>saudi arabia is our best friend
>saudi arabia is the heart of the muslim world
>iran bad
>iran number 1 state sponsor of terrorism
Stick a fork in his presidency, it's done.
Y'all seen Trump's latest weekly address yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Stick a fork in his presidency, it's done.
go back to t_d
He has a point! Historically, Saudis are aligned with American interests, and the Iranians have been training anti-American terrorists for decades. He's got an extremely discerning eye for foreign policy.
Just please understand what OP is implying - that President is wrong here - means that he supports the full Neoconservative / Deep state platform
me smart. saudi 100% bad. assad 100% good. jew 100% bad.
me would make better decision than president guy. me know more about what going on.
erect me president, fourth of july 2017
Meaning OP is neocon #NeverTrump shill. President is deciding wisely as usual
kek OP btfo
Yeah trump is full neocon now. At least we took a chance instead of going with the 100% fuck me in the ass hillary
Jesus Christ, what's happened to Sup Forums?
Fuck this shit
OP is neocon and you too shill. Trump is making all the right moves for a strong Nationalist agenda
this zionist rat isn't even trying to hide it anymore. sad!
t_d has assumed direct control of Sup Forums, you will be called shariablue for pointing out Trump is a hypocrite for selling $350billion worth of military equipment to saudi arabia.
fuck ghetto nigger
Technically he's right, apart from Iran being the largest sponsor of terrorism, that's just a jewish lie.
Kill yourself. I absolutely LOVE how all Trumpcucks completely did a 180 degrees on their initial political views just because their great overlord flopped on everything.
Why do you even come to Sup Forums? If you wanted a safe space where Trump has a cult of personality and isn't criticized, just go over to r/t_d
Before you know you cucks will be saying "Hey guys ISIS isn't that bad... I mean they're Wahabbi just like Saudi Arabia, our allies. We should get along".
kys neocon shill
back to T_D
yeah lost in all the bullshit is that for right wingers hes really not worth supporting on his own merits. The problem is if he loses our support then he's easy pickings and what replaces him will be worse. So we're caught in a dumb situation where its clear hes in bed with filthy neocons but we have to back his dumb ass anyways.
Fuck this
Why? So he can tell us all how great niggers and Saudi shitskins are? Spare me.
suadi arabia is just a shit hole that supports fundie islamic terrorists. why should we like them?
le based assad *kills baby* shaidaly my pepe brothers
The ultimate showdown is coming.
Who's got more oil money?
Trump take over of the United States extended here. DIdn't you know?
he's god king whatever he says is truth. He is truth, He is America, he is God to us. He is infallible and if you disagree you're a soros shill never mind the root of Soros is that he's (((soros))) as we help (((israel)))
reddit fuck off srs
Probably still the Saudi's
i can't even look at this orange kike anymore. what the fuck happened to him? He's turned into a textbook neocon and now all the things I loved about him, I hate.
Because Trump ultimately is a neocon shill that cares ONLY about money.
I went over to r/t_d, it was nothing, NOTHING but hatred of Islam. I went there a few days ago only to see "Muslims get BTFO by Japan" thread where Japs simply warn Muslims their food isn't halal out of courteousy. These were the people completely drunk on the hatred of Islam sprung forward by Trump and his anti-Islam hatred.
But go now, and nope, nothing anti-Islam now and nothing about Saudi Arabia. Just like that, Trump flip-flopped on his anti-Islam narrative simply because he was able to make money out of it, and all his mindless supporters ate it up. So pathetic.
You had very unrealistic expectations/ are younger than 25
watch the video people. op is clearly exaggerating like a dildo
Hostage Face again
>posting rage comics
>calling others reddit
nothing wrong with hating islam desu
He's playing ball. he ran as the candidate of change, but it turns out he's not exactly Ron Paul. are we surprised? he's now getting attacked from both sides. obviously he's appeasing the Zionist world economic powers... first the Saudis, then the Israelis, then the Vatican. kiss the right rings, suck the right c_cks, spread the cheeks, bend over, lube up and keep the banks open. same as every other president since 1963.
>At authoritarium fallacy
Yeah because if someone is in power you cannot be anything but right , because you totally aren't influenced by a miriad of groups and establishment people that oppose you and are more powerful
That the president of the fucking US, place of 911, of all places delares that Iran and not Saudi Arabia is the No1 terror finanicer of the world , something even a informed 11, yo kid knows is BS, is more that pathetic
Ky my mans
He looks orangier than usually
>He looks orangier than usually
Side Effect of MK Ultra
Democracy is Schizophrenic.
how can this kike lover surprise anyone anymore?
you fuckers know Iran is Aryan and Saudis are semites, and Trump likes Israel (semites) so why are you so fkin surprised?
Trump is an Israel First precedent.
Ok faggots you should take solace in the fact that he probably won't repeat the huge faux pas that his retarded predecessor committed, pic related.
Or will he?
maybe he'll go back to the republican tradition of trying to make out with the saudi king.
That it is which is why Trump is the fucking man. He's so transparent about what he does that you can't not love him.
Obama Dems and neocons collab to suck Iranian cock for 8 years. Shit on saudi arabia. Trump looks it over. Figures out why that might be. Does the opposite.
As long as Trump is doing the literal exact opposite of Obama, there's not even room to question him. Obama was obviously working against America in all his decisions
Maybe someone will throw a shoe at him?
No, you don't get it. Everybody was FINE with hating Islam, since Trump was always doing it.
Now Trump apparently loves Islam and Saudi Arabia, and so should most of us too??? I mean look at the other fucks ITT saying Saudi Arabia is our allies, see how quick they're willing to drop their anti-Islam narrative just because Trump said so and they're mindless drones that only believe what they're told to believe.
In other words, Trump is dangerous, because if the kikes completely control him, then his average supporter with the an IQ of a potato will completely support the policies of said kikes since Trump is God and is always right.
Nope. That's for the Iraqi monkeys.
why is he talking like a deaf retard trying to remember his lines? And what is up with all the different camera cuts lol
>>saudi arabia is our best friend
>>saudi arabia is the heart of the muslim world
setting up the art of the deal with JayRod jewing down Lockheed Martin arms deal with Saudi gov
Since you seem to like reddit so much you should probably stay there.
NAh... that faggot is from >>>/democrapicUnderground.cum/
or is posting live and direct from a CREW monitored server to get his $0.12 for that thought provoking OP!
(up against the wall with no cigarette or last words soon!)
>>>saudi arabia is our best friend
>>>saudi arabia is the heart of the muslim world
while US built weapons are used against the Yemeni people by the house of saud
Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All
“The Art of the Deal” made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth—and regrets it.
“I put lipstick on a pig,” he said. “I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is.” He went on, “I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.”
If he were writing “The Art of the Deal” today, Schwartz said, it would be a very different book with a very different title. Asked what he would call it, he answered, “The Sociopath.”
>that pic
fucking hell
heh I'll save this for PTG threads to get the (you)s thanks user
Pretty sure you have no idea what a neocon is. When john mccain is on the front page of the news approving of trump, then you know trump has gone full blown neocon. Kill yourself shareblue psyops shill
Clever post
I give you 9/11 subversion points.
If you can't tell that the "based KSA" posts are outsiders then you should KYS.
Seems like Trump completely caved in to the neocons in foreign policy but is still fighting (((them))) on domestic issues.
I often wonder if he's even aware of the JQ, frankly I don't think so considering he gave his children to Jews.
How can Trump go on the offensive against a foe he can't even name? Or even if he could, I think he'd sooner turn to their side for his children's sake, than do what is good for all. This is why the waning influence of Christianity is such a mortal thing, we allowed them to cuck Christianity to accommodate christ-killers, and as a result, modern Christians can no longer detect the demon, and so they give their children to the seducer wholeheartedly, even if they could sense it, they really don't care because in intermingling with the heathens, just like in the old testament, they now bow to foreign Gods.
Christ is really the last and final hope for humanity.
As my father often say: "Who gives a shit about sides in the Middle East, just nuke it all."
Trump is 100% controlled by Israel, if he doesn't get impeached (he most likely wont) we will be at war with Iran by the end of the year.
>helping saudis strengthen isis again
and rekt
>fucking hell
no white ice cream for (You)
Wow, it's almost like he's putting pressure on different international power structures to force a desired outcome
This poor bastard has a knife to his throat.
Everyone knows it and still shits on him.
Sorry Donald.
You shouldn't put the video if you're going to shill against Trump.
No mention of Iran
All of America's "allies" have to pay a lot of money or they're out.
Obviously saged
Are you ok, snowflake?
You seem triggered.
Maybe go to your (((safe space))).
Trump has been completely co-opted by the establishment. He is so desperate not to be seen as the failure he is that he is willing to betray every campaign promise in order to obey his kike Zionist masters.
Literally the one reason we have any "ally" relationship with Saudi Arabia is that they are fake Muslims who love the New World Order's use of Saudi oil, and they are working with Israel to run ISIS in order to accomplish strategic objectives.
Foreign policy and international elites are exploiting Trump's ignorance and inexperience to accomplish Neoconservative foreign policy objectives.