Are you goys still using credit cards?
Explain yourselves.
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Are you goys still using credit cards?
Explain yourselves.
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>have credit card
>pay it back
wow so hard wtf i hate credit cards now
Gotta get dat credit rating up, pham.
I think of it as a video game. I'm levelling up.
I literally get free money by using a credit card, and it's a lot easier.
>If you have any money in a bank you are creating money out of thin air. Do you have all your money buried in your backyard or something?
Most of my money is in physical assets like gold, silver, guns, ammo, collector cars, or Federal Reserve Notes on hand. My bank account has a decent amount in it, but not much.
Gotta get that 10% cash back on all purchases senpai
>not trading bags of grain for everything you need
If I have no credit I will have to pay thousands more a year for car insurance. Fucking kikes
>Not understanding that every purchase you make with a credit card literally creates currency out of thin air.
>You have to pay back this currency that was created out of thin air plus interest.
>every purchase with a credit card or loan you get creates more currency, inflating the currency supply, devaluing the dollar further.
>Being in debt literally devalues your earnings.
>You are shooting yourself and everyone else in the foot.
Look up fractional reserve lending.
The amount by which I personally inflate currency by using a credit card is less than the amount of free money I get by using it.
>You have to pay back this currency that was created out of thin air plus interest.
I go for credit cards with 0% interest on purchases. Soon as that offer ends, I close the account and get another with 0% interest on purchases.
This is incorrect.
For every $100 you spend with a credit card, $90 is created (Assuming a 10% reserve system). If you get 3% cash back, you get $3 per $100 spent, but create $90 additional dollars.
Do you -really- think the BANK of all people would pay you to borrow money from them?
T. Financially inept nigger who's 20k in debt
Learn how to properly use credit cards faggot
You don't understand how fractional reserve banking and credit card / financial institutions work.
This thread again
Its seems many people were properly edified from the last thread.
Quick rundown for anyone that missed it.
>Jews own the banks that give credit cards
>Jews own the businesses that pay the fees to the credit card companies
>Responsible Goys use credit cards that give them rewards and don't pay any interest because they pay the card within terms.
>Goys get free money or gifts or flights
waiting for that 666 shit happing.
>plus interest
Where is this magical interest you speak of?
If I buy a 10$ item with my credit card, I then pay the Credit Card company 10$
Unless everyone is a dumbass who pays minimum like a plebian.
Nope. I have $0 in debt.
I just finished paying off my car loan that I got before I fully understood fractional reserve lending. Never again.
I have a credit card with a relatively low limit for backup purposes only. I had to use it the other day to buy a $5 book online when the website was flinging an error with my charge card.
>fed causes inflation through monetary bullshit policies
>nobody gives a shit
>a credit card operates on interest and consumer responsibility
face it, the only reason anybody would hate credit cards is if you're financially irresponsible. In which case, that's a personal problem, not a fault of credit cards
not using them anymore, maxed them all out like a huge retarded vagina, and will be in debt recovery for the next 5 years if i'm lucky.
got them to improve my credit, but now they are the only reason my credit is fucking destroyed.
Why are you using a credit card if you can afford to pay for the item outright?
You are literally just giving money to the Credit Card company and creating currency.
The vast majority of inflation is caused by Fractional Reserve Lending policy, not by the Fed's Quantitative Easing, aka Money Printing.
I'm not defending the Fed here, but they are less of a problem than Fractional Reserve Lending is.
this /thread
i love getting free amazon shit or hotels.
I get points that apply to my groceries. I average 40-50$ off my grocery bill every month because I use my credit card properly.
Because some sometimes it's more convenient. If I want to buy a TV for 1500 dollars, I have 4 options: cash, check, credit, debit. Lots of places won't accept 1500 dollars in cash, checks can be a hassle, lots of checking accounts have a daily max so debit may not work, leaving credit cards. Literally the only reasons I have a credit card is convenience and emergencies.
Never had a credit card. But I understand that you can't get a 'good credit rating' without one, which you need for big loans and mortgages.
Did an online credit check recently and while my score was strong, I was less likely to be offered credit than my girlfriend. She doesn't even have a fucking job and couldn't afford to fall into debt of any sort. But I have a permanent job, no debts, a high degree of disposable income and thousands in savings. Gee, doesn't it seem odd that the person who can't afford credit is more likely to be given it?
It stinks.
I know enough to understand what is happening.
Joe Six Pack deposits $1,000 into his bank account.
The teller then loans $900 of his currency to the next customer. But Joe Six Pack's bank account still shows $1,000, and Mike the Boat Buyer has $900 to play with.
Mike the Boat Buyer buys an old boat for $900, and the seller deposits his new $900 into his account.
The bank teller then loans out $810 of the seller's currency to the next customer.
There is now $2,710 in circulation.
Repeat the process for infinity.
>he doesn't have a 2% Cashback credit card that gives him extended warranties and free rental car insurance
Cash is legal tender for all debts, public and private.
>Oh gee, I can get a 2% reward for creating currency out of thin air, undermining my own purchasing power and income!!!
>Do you -really- think the BANK of all people would pay you to borrow money from them?
Yeah because they know all people don't all pay back all the balance each month.
They also charge retailers for the right to use their CC.
The banks make money from the retailer and from the people that carry a balance.
The money the banks are paying to retailers are no covered by deposits, but rather a floating balance of all the credit card payments.
Cash back is more than enough incentive.
You have no idea what you're talking about
Welcome to the way banks have worked long before the time "credit cards" even existed.
I hate credit cards on principle.
But I'm gonna try to use one to build up airline credits because I'm planning a big trip with family.
I just activated it today. I've never used one before, & I'm 38.
Tell me what I should avoid.
Basically credit cards are great for people who ain't niggers and can manage money easily
Don't be stupid: credit cards are loans.
Our economy is now based on usury.
I personally use debit for just about everything, but so long as you pay it off each month so you don't pay interest it's fine; also a good way to build up your credit score.
>Cash back is more than enough incentive.
"I'll give you my kidney tomorrow for a burger today."
>You have no idea what you're talking about
>Welcome to the way banks have worked long before the time "credit cards" even existed.
You seem to be contradicting yourself. Do I have no idea what I am talking about, or are you agreeing that this is how it has been for a long time?
>Get credit card under fake credentials
>withdraw all money in cash
>repeat several dozen times
>Have a healthy bank balance, physical assets and don't need to work.
It's like you don't want to outjew the jews goys
Life is too short to not be able to afford things.
Yeh man gotta get that 6% in groceries, 3% in gas, 5% back quarterly categories, 2% in any purchases
Pay off in full and no interest charged :^)
There are 2 reasons I use them
1. I pay back my debt every month in full and on time
2. I need credit so I can buy a house/car that I can't currently afford
If you ever want to buy a house and don't have all the money ready (AKA fucking everyone) then you need to have credit or the Jews will rape you even harder
Do I like it?
No not really
What else can you do?
Watch this video
Any time you take out a loan, (Buy something with a credit card) currency is created.
So you get yourself into debt?
The borrower is servant to the lender, friend.
When you're leveraged down to the hilt and the economy takes a dump, and you lose some income, what happens?
Or maybe I don't want to walk around with 1500 dollars in my wallet you massive faggot
None more than I can pay off.
Like I said, leverage. It suits me to pay £30 interest a month and be able to buy whatever the fuck I want (within reason)
credit cards are a sweet trap. You are lured in with "yes goy great freebies for you" and by signing up, you're already halfway on a credit.
only those who are careful will have a nice time eating their candy without the trap snapping.
The fact that this is considered normal (credit rating and stuff) is already reason for concern.
>Be fed
>0$ in existence
>lend out $1 with interest
>Now $1 in existence
>Debtor must pay back $1 + x
>Still only $1 in existence
>Have a credit card
>Use it like a debit card
I don't see the problem here
You get cashback rewards and the Jews give you bonus points so you can buy a home
Honestly who has a job good enough where you don't need to borrow money?
Even when you rent an apartment you aren't even saving that much
Fucking rent is out of control
I'm never ao far into my CC as I can't pay it back in a couple of pay packets.
Plus I have passive income from property rental.
Stop using the plastic jew, user.
You sound like someone that just learned about "fractional reserve lending" earlier this morning or yesterday in your high school economics class.
If you are going to make the argument for not having credit cards because of your factional bullshit then you need to make the argument that banks should not exist and at the same time you should be prepared to pay a percentage of your cash deposits to the banks to keep them in business.
Considering credit card debt is not a "long term loan" and one of the primary purposes of "fractional reserve banking" is the ability to provide long term debt to sell to fanny and freddie I fail to see the point you're trying to make.
But you have deposits with a bank?
>banks give out loans with no interest
it only inflates if there's no interest i.e. banks give out loans for the hell of it. The interest rates curb this system and give back real wealth generated because it's then legitimate money owed back rather than multiplied from reserve. With interest, Fractional Reserve Banking just lets the bank lend out more money than what they really have, which is ok, because those loans have interest and that's where the real money is made.
think about it: why would a bank inflate an economy which hurts them from devaluing their own currency? banks want to make money, and keep that money valuable, not kill themselves. this inflation is paid back, one way or another, and if it's paid back with tax money then that's at the fault of gov not consumers
>I'm not defending the Fed here, but they are less of a problem than Fractional Reserve Lending is.
Not really the cause of the problem is the FR.
They know that when they create new money it will be expanded by private banks by a set amount within the realm of statistical probability. They keep knowingly creating more money than is needed when accounting for the fractional reserve lending policy.
It's just a positive feedback cycle.
Just pay your balance in full every time.
As I said above, very small amounts. Most of my assets are things like silver, gold, guns.
Oh look, it's that poorfag who cant get a credit card so they must be bad thread again.
>Spent a whole thread just saying good goyim and muh inflation
>gets told over 40 posts how to use a credit card to gain money instead of fall into debt slavery
>feels he needs to make another thread to fill with good goyim, muh inflation and common sense that will be ignored
i maxed out my credit cards, destroyed them and am almost at that golden 7 year mark. feelsgoodtojewthejew.jpg
how do i get a cc
It's hard to pay off credit card debt if you don't have a source of income.
Debt is very different than created currency. I realize you're talking figuratively which is how most people view debt, but if it was as easy as just "printing money" then there would be runaway inflation.
In case you weren't aware, when you eventually get a loan for real estate or a vehicle the president of the united states doesn't make a phone call to the treasury to print $22,000 for the prius you just bought to give to toyota.
Only have one because of 1% cash back. Plus it's way safer than a debit card.
>As I said above, very small amounts. Most of my assets are things like silver, gold, guns.
Never again... other than this amount.
I can always tell who lives with mommy in these threads. That includes you alpha ballers that pay for everything with straight cash. I pay my card in full each month though.
Spending money you don't have is retarded, this thread has made is clear why America is such a good friend to Israel.
All the financial illiterates in this thread. You should use a credit card for responsible purchases. Pay it off right away, get 2% cash back, and build up a credit score. Good luck being an adult with no credit score.
Also this as well.
Credit card companies are much more quick to respond to fraud. Its much harder to recover your lost cash from a bank than it is from the CC company. The CC company will just not pay the vendor. As a consumer it is awesome. As a vendor it really sucks.
Chargebacks are a gigantic pain in the ass. There's not much you can do about the fraudulent charges, but the cunts that chargeback because they bought the wrong item, fucked it up doing what ever the fuck they did with it, and then try to bring it back. Its takes months to get paid after all the appeals.
>plus interest.
no you dont you huge nigger homo
every month i use my credit card and pay exactly what i use
you know why?
Not on the streets. Online I use this
Credit is a proxy for your cash. It acts as an insulator for financial hardships when used correctly. For instance, I got a fucking speeding ticket and had to register my car at the same time. Total was around a 1000 instead of running the risks of cash short falls, CC pays for the damage and I commit to 1/4 the debt every paycheck. easy.
Fairly sure OP is a high school or very early college ancap larper. It has been entertaining at least.
I use a credit card sometimes. I clear the balance at the end of every month from my main and have thus never had to pay any usury.
Why? Because it's convenient, lists transactions on a easy to read statement, and push up my credit rating. And the bank is more vigilant about credit card fraud than debit card (because (((their))) money) so easier to get fraudulent transactions cancelled.
and best of all I'm costing them money for providing the service as i don't pay interest as they intend for me to do. Problem?
Update: no I'm not 'creating money out of thin air' by using a credit facility, because with fiat currency all money is notional anyway, and once created it circulates; ie. the newly created money I pay with in the shop is used by the shop to pay its employees.
Thus it doesn't make any difference whether I use 'my' cash or 'my' credit card. The source is the same, ie nowhere. Are all those opponents of jew lenders suggesting we set up a parallel barter financial system or use silver bullion or something? You first.
This. used wisely Credit Cards are very useful. Think of it like an emergency loan card.
Op has learned the error of their ways and has abandoned this thread for fear of further persecution.
Lessons taught and lessons learned.
Yes, we've learned it's really important to banks that every good goy get a credit card, and they profit so much from it they can hire shills for Sup Forums for it.
this fuckin guy
Limeys not allowed credit cards because sharp dangerous weapon.
Someone elaborate why i would need a CC if i have an EC?
or you know, you can just be financially responsible and use your resources wisely
Absolutely fucking brain dead. Fiscal responsibility, how does it work yo?
It keeps actual cash at my disposal when I have to make the odd big expense
also these reasons:
with the acception that you pay off the debt in a timely manner
>It's a retarded OP's first and only understanding of Economics is muh fractional reserve banking conspiracy meme thread
>poor people
The credit cards that wealthy people are eligible for are basically free money. I have a card that gives me $500K health insurance whenever I'm on vacation for free.
>use credit card
>use cash
>"i'm sorry sir, but i can't accept $20,000 in cash for this car. don't you have a credit card or something?"
>calls the cops on you as you leave his lot
>cops give you a hard time about having all that money on you
>get released after several hours
>get mugged
>"thanks fo the money, cracka!"
I mean goddamn OP, I like cash far better than credit cards, but once you grow up and have responsibilities, you'll see why people use credit cards.
can you set a credit limit on credit cards?
EC is basically a debit card
you need a CC to indebt yourself and then pay an interest on your debt.
>relying on credit cards and loans
>speaking about responsibilty
Flag checks out
convenient and it gives me good goy points that I can spend on any airline. also debit cards usually have a low limit, whereas my card has a higher credit limit than I will ever spend in once place.
Tell me your limits Sup Forums
My biggest is 15,000$. My very first card had a 300$ limit. Every time I apply for a new one its bigger than the last and the apr is better.
I use cash for just about everything I pay for, kraut. Going without credit cards altogether just isn't viable once you grow up and have responsibilities.
Unless you're retarded enough to carry around several thousand dollars in cash, that is.
If you mean can the card issuer set a limit then absolutely.
I'm sure the card holder can also set a limit to a credit card if they really wanted to, but they would be able to reset the limit when ever they would like so it would pretty much be useless. It would only be useful if the account was shared for what ever reason and the primary card holder was able to put a limit on their rotten kids.
My first credit card only had a $500 limit and it had a twenty some odd dollar annual free right along with it. That was 20 years ago. I'm sure much has changed since then, but I wasn't able to get my first card until after someone co-signed for me to get credit before that. Shit, the first cell phone I ever got I needed a friend of mine to co-sign for just so they would let me pay month to month. That StarTac phone though.
It wasn't long before I could get a card with no annual fee with a much higher limit. Credit bureaus put so much emphasis on credit cards that most lenders won't even look at you unless you've had one.
how about, writing a cheque
>Unless you're retarded enough to carry around several thousand dollars in cash
>not paying with a bar of gold for big investmemts
>put cash in bank
>use debit card
>drive car away
Are Americans this retarded?
Americans can't even spell it. I don't think they know what debit cards or bank transfers are either.
Thanks for the detailed response.
I think I misunderstood how the credit cards work in general. If you have $10k on your account and buy something worth $300, will that push $300 towards your limit?
I thought it might be useful to set the credit function to zero if you're close to zero on your bank account. As a safety function to stop going into credit. If you really need it you could activate it. But if you're just buying this and that it wouldn't happen.
If you're actually financially responsible, use for every purchase to build points/cash back, but also pay off in full every month (to avoid any interest), is there actually any negative consequence to credit cards?
Literally none.
Anyone shit talking credit cards are probably just poorfags who get rejected, or morons who spend money they don't have like a fucking idiot.
>tfw just got another £100 gift card for doing nothing