BTFO!

Sup Forums was right again

Assange being dead was a psyop

Anon5 said so

Only took 8 months to perfect the double. Really believeable CIA, please keep leaking more of your own bs

Arent you under water yet?

He's safer in the embassy, globalists going to suicide him now. This is why Sessions spoke of charges, he needs to be in maximum security where no one can get to him.


almost cried. "thank god" is the only thing one can say, even fedoras like me

Island Sandnigger.

Hurr durrr that's why he's standing on an open balcony..
>would he do that if he actually though the JewSA wanted him dead

So I heard Sweden dropped the rape charges. Did Assange convert to Islam?

Digits confirm. No explanation for everything that happened in October. No explanation for missing for months. Assange body double with voice synth

Believe it or not it's taken the entire strength of Ecuador and the U.K. to keep him safe.

Is he a lizard person?

have you ever taken a shit so huge that it stimulates your prostate on the way out and gives you a massive, what i like to call, poo-rager


>UK literally goes to war on behalf of the JewSA in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria

But will protect one white haired Ozzy from the all mighty US?

You are either a fucking retard or a shill

Plus the US never officially asked for his dumb cunt

the 'assange is dead' theory was a fringe theory here. only a small handful of people here actually believed it and wouldn't give it up even after assange made multiple video appearances. that shit where his collar morphed really hooked some people but was easily explained as a common video editing glitch.

anon5 is one of the most redundant larpers i have ever seen. he's run out of things to post

Thats a double you fucking retards

Nope. The good fight will continue stronger than ever now.

do you also LARP as a flat earther?

(((They))) do this with Assange every now and then to give him a fresh coat of credibility.

>Assange disseminates alledgedly highly damaging leaks on the US, whilst living in a country mansion in the south of England...
>He does this for a number of months whilst the news reports on him doing this..
>nobody arrests him
>US gov don't demand his extradition

People with half an ounce of sense ask
"How could this be a real looks like the MSM is promoting wikileaks as a honey trap for whistle blowers"

>something needs doing to give Julian some fresh believability.
>create obvious rape smear via proxy state Sweden
>just to confirm it's a smear have the "left wing" British MSN like C4 news immediately report that it's a smear and that one of the "rape victims" is a KNOWN CIA asset.
>How the fuck could the CIA be this sloppy? And how the fuck would the British government allow this to even be reported?

Because actually there would be a news BLACKOUT on anything that actually was connected to exposing a CIA operation, especially a current one.

If the US wanted Assange arrested..he would have been arrested years ago. If the USA wanted him out of the terrifying world power that owns the embassy..they would either threaten Ecuador or simply kick the door in. Since when has the US given a flying fuck about international law?

>most likely is that Ecuador is being given back handers from the CIA to play ball and carry on with this bullshit charade.

I disagree. His pre-recorded or audio interviews always had some quirk to them that was convincing it was staged/faked. Julian just looks that robotic especially using less than stellar technology. This is actual live recording and even now the audio is off lol. Still im satisfied.

Don't forget Assange is a 9/11 denier and Snowden has never admitted any knowledge of what actually went down on 9/11 either

>both are massive disinformation shills and are in the full employment of the intelligence services.

Anything who can't see that is a fucking moron.

>since when did the kike owned MSM ever bring you the truth?

look at his nose/brow


He's the last Targaryen?

Dershowitz is his fucking Lawyer and Dershowitz is also connected to Epsteins Mossad blackmail ring

Im glad I read your post, sick of all these faggots falling for the obvious psyop

Call me when Wikileaks explains in details what happened to Assange during October 2016. Why did he go go missing, why did he refuse to give proof of life despite being proven to have internet access at the embassy, and why he refused to explain this long, sudden and suspicious disappearance up to this very day.

>Chelsea Manning
>still says he

What did Assange mean by this?

>Assange never forgives, never forgets


>Just when I start to lose all hope in humanity.

Thanks Canada.

>Critical thinking not entirely dead after all

I actually also think Assange is more Mossad than CIA but it's a joint psyop. Snowden is full CIA though

After all this shit Im more convinced that whole thing is compromised completely and this is a double. Moment when blackout happened but no insurance files were released and we got only some unimportant shit after was probably a break point

Plot twist!

Assange is not a faggot.

time to go dark :)

1 - With enough time you can impersonate anyone.
2 - The CIA was given enough time.
3 - Assange refuses to explain why he suddenly went missing for a long period of time.

Stick to those three facts.


How is the ISIS situation there? or are you on holiday?

anon5 is a dumbfuck. you honestly deserve to be banned from this board for trusting a fucking namefag you rat cunt.

you dumshit

this, or they used secret reptilian tech to just create a fake body exactly like his and hillary is inside it or something

nope. charges still there. they dropped the investigation.

now all you autists who said he was dead should apologize? promise not to lie anymore?

horrendous at posting. if you're going to reply to my post, do it you lofty faggot. if you're not going to create content, don't post. it's a simple concept.


So RT are in on it along with Hannity?
>couldn't this just be from lagging

assange cannot be considering "ok" until he addresses the inconsistencies in october
why did WL post an interview with michael moore from June as proof of life in Nov?
this is a giant red flag
why would they do that?

can i have a link or proofs? been working on an assange timeline and this info would help a lot

It's not so much a theory as a possibility. It could realistically happen and there was some evidence to suggest it. Arguing in favor of it not necessarily a statement that it IS true, just that it could be true. We don't know anything for sure until we get hard evidence.

Good. Charges dropped too.

Oh, wait. They just want him in the clear.


Don't forget the "glitches" could well have been edited in on purpose, to feed the plot line that Assange had been neutralised
>Assange can't and won't admit to the disappearing act because he was being debriefed by his handlers and given his new mission. He old mission ended once Trump got elected.

He's still dead?
That's not the actual balcony of the embassy, there's no reference point and we are not allowed to see who else was there while he made his speech.

Is most of Sup Forums paranoid schizofrenic or was that a CIA double / fake clip

So why? What have the CIA/Mossad got to gain from this?

Watched it live and the camera panned around. It's legit.

this is horrible, he's going to get out of the embassy and get blackbagged.

Fake clip.
Notice how none of the videos made shows a wide angle with people and the rest of the street in it, only videos out there show him, the balcony and a couple of microphones.
If people think the interviews can be faked, I don't see why this should be any different.

What about the cheese makers?

Link to a clip?

So that's why they sent Pamela Anderson in. Surely she'd be able to acquire semen from a man who's been living in captivity for nearly a decade.

I'm just surprised they could clone him to full adulthood so quickly. What sorcery is this?

you are very correct and this is a smart response. i fully believe that it is POSSIBLE to fake that assange is alive based on current technology. the fact that assange was basically locked away was what fueled the theories that he was dead. while i agree that it is possible to keep a dead man alive i always though the 'assange is dead' theory was bogus.

look for this technology to be implemented in 3rd world countries first.

He comes out at about 6h 19m

Mirin' that jacket.

Fuckin lol'd, just heard that now
Fair enough, I'm convinced.