
This is now a Dixie thread. No Yanks or cucks allowed.

South Eastern NC reporting in, how y'all doing this evening?

Other urls found in this thread:



Look away, look away, look away

Doing fine above you in Central Virginia sir. Hope this warm weather has been treating you well.

>Robert E. Lee oil

Damn. Jealous as hell.

Saw a proud Texan with a confederate flag on his truck today. How do you guys display your flags with it getting stolen or vandalized?

live in a neighborhood without nogs/millenials

Dixies are fags

Strap an ied to it

confederate memorial day event in Graham tomorrow. Literal commie jew fucks going to try to shutitdown.jpg

Never really felt the need to display it. Not for shame and not for lack of love, just not into putting anything on my truck.

Love it man, there's an identical one of Stonewall, but my brother got that one.

704 reporting. Hope you have a good weekend NC bro

Florida reporting. My county and I voted for Trump.

texan reporting in

Tejas reporting in, fuck mexicans



Just occurred to me the most shit part of the state sounds very ((())). How life around there bud?

Oh we're makin' it just fine, OP.

I'll be spending this warm and balmy Friday night in May drinking gin w/ lime and browsing Sup Forums by myself. I may go grab some chinese take out.

All these fine Southern gentlemen on an early Friday evening. About time to pour a couple fingers of rye whiskey and get comfy.





Are bongs allowed?


Texas is honorary Dixie. If I was texan though I'd cling to /texan nationalism/

828 here. Fuckin glad it's Friday

It's named after a part of northern Germany

Pretty comfy. Road construction still sucks but enjoying my time home from college so far.

/770/ here

I keep mine in my room. I need to quit being lazy and buy an "actual" confederate flag (GA's now without the seal)

>*Notices digits*
>*nuzzles u*

ATL fag reporting in, holding down the fort in Coon City USA

im 770 too, it's good to see you arthur

Texas is an honorary member. They may have been a day late and a dollar short when we really needed them, but they share too many of the same values not to accept as brothers. Let's not turn this into a thread of faggotry.

This is a thread of Southern hospitality and respect for our union of States as they were initially intended by the founding fathers.

No sir, quite to the contrary. Our Southern hospitality extends to all those who value the respect of their brothers.
>pours glass of whiskey
All the British friends I've had who visited beloved Dixie have found it to be heaven on Earth. Got nothing but love for you.

honestly I don't understand why anyone would live in the south.

Poor, hot, and shit ton of minorities. Sounds like Sup Forums paradise to me.

Fuck you, there were meskins that fought inside the alamo against Mexico alongside your white brothers. Meskins have always been apart of Texas culture.

Racist dixie fags need to gtfo.

How can you support freedom while trying to keep other races down? hypocrites.

Does Missouri count? We're basically the south, my coworkers all use nigger when talking about blacks.


Damn. Godspeed to you. You got a job in Atlanta?

Why is the entire north of you're country so gay and they all have annoying high pitched accents. Why not just kill The Yankee union bastards

Oh shittt

> didn't even notice
> first quads

I'll drink to that

Class act southern gentlemen here. Where you from bud?

I'm going to withdraw reactionary anger towards our historically greatest ally. I suggest you visit Dixie before passing judgement, you may be quite surprised by what you find. The world is deeper than metrics posted on this autistic finger painting forum, sir. Respect to the French, Dixie never forgot what you have done for our nation and our people.

Great. Finally a thread worth a response.

How are you doing with your nigger wife in NC? And, of course, all your little niglets?

Everybody knows NC is full of niggers. Might as well be Mississippi.

close proximity to Canada makes them gayer

Wish I had a good answer for you, sir. They are embarrassing to say the least.
Richmond, Virginia sir. Grew up in the deeper mountainous parts of this fine Commonwealth. Respect to you as well brother, hope this Friday evening treats you exceptionally well.

>Be Texan
>Have crawfish boil
>Step inside to check Sup Forums
>Dixie thread
It's been a good day.

Even Canadians are not as gay as a New Yorker or a person from New England

ATL actually isn't that bad at all, there might be a lot of minorities but if you dont go out of your way to harass them then theyre polite and respectful

Richmond is a fine city. I was born unfortunately in NOVA, but the rest of that state is a great time.

fuck off southern cuck

I live in California but my greatgrand parents came from the south

can I still be part of this? I want the south to rise again and all, I'm down to be a sleeper agent in cuckifornistan for yall

We keep them quarantined in the city, as most sane people do.

It saddens me that, not even Northern VA, but just the consolidated suburbs of DC have been populated so heavily by transplants and have swayed the vote so decisively in this otherwise great State.


Trust me Frenchie, the south is comfy. Try driving around the countryside listening to some Yves Montand and you will not be disappointed.

I'll dump my Dixie momiji's


NC is MS...only with Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham thrown in.

Tourist to Manhatten.

This is a vibrant, cool city that you be proud and envious of.

Simple-minded hillbillies

Why you are not protecting your monuments with guns?

Nah I grew up in Charlotte but I go to school at Ole Miss. Go Rebs!

what is the fucking puropse of this shitty thread? sucking on each others dicks or what? the south is fucking trash, why are you so obsessed about it?

Does Southern California count? I do Civil War reenacting as the confederates if that helps.

Would Dixie basically be paradise on earth if it wasn't for the black belt?

opinion disregarded


Raleighfag. Nuke the Liberal Triangle now!

Good evening. Oxford reporting in.

I just graduated from there. So glad to be done with that place. I hate how people from out of state call themselves Tar Heels

Little Dixie reporting in.

I don't get it. I'll give a quick rundown on why its autistic

>Less than 33% of southern families owned slaves
>Both the North and South owned slaves (see border states)
>Lincolns casus bellis on the south wasn't a moral one, he was just preserving the Union.
>The north didn't want to get rid of slavery, just prevent it from extending to the west.
>Northern whites would threaten, maim and kill abolitionist as they saw "dangerous" to their communities.
>The Emancipation Proclamation DID NOT free slaves in the NORTH only slaves in the SOUTH
>Slaves in the Union did not get their citizenship until after the war, when the 13th Amendment was signed

nice answer diabetes cuck

>Would Dixie basically be paradise on earth if it wasn't for the black belt?
And the rednecks. The weather and vegetation here are lovely, just like the women.

South Carolina checking in. We did it one and we'll do it again God dammit.

Tejanos can stay, you gotta go back, Pablo.

It may surprise you to find that Southern Blacks are multitudes better than Northern or West Coast Blacks on the whole. That's not to say all of them are great, there's plenty of ghetto pieces of shit. There are lots of Black folk you embody Dixie to a tee though. To answer your question honestly though, yes, without Blacks Dixie would be legitimate paradise.

The purpose is for Dixie to come together, for guests of Dixie to join us, and to show respect for our fellow man, sir. I'm not sure what's got you so upset over this, but I would suggest a heaping helping of humility and respect for your fellow man if you truly want to understand what we're doing here. Thank you kindly.

Forgot pic


>day and a dollar late
Them fightin words

Alabama reporting in.


I would not let my inferior bong dick anywhere near her out of respect for her beauty.

it's just the (((culture)))

They have this larp thread often on Sup Forums


I was literally just whisltin' dixie. Man I long for the Confederacy. Central FL here

No sir, just truthful observations of history. That's not an insult and given your great distance from the front lines, it's not to be expected that you could have done too much more. Unfortunately you boys were a little late to pull the trigger though. If we could have gotten a mass of Texans in Virginia we could have done some real good. No hate brother, just the way the cookie crumbled. Got nothing but love for Texans.


It hurts that they're removing his statue in NOLA

New Yorker here. Deal with it, you lost the war, losers dont get to put rules



checked, the palmetto and crescent moon lead the way


Gwinnett CO. checkin in


Virginia hanging out tonight. Sup.

>putting that gay commie shit on the flag

MO here
How bout them tornadoes last night

Where can I buy a Dixie flag?

Sir, perhaps you are confusing this thread with something else. This is a Dixie thread, and Dixie still exists. No sense in being ornery about it, either move on or you're welcome to enjoy your Friday evening with us.

I don't know if its of any help, but there is a petition on change.org dedicated to pressing charges against the mayor who did it. Don't think it will solve anything though...


>>Lincolns casus bellis on the south wasn't a moral one, he was just preserving the Union.
>>The north didn't want to get rid of slavery, just prevent it from extending to the west.
I'll second this. The northern leadership prosecuted the war in an effort to suppress a rebellion, not as a grand moral crusade. Also, there was plenty of support for or ambivalence toward slavery among the northern leadership (lots of money to be made) and populace (if only because it kept blacks in the south.) Abolition was never a popular movement in the north.

The way the civil war is discussed the media and popular discussion is terribly shallow.

I will defend Bobby to my last Breath. He was the face of the Confederacy, and a damn good one.