Why are white people so violent and thugs?
Why are white people so violent and thugs?
Other urls found in this thread:
>ethnicity: mixed, predominantly maori
weak bait, kys
They're actually a Maori gang who are mostly anti-white so you clearly don't know what you're talking about
What does randipulator have to do with pizzagate
A couples of niggers today killed a kid in a car they stole.
The other day another kid was forced to cry for her uncle before they were both executed in their home by niggers that only took their PS3.
Why do niggers have a thing for killing kids?
This canoe nigger would get filleted by Fresno BDs.
why did whites enslave an entire race for hundreds of years?
For the profit.
Kek. Look at those manlet genes.
Citation needed
>Why do niggers have a thing for killing kids?
Because they're Orcs sent by evil Hooked Nosed Wizards to destroy our Civilizations.
Pretty simple.
I don't know, why don't ask your fellow niggers why they sold their people to whites if you want to bring up irrelevant shit from a hundred years ago?
Why are we singling out whites, racist?
Slavery was a staple of human existence since days of cavemen.
Whites were the first to take positive steps towards the erasure of it.
'so violent and thugs' nigger detected lol
nice grammar jamal.
>so violent and thugs
learn english niglet
Anyone who wishes to recieve a certification of my tribal blessing as a rightful redident of the Americas without native ancestry please donate.
Remove parenthesis
>Generalizes an entire population based off one person
Why is everyone on Sup Forums an autistic virgin snowflake cuckold man child?
>See why you're retarded?
>oy vey, the hobbits know!
Why does the "White Supremacist" Media hide Black Crime so diligently?