Why are young white males checking out of society?
Why are young white males checking out of society?
Technology has advanced to the point where leaving the house is no longer a net benefit.
Sometimes I regret going out, but I never regret staying in.
Wait until the artificial wombs, it's only just begun.
Nothing in it for us.
Why the fuck participate in a society you have no hope for? I have no chance of ever owning a house, raising a family, or even having a guaranteed job, let alone the ability to live comfortably like my parents and grandparents did for much of their lives, even if I work just as hard if not moreso.
We're taking a break before forming the legion
What society? We're all individuals, man.
All males are.
And why wouldn't they? Noting in it for them.
It keeps pushing against ...it keeps pushing...
Everyone is a nigger or gay
Or gay niggers
You think we're checking out
Really just farming millions of aryans , Hitler is still alive and we will fucking destroy you leaf cucks
Because society is shitty. If hetero monogamy were the absolute norm, if Jews did not put houses under usury, if we were taught to love our people instead of hate them, then we would participate in society more.
It's not fun playing against society when it's so heavily against you, I tried fighting it but it's just too much
Because society has given up on us.
If anything im just waiting for a literal HAPPENING at this point.
like war.
Pussies, I just slammed a couple points of fentanyl into my veins. If you're gunna checkout, do it right
Hmm. You sound crazy thinking a man born in 1889 is still physically alive but aryan colonies sound like a good idea.
Mostly because of small penis size and low sex appeal caused by too much vidya and shitposting.
porno has made chasing real pussy less important
Because of secularization and other degeneracy have made it impossible for most men to date.
or a kike.
You do know anyone's dick can look big when paired vs a little 4'9 woman right ? Show a picture other then porn you cuck
kinda /r9k/ but anyway...
have you heard of John B. Calhoun "Mouse experiments"? It kinda reflects our society today and what you asked.
>In July 1968 four pairs of mice were introduced into the habitat.
>There was no shortage of food or water or nesting material. There were no predators. The only adversity was the limit on space.
>Initially, the population grew rapidly, doubling every 55 days.
>The population reached 620 by day 315, after which the population growth dropped markedly, doubling only every 145 days.
>This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior.
>Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against.
>After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction.
>During this period females ceased to reproduce. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting.
>They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males.
>They were dubbed "the beautiful ones." Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.
>The conclusions drawn from this experiment were that when all available space is taken and all social roles filled, competition and the stresses experienced by the individuals will result in a total breakdown in complex social behaviors, ultimately resulting in the demise of the population.
>Calhoun saw the fate of the population of mice as a metaphor for the potential fate of man.
Nobody's fault you're an ugly-ass motherfucker.
Why work for a compromised system?
The (((cuckoo)))bird has already laid eggs
i was misinforrmed about what attributes are required to have any modicum of success in life, then proceeded to squander the few opportunities i did have, now, out of spite, i'm telling the world to fuck off
Because society doesn't cater to them anymore, why prop up a system that works towards your detriment?
Everyday same fucking thread.
You should check out of this planet leaf.
Rejection. Jobs, school, women. The works
Society checked out first MAN. The only reason anyone on earth is alive right now is because glorious (mostly English) men invented technology like engines and factories and because of that we have bread and radiators and pens and all that good shit.
We would be dead otherwise, as right at this moment we actually have completely collapsed on a human level. Men made a safety net before all this happened and yet we're being blamed for not doing enough.
This guy gets it.
Hard opiates are the only way to go.
Places only hire women.
I'm sorry, but I don't really collect other pictures. Also, objectively a big black cock is big. You don't need to make comparison to tiny women to know it's big. I can tell from your defensiveness that you know it's big too -- perhaps bigger than you can get your head around, or even your anus.
lmao at your stupid conspiracy theories and animal experiments. Nobody is checking out of society, most men are employed, it's just Sup Forums are NEETs and think they're remotely representative of the modern man.
I 50% blame it on lack of guidance from my parents (being allowed from child to play games all day every day isn't the most skill enhancing upbringing), 25% on lack of guidance from society (lax school system) and 25% on personal laziness.
Is that a fucking spoon in a bowl of barbeque chips?
The best way to do it man
Organized testosterone drops.
Winning boosts test and makes the winner more competitive. Also once they win they improve.
Whereas losers drop test. It makes them quite. A holdover from the fighting days when losing could mean death or injury.
The system is designed to harm men and force them to lose. And so they quite.
Video games have the same problem where small groups of skilled men dominate destroying the gaming ecosystem and leading to collapse.
there is little to gain by sticking around.
Or rather many believe that there chances of advancing in society and getting enough goods and capital to justify the work are just too long.
poor ya beer over them and eat your "cereal"
Their (((liberal arts))) teacher taught them that being lazy makes you a victim.
The ONLY racial group that is seeing decreasing suicide rates is blacks (black males, to be specific)
Feminism. The cancer that's rotting our society.
This same thread with the same image and say wording keeps getting posted over and over again. Hmm really makes you think.
Why would anyone want to spend their life with some insipid, selfie taking basic bitch virtue signaling narcissist?
Demoralization. Lack of non-degenerate frontiers. Rigged system too obvious.
At less we young white males don't check out at age 19 in drive-by shootings.
I was in college kept applying for jobs and getting no call backs or interviews, and frankly I just got sick of being depressed about it. It wasn't good for my health to beat myself up about how useless I am ,and honestly I still had no idea what I wanted to do as a career.
It reached a point where I just didn't have any more emotions to give into society and even going to a bar is a waste of time.
So what i'm beta and poor an not that good looking, im healthy anf /fit/, and society doesnt wan't me so why do I keep trying to join it.
>tfw raised by single mom shaming meinto living my life around finding a woman.
for women? fuck that thye'll cheat on you and fuck you over anyway, whats the point if everything is designed to leave you broke and anxious about the future and the more material you gain the ore you're inclined to work to keep it.
people will call us failures but frankly who cares any more, our generation isn't buying shit anyway.
gay niggers from outer space
>most men are employed
UK unemployment is 5%, France 9%, Spain is 20%, Italy has 12%. Yes most men are employed but it's still terrible over much of the developed world.
because its a full time job just to score an entry level part time job which may or may not be on-track to a full time job.
because you can tuck your tail between your legs and be a ass kisser for a resume builder and still never get a call back while stacy "feels sorry for you being a vulnerable man" while she gets 25 call backs for her tech start up 501c3 non-profit job
because its impossible to be taken seriously before age 30 no matter who you are or what you do since you are "just a kid"
also people fuck with you for being "immature" in your twenties and not already having a house and kids or a wife
its so much easier to just give up, I haven't yet and I am still trying but everyday I get the urge to just work at lowes and shoot guns and drink beer instead of trying
This society is fucking dumb
This society awards dishonesty and debauchery and then have the gall to say that they appreciate good people in the world and how we should promote those values
We've also gone to point where instead of actually considering an opposite viewpoint that goes against the norm, it just gets shat upon and treated with complete ignorant hate.
Most people now favor feelings over logic then bash on those who actually have a reasonable argument based on facts
It's all a shit show and now the only real way I can find a decent group of people to talk with is online.
tl;dr - It's a fucking shit show outside. Online is where it's at.
>Defend video games.
>Justify escapist alcohol consumption and hard drug use.
>Weak faggots living in an fairyland where selfish behavior, conflict, struggle, promiscuity, self-centeredness are a "problem" or a sign that society is going to shit, when in reality they're just isolated pussies unable to face the real world, the way it has been since the dawn of time.
>Blaming women for being attracted to attractive men, saying "it's unfair", when in reality it's literally how we've evolved to behave as a species.
>Muh Judeo-Christian values.
>Not being man enough to grow a skin, compete and succeed, instead lock themselves in their rooms and sulk and rage like the pussies that they are, thinking up reasons why it's society's fault and how it's all a "cucked system".
>"Why would anyone want to spend their life with some insipid, selfie taking basic bitch virtue signaling narcissist?"
>Implying you wouldn't if you could.
>Drinking, drugging, gaming and overall being a waste of matter instead of educating yourself, working hard, socializing, getting fit, getting a job and being a useful, functional human being.
>But no, muh society is rigged/cucked/shit/degenerate, why should I bother?
>inb4 "wage slave", "goy" and other denial-maintaining buzzwords.
>Being this ignorant about society and the world around them.
Wow for a right-wing board, Sup Forums sure is filled with degenerate, useless incel pussies.
Feminism, women's suffrage, and state welfare has sort of destroyed the underlying society but people are in denial of it, and soon no one will be alive to remember how much more smooth and effective things were before it despite shittier technology.
This man gets it. Even the asians know the white man is full of shit.
How do I be useful to my race. I started signing up for IE and anticom, but I'm still a NEET loser and don't know how I should be planning my life out.
why wouldn't we?
Give us our civil war to kill muslims and niggers and rape feminists and things might change.
where do you think you are?
All you do is to watch a man fucking a girl you like
They can't compete
>Technology has advanced
It takes the exact same amount of time to fly from New York to London today as it did in 1965. There hasn't been shit for advancement.
I smell fedora. ew.
Because I have a master's in applied math and the government imports immigrants to the point that 90% of workers in my field are foreign born. Sometimes I wonder what my salary would be if there weren't so many chinks and poos pushing down the wages.
>13% unemployment rate
>These comments
What in the actual fuck. Oh wait.
>Average IQ - 89
I see.
They aren't.
Sup Forums is an anti-Jewish board and Jewpenhauer is a literal kike. Who came from a Semtic-Germanic family.
Blacks don't need to commit suicide because they'll get murdered instead.
delete this pic
post more
>serbian intellectuals
We oppressed minorities now. It's time for the non whites to work while we cash gibsmedats checks and spend all day getting drunk and yeti-ing out. Muh dick.
>browsing Sup Forums
>ha-ha-ha im better & superior than all of you losers
why didnt (You) include yourself on that reply list?
Absentee fathers. And not only in the literal sense. Abandoning responsibility for your child's development is a growing trend.
Cheer up, Sup Forums. It gets better.
they conquered everything, now they realize it isnt worth anything.
>Import millions of immigrants only a fraction of which are skilled or socialized enough to do cheap labor to drive down costs
>Instead of reaping the surplus of cheaper goods and services, implement gigantic fuck huge discretionary taxes and welfare and healthcare systems to care for hordes of unskilled unintegrated immigrants
It's like a nation sat down and figured out how they could cuck and ruin themselves in the most embarrassing way possible.
>It's easiest
>They can
It seems Tom Cotton can only save us now with his replacement for the hart-celler act.
Not only this, but all the while they're being told they have "white privilege" and "male privilege"
Still looking for my privilege desu.
What is this even trying to say?
spree shooting fantasy movie of an ultimate cucklord Uwe Boll. Fuck those movies and fuck him - I hope he dies from cancer
>Why are young white males checking out of society?
because it fucking sucks. fucking kikes.
The rewards of being part of society has been completely removed from it. Your father or grandfather enjoyed the rewards and responsibilities of his age. He was the head of the house, respected and an authority figure. Now its the opposite. You still have the responsibility of the head of the family but you reap none of the rewards. No loyal wife, now society encourages her to cuck you and they want you to like it. No respect, your evil white cis scum. The children will be taken away when the wife decides you are no longer worth keeping around and the alimony will be worth it.
You will work, you will toil an you will get nothing. Thats why they drop out.
I posted the wrong quote. Anyway, you just have to find that thing in life that makes you want to try.
real men arnt going to be bothered to participate in the downward spiral of shared common western degeneracy. The untermensches of society can enjoy their bread, circuses, and far more empty, meaningless notions of sexuality in base interpretations of gratification and nothing more. I'm far too busy building the society that will replace this one.
Society did the same to me first.
Because society is treating them like crap?
that pizza roll game ridiculous out here
>watching TV
>drinking beer
>eating junkfood
Looks like a good goy to me
>1 post by this ID
Their parents are pussies and dont abandoned them behind a walmart.
>Have a job.
>Go to college
>Workout daily
>In clubs
>0 female interest in me
I'm honestly considering giving up.
I don't have a problem with every person, just the ones who think taxation isn't theft.
Im actually trying to become insanely successfull as revenge for everyone who treated me like shit growing up
I never get demotivated. Fuckers will pay when they sit down fat and with no hope, turn on their TV and there I stand full of awe
Where is the reward? What world would I be giving to my grandchildren? This place is sick and I won't assist it.
One possibility is due to bad parenting. In many "white" countries, especially recently, parents may tend to over spoil their children and let them have almost anything they want, possibly due to the general wellness of society at the time. This generation grew up being handed most of what they wanted on a silver platter, and never had to work for their dues as a child. Not to say that's representative of all people raised within the last 20-30 years, but it's certainly true for a good portion of the population.
Due to this style of upbringing, when adulthood comes about, things suddenly take a turn for the worse. When things are expected of these people who never developed a good work ethic by relying on their parents or other family, one of 3 things could happen: Either they deal with the situation and start to change for the better, become "activists" and try to change how the world works to fit their needs (see: liberal college students), or they retreat from society back to the hand which fed them, whether that hand is the government or their parents.
That being said, society does have a lot of things in it now which would turn some of the weaker-willed individuals away from it, such as some wings of modern day feminism. For these people with weak wills (who are unwilling to take charge of their lives and would rather seclude themselves to avoid dealing with having an actual life), it just becomes much easier to let outside events play themselves out.
Thinking you cannot change anything is foolish, but thinking everything is simple to do is ignorant. Strive for a fulfilling life and it will present itself to you, just as striving for a better society will lead to change: no matter how small. Take charge and stop shitposting
> Be American born male
> get your dick sliced up because women just think it looks better/MUH HYGIENE
> get told women are perfect angels and better than men in every way and can totally do everything a man can
> realize this is bullshit the first time you get into a fight with a girl as a kid and the school crushes you for hitting her back
> get put on brain-altering meds at very young age
> Go to sex ed, get told that practically every sexual interaction you can have with a girl is rape, or can be made so retroactively, while if a girl did the same thing with you it's perfectly fine
> go to college
> Get told you basically have zero civil rights when it comes to defending yourself against accusations of rape
> get out of college, get shitty cubecuck job where you can be replaced at any moment
> watch guys who go through divorce proceedings get their property confiscated and basically get made into a legal slave of the woman for decades while courts refuse to enforce visitation rights
given this environment I'm surprised MORE men aren't just checking out and playing vidya
>doing it all to get back at people
you're not gonna make it brah