He's right. We are in the middle of a coup
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There already was a coup, but it was the Russians who staged it.
Hey, if it was Hillary we'd have WW3, don't be greedy.
>when you suck Trump's cock to its logical conclusion
I kind of see it. Seems like some sort of coup with leaks. But he made a great point, which is if this continues, whats to stop Republicans from doing the exact same to the Democrats if they gain power again? No president in the future will be able to govern if this keeps happening.
>americans get all their news and opinions from shitty celebrities
I'm not sure that the "leaks" aren't just exaggerated.
Look at this headline. It's made up AF
They are overplaying their hand. Trump is practically becoming a martyr.
>hurr durr its a coup!
>its the deep state!
>Trump dindu nuffin
Here's an inquiry.
What would be the point of the 'Deep State' removing Trump, if all that Trump has done since coming into power is the exact same shit that any other neocon would do?
I am thinking this too, but one slip up and he's done.
Fucking tightrope is making my stomach hurt
There are zero facts going around so it comes down to opinion wars.
>getting your news from a poor man's david spade
Why the fuck would the deep state want neocons in? You ain't that bright, are you. Why don't you and your territory buddies pay off your denbts? You're getting to be quite an embarrassment.
Someone needs to Wikipedia these faggots the definition of a coup
because he isn't on the leash as much as born and raised politicians
He's a wildcard who dethroned dynasties. This election was SUPPOSED to be be Clinton vs Bush, but Trump fucked up the chemical balance of the whole pool and neither one of the big fish could swim in the water.
His example also drove more people toward third parties and independents across the nation; several states are now seeing movements to create centrist parties, and libertarian and constitutional numbers have surged.
Trump is a risk by example. A human hand grenade tossed at the white house. He needs to be mitigated and his example needs to be shown as a demonstrable failure, or others will follow.
It's a soft coup, faggot
He's an obstacle to their plans for WW3. That's what the whole evil Russia meme is about. They want to use it to justify going to war with Russia.
Putin may be a criminal but he won't let certain banks run his country. For that reason deep state wants to start WW3, and millions will die while they sit comfortably in their luxury bunkers
This is why every member of the deep state and all the prominent Dems need to be dragged into the street and shot, no more games. It's their lives or yours
This. Anybody who believes different is a certified mong.
I don't know, it's the whole boy who cried wolf problem. They've yelled it so many times, even if he slips up and does something that could be considered a legitimate issue, most aren't going to believe it and/or continues supporting him regardless.
Funny thing about these leaks is that none of them say anythign about any evidence of wrogndoing ever being found in like five months of this shit now? If they are as bad as people think then there is nothing stopping Republicans and conservative-minded people in the govt to start a hemorrhage of leaks if Democrats get in power in the future. Remember there were many in the FBI that hated the way the inestigation into Clinton concluded, they wanted her head, as acting FBI director McCabe confirmed.
A martyr for whom? Other than his core base this isn't really a good look.
>I kind of see it. Seems like some sort of coup with leaks. But he made a great point, which is if this continues, whats to stop Republicans from doing the exact same to the Democrats if they gain power again? No president in the future will be able to govern if this keeps happening.
Maybe you need a president that doesn't treat his staff like shit and they won't leak on you.
I know Sup Forums is satire and all but there's real people out there that actually live and breath this air of conspiracy and purport it to be true elsewhere.
No actual sources, no evidence. Just straight, lizardbrain word vomit.
>I don't know, it's the whole boy who cried wolf problem. They've yelled it so many times, even if he slips up and does something that could be considered a legitimate issue, most aren't going to believe it and/or continues supporting him regardless.
Even if people support him, won't change anything if he resigns or is impeached.
And you get your opinions from Americans
Trump said multiple times that he was asked to run for presidency, he is a front man, there is an entire military, intelligence and security apparatus structure supporting him. It's a full blown regime change going on, and an effort to prevent it.
it is true you literal retard
Trump is being held to different standards than bought and paid for politicians
And you get yours from where? Cbc and the star?
maybe the Deep State Coup (DSC) angle is one we should be pushing
mental retardation: the post
respond to this :^)
Rob Scheider is....our guy!
If he had popular support, he'd be deadly to the deep state. Personally think he should have started cleaning house immediately. Get rid of the corruption as soon as possible before it spreads to you. Instead he played nice, backed off Hillary and made friends with people who hate him.
I doubt he'll last long or do much.
>muh cherry picking
The DNC can rest easy in the knowledge that the GOP is mostly dickless cucks who would never do such a thing.
Based Capo
Like those staff members werent already leaking before? Youre full of dumbass opinions your dad shouldve beat your ass harder.
rob bringing the bantz
>unironically asking for sources and evidence while you push the unsubstantiated Russia narrative for the 6th month now
>two scoops
Implying what I said isn't true pins you as a shill. It is obvious to anyone who isn't brainwashed or paid off.
>whats to stop Republicans from doing the exact same to the Democrats if they gain power again?
Because Republicans don't control 90% of the media like Democrats do.
Only 15% of Americans supported the Revolution. And that's a little generous. If just half of Republicans believe that he was overthrown in a soft coup, and that proves the media makes it impossible for a Republican to ever govern again then they will stop pretending this is a democracy and go straight to bullet box because the ballot box has been proven irrelevant.
Mook? is that gook moot?
Scott called on us to put same names to the "deep state" who are they?
And we need a catchy name for them. Deep state 9?
Also, hi scott.
Rob Schneider is Sup Forums's news sources in le current year
Deep state is going to destroy Trump.
I dont know what he can do to stop them.
You appear awfully arrogant for someone with such a seemingly limited understanding.
The true Neocons hate Trump, look at McCain.
What neocon would want warmer relations with Russia? What neocon would pull out from TTP and want to renegotiate NAFTA.
What neocon would have Bannon as top advisor and have an "economic nationalist" agenda.
If you are going to ask a question on the internet just ask it, if you make it a "challenge" and it's easy to rebut you just look like a moron, as you do in this case.
>A martyr for whom?
You're fucking kidding right?
How do you stop the coup? In 2018, voice your disdain for traitors. Vote against the Democrats, Vote against the RINO.
You guys are paranoid
What does the media have to gain?
They're just reporting the news
>Neocons attempts a coup in the US
>''it's the Russians guize''
lol fucking hypocrite
I'm down with a civil war. Yall in?
To what end?
>start impeachment proceedings
>paper shuffling
>in comes pence the fence
>a true conservative to really fuck their shit up
What, are they going to impeach Pence as well?
Trump doesn't give a fuck. He'll just ride off to his golf course in Scotland and thank god he doesn't have to spend another night in that nasty, rat-ridden house.
I'm sleepy. We should all go to bed. I'm so tired. Let's take a nap. Good night.
Well, we have a tendency of sorting people out who are actual threats real fucking quick.
JFK encouraged the militia and spoke about conspiracies, and his head got turned into a canoe. The second his brother started to gain traction, he got ventilated.
Even when you look at civil rights leaders, the ones left alive are weak shills preaching division. MLK got shot. Malcom X? He didn't get shot until he started talking about allying against a bigger threat.
Trump was actively supported by the Hillary campaign early on in the hopes that he would drag the republicans further right, but it turned out he was much more of a populist than Hilldawg or the establishment had predicted. He HAD to be discredited at every possible turn. There's been a concerted effort to not only undermine every decision he makes, but to set up as many political and legal landmines as possible ever since he became a viable threat.
The almost unanimous (and often identically worded) attacks from VAST swaths of the media landscape is one very real indicator of this. When every media outlet not only attacks someone but uses the same exact words to do so, there has to be, at the very least, a modicum of concern.
wtf ((rob)) is /ourjew/ now
Based shark-hunting man.
Trump will be (((assassinated))) before he's impeached
I like that idea better than the "Newspaper owners are ideologues who are going too far" angle
Bezos is CIA
Pence is a cookie-cutter neocon though, that's exactly what the deep state wants.
do you have any knowledge about what happened in ukraine?
CIA tries to Destablizeā¢ Syria for Israel and Saudi's, Russia comes to back them up, CIA tries to overthrow the Ukrainian govt by supporting neo-fascists (larpers) who hate russia, Crimea is basically Russia's only port to the west where almost all of their resources like oil come through, the CIA thinks they can essentially kick out Russia and essentially cut off their lifeblood and then draw them into a full frontal conflict with NATO once russia inevitably comes to take back Crimea.
except russia just sat back and let Crimea have a vote for annexation since most people in Crimea are actually Russians. Plan has now backfired, deep state loses billions of dollars in both wars, American people are not on their side, they are fucking livid and embarassed.
We really need to. There are people behind this who go deeper than Soros and the Rothschilds. We have to name them.
>Trump was actively supported by the Hillary campaign early on in the hopes that he would drag the republicans further right
I'm pretty sure that this was a part of the operation. Clinton campaign was infiltrated from top to bottom, they were fed bad advice. This was a way for Trump team to ride on their opponents overwhelming media logistic advantage for a while.
I'm sure he's Jewish, but that's not necessarily a Jewish last name.
The armed forces of the United States all voted for Trump.
The globalists are only now learning how to shoot.
If they try to remove Trump from the Oval Office the army will put him right back in the office to which he was lawfully elected in no time. They're the ones who'll be removed from power and left in prison to rot.
the govt has always been run by deep state - well, modern era, post WWII. watch some video of Dubya on 9/11 when they told him the sh_t hit the fan when he was in that FL classroom. he was scared as sh_t, and probably dropped a load in is trousers because he thought he was a dead man walking. obviously he rolled over. they all do because being rich is better than being dead.
There literally can't be a next time
If this coup works, it will signal to America that our votes literally don't mean shit.
News orgs will try to play like they're the heros who stopped a Russian plot, but nobody really believes the Russia thing.
It would look like exactly what it is, a coup.
It's true, that headline reads as though it was written as a joke.
yeah I think trump just picked him for his orating skills
It was in the Podesta emails; the campaign openly discussed the strategy. The idea was to tell their media partners (which would be collusion with the press, by the by) to keep talking about Trump so they could get him on the debate stage.
Then, once Trump forced the more moderate republicans to make extreme statements, they could let him fade and use those statements against the remaining contenders. The whole primary process would look like a circus, and they'd have sound bites to beat over the heads of their opposition.
Only problem was that Trump knows how to run a circus.
Trump picked Pence to get the support of Cuckservatives.
Ironically this one of those weeks when Trump actually gets to be president.
And it sure looks like they're about to get it.
If the MSM and the Judiciary keep this up, Trump will resign for the good of the country. Watch for mid-summer, when the protests are in full swing and people start dying. He'll say something about our lack of unity, and that he tried but obviously failed. It's a great disappointment, but it would be more so if he watched his country tear itself apart over him.
Hey, that's not bad.
>post Schneiders opinion
>user mistakenly calls it a source
>look at flag, it all makes sense
>Why the fuck would the deep state want neocons in?
Because the neocons literally do everything the deep state wants. Massive deregulation allowing oligarchs to accumulate massive shares of the total wealth. Giving jobs and contracts to the military-industrial complex by going around destabilizing third world nations. The deep state literally are the GWB and even before era neocons.
Distorting stories like this and posting fake news like the ''golden showers'' or ''russian hacking'' is reporting?
Lol, shill detected.
This is a coup. Patriotic Americans better wake up because this is clearly an attempted coup.
>This election was SUPPOSED to be be Clinton vs Bush
lol no you delusional trash human. Eat fire.
If they prove they can get rid of Trump, they own Pence.
>appeasing the enemy
>by letting them put your replacement 2nd in command
Honorary Human.
Oh no! He could be an outsider like Trumpenstein and Jared Kushner!
I agree, it wasn't his best pick, but he needed that coalition at the time. He just didn't anticipate how fickle their loyalty is.
your president is an 8th grade drama teacher with a glass jaw who talks shit out other leaders.
your country just passed a law, where misgendering someone is now a crime.
fucking leafs...you have absolutely no ground to stand on anymore when talking shit, you are only a country because WE let you be one.
Yeah he should surrender and let the coup succeed.
Lol, civil war before that.
I always told myself that the line that had to be crossed for civil war was confiscation of guns. Now that line is taking Trump out of office. I don't care if it's impeachment or a ((heart attack)), if he goes than it's time to make the last stand for freedom.
Fuck off, Mutti.
We see how much of an insider Trump is. Look at how your media treats him.
>Democratically elected president
With a well reasoned argument like that, how could anyone disagree?
Kek, underrated