New Orleans to remove Gen. Robert E. Lee statue

Was he pro slavery or something? I read that he was a great general of the Union before the war.
The fun part is that everyone from that time was racist, including Lincoln

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What the fuck, why is nobody stopping this?

>people want to have statues removed
>but they don't want the roads fixed

Fuck it, I think the libertarians are right on this, if the government isn't gonna fix our roads we might as well have someone else do it.

Is the statue for sale?

because he's a traitor to his country.

Why should they? Guy was literally a racist

So... you like niggers?

You must be a white woman.

There arent any roads where we're going friend

Because the communist mayor has police snipers keeping the people in line
Nuke us please

Reddit is back that way. ->

A lot of statues to take down

Why the fuck are they doing this? Isnt the statue like centuries old?

>Was he pro slavery or something?
No, he hated slavery as he saw it as a symptom of laziness and indulgence.

But he's one of the objectively best Confederates so he's targeted for being a symbol of Southern Pride.

This is a dark day friendo, a real shot across the history of this country. Robert E Lee made the after war years a lot safer than they could have been and they turned his house into a graveyard. No respect at all.

because of social justice
nothing will change, but at least they took down a racist statue :)

made me lol

If they remove them from the cities we must install new ones in white (rural) areas.

>Fought against the U.S killing American men
>Sided with the Traitorous Confederates nearly destroying America
>Somehow not a traitor
General Sherman was right. We should have hanged the Southerners from trees

Lee wasn't even a racist, he almost sided with the union but couldn't bear to fight against his friends and relatives from his home country virginia. This from his memoirs.

People are just so blinded by political stupidity that they want to tear down the visible edifices in an attempt to erase history. By that logic they would have to blow up mount rushmore and anything else that had a founding father that owned slaves.

Lincoln wrote that if he could preserve the union by any means necessary, he would. even if that meant freeing none of the slaves.

Guess he was a racist too.

just typical communist four olds stuff RIP burgers

>mfw when the south was more American than the north and Lincoln was cool with keeping slaves.

>In this enlightened age, there are few I believe, but what will acknowledge, that slavery as an institution, is a moral & political evil in any Country. It is useless to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it however a greater evil to the white man than to the black race, & while my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf of the latter, my sympathies are more strong for the former. The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.

He was a true American. And unironically a genius. So of course they hate him

Sad. Here a princess Isabel ended slavery, but nobody give her any credit because she was white

>Abraham Lincoln was responsible for more American deaths than any other president in history

Get to work taking down his monuments.

Race bating News/indoctrinating kids from young age And most importantly group mentality =.= how will this go down when one of these people get in power after the old heads die

And thicc.

>memorializing someone who LOST a war
>memoralizing someone who got BTFO by a raging alcoholic
>MUH lost cause
southern cucks just can't let go of something even 150 years later

maybe dixies should have won the war if they didn't want their statues removed

So should the Italians remove all of their Roman era statues?

I guess france should just be dozed over then, they lost two of the biggest ones.

So Napoleonic architecture and statuary should be removed?

>lose the war
>deserve a statue
really makes you think

Well yeah, Sharia don't bloody allow them.

looks familiar

Americans, don't let this happen. Don't let your history be rewritten.
My country suffered the same fate 43 years ago by the hands of communists.

Don't let this happen to your country. Don't let them destroy your identity. People have changed and more often than not people know that racism is bad, but using racism as an excuse to censor history is despicable.

Do something.

Infinite times this.

most of them are destroyed anyway, catholics really did a number on destroying shit to build their cathedrals.

>fight for your home

Are you retarded?

Based leaf

Sorry but racists are on the wrong side of history this is evil history

literally retarded lmao

We can't. DNC money is too powerful for our state to handle.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Knowing the mayor, for sure. You just have to be the right person to buy it.

>By that logic they would have to blow up mount rushmore and anything else that had a founding father that owned slaves.

Students and professors at the University of Virginia (founded by Jefferson) have already tried to get university president to resign for quoting Thomas Jefferson. It's only a matter of time before monuments dedicated to Washington and Jefferson get torn down.

Pic related: SJWs destroying statues of Assyrian oppressors and slavers.

You cant erase the bloody past else it will repeat it self. GOOD GOD HOW STUPID ARE YOU PEOPLE.

It doesn't matter, you fucking asshole.

How are YOUR future generations going to learn about YOUR past if you keep censoring or destroying YOUR OWN history?

All cultures, societies, nations made their mistakes. If we keep destroying our mistakes how are we ever going to learn?

Stop this niggerish asinine behavior. It's unproductive and serves only for you to feel good about something ephemeral.

This is akin to burning books.

they'll be coming for other evil slaveowners next

You guys know there are things called books right? It's not like most people will learn anything about confederate history just by glancing at a statue

Just run up and climb the fucking crane.

I'm related to General Lee. He was no more racist than the northern hypocrites. He was anti-slavery, but being from the south he felt that he couldn't fight against his own brethren. If he wouldn't have joined the South, there loss would've been twice as fast.


dont compare the thousands of years old history of civilization to the history of the defeated south.... that just happened 5 minutes ago

Robert E. Lee was a traitor. Fact.

He also surrendered formally.

I agree completely that "MUH SUH-THERN CUL-SHUR" is completely Jewish horse shit (Seriously guys, you're defending the RAH-TUH for Jews to drive your ancestors into the poorhouse) and the Jewish and Hebrephilic southern wannabe-aristocracy and planter class should have been hanged from the tops of their mansions, BUT, this isn't being done for any reason involving the Civil War.

The reason this is being done is to erase and marginalize American history, the American people, and the White American ethnic group. The fact that they're going after Johnny Reb first is just because he's an acceptable target.

very nice.

>refused to fight and kill his own family
>wow what a traitor

>pay to remove history of the city
>can't pay to fix pic related
New Orleans, everyone. Hell, they use to not even pay the police their salaries. At one point a private citizen had to step in and pay the police so that downtown could be patrolled for Mardi Gras.
>i wish I were joking


well i typed that backwards ... but serious. dont do it

Actually it offends me and we are removing it from history books. Kids don't need to learn that racist stuff anyway.

>greatest general
>lost to based US grant


Lee would have joined the Union is they had given him a higher rank. He chose the South because he got to be a commanding General.

It was a career move.

So mount rushmore when?

Devils advocate here:

In what way was Robert E Lee racist? Name one way.

And how did this "racism" stand out from other figures of the time?

>implying removing it from the books wasn't the first thing they did
Seriously, there is almost no education towards our Civil War AT ALL. There hasn't been for nearly 4 decades now.

Didn't Robert E. Lee free all of his slaves before the civil war?

Didn't the northern general Grant keep his slaves and claim that he wouldn't fight if the war was about slavery?

You know, that's strangely correct.

Haha I'm not even from the south and can tell you're a fucking moron

That's right, American troops bailed your asses out in both world wars.

>not posting the superior version


>Robert E. Lee was a traitor. Fact.

Not according to the Supreme Court

Screw you New Orleans - I've visited once a year for four years now, but if you're going aggressive sjw I guess I need somewhere new to visit.

can we shoop this to say some more racist quotes

I take it that true red-blooded Americans will start doing the same to MLK statues in the coming weeks.

Nothing strange about it. These people weren't stupid or uninformed.

Blame the mayor. He's literally a cokehead loser who's more corrupt than his sister.

1000 years from now people wont have any statues to destroy if we are destroying them all today.

>Taking down historical monuments

Okay now I'm mad

Lee was offered the command of the union army you idiot. this is one of the more well known stories

I'm actually afraid of someone throwing a rock at a nigger statue and setting off a chain reaction

Yeah, let's destroy the Coliseum. I mean it's not like people need that to be there. There are these things called books, you know.

You sound retarded.

As much as I dislike racists I believe these things should be left untouched or, if anything, moved to a museum. But removing, defacing or outright destroying history is absolutely asinine, unjustified and nigger behavior.

I absolutely despise people who attempt to rewrite history.

notice how white nationalists do jack shit

Don't expect any burger to actually know the history around the Civil War. It hasn't been taught in a very long time.

Lee was originally offered command of the entire union army by Lincoln. If he picked the confederacy as a career move he fucked up.

Robert E. Lee was the reason that there wasn't continued insurgency in the South after the war. He ordered his men to lay down their arms and go home to their families. Washing away history is always bad.

>can't fix this either

Mayor says yes. All three removed have total value to collectors of 7 to 10 mil

being pro slavery is more racist than wanting to free slaves you stupid douche

Can we erase liberals next. They are all racist towards whites.

i suggest detroit

Historically he despised slavery, its just that his home state of virginia left the union and he would never betray virginia.

The civil war is that one weird war where atrocities were commited on both sides but the south was still left to keep their narrative somewhat and honor those who fought.

War does not determine who is right, but who is left. The south lost and when you lose a war, you become the bad guys and you dont get to honor those fallen.

Rommel with the nazis was an honorable man and great strategist like Lee, but he lost and there are consequences to that.


>Americans on Sup Forums
We wuz based n sheitt you europoors wuz cucked n sheitt
>Literaly destroys Historical monument for political agenda

blame your people for social engineering. Thank you for ruining our lives.


I remember reading an article about the new multicultural history books in France. Less than ten pages focused on Napoleon and his legacy whereas pre-colonial West African kingdoms receive much more attention.

I was thinking maybe somewhere in the South, but thanks for contributing user - have a (You)