Brought to you by Slovakbro
This thread is dedicated to the discussion of all things small government, free market, and self-determination.
Welcome: paleoconservatives, minarchists, laissez-faire capitalists, agorists, ancaps, paleolibertarians, constitutionalists.
Anybody else is welcome to debate us.
Posting Soviet propaganda with no added information is spam and shall be treated as such.
/lrg/-approved people - Bastiat, Hayek, (((Mises))), (((Rothbard))), (((Friedman))), Pinochet, Hoppe, Llewellyn Rockwell, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Augustus Sol Invictus, Christopher Cantwell, and the 1st Irregulars. Some of the Liberty Hangout goys are approved too.
Not approved - Anarchyball, Jeffrey Cucker, or reddit anarchists.
All others - ask before trying to use them as a strawman against us.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Do you support open borders?
No. The government does not own the land, therefore it cannot determine the border policy. Seeing as 90% of immigration is harmful to the country, by default a vetting system is essential to protect the rights of the citizens.
>Whom'st'd'll've builds the roads?
The people who are going to use them will pay the road crews, and maintenance is provided by the toll money.
>Do you support drug use/other degenerate behaviour?
No, we strongly discourage it as it damages a society built on non-aggression. Most covenants would be built around family (to fill the void after the government is largely/completely gone), and family life is vulnerable to these socio-pathological behaviours. If degenerates want to form their own communities, they are welcome to choke on their own filth or clean up and become productive members of the society.
>Are you Jewish?
No, our Jews are better than their Jews. Few movements (apart from NatSocs, duh) have been accused of anti-Semitism as much as we have, and that's including our more moderate/mainstream figureheads, such as Ron Paul. We support Palestine over Israel (because it's their land, not because they're brown) and we strongly support cutting all foreign aid to Israel (and to pretty much everyone). The international financiers would be significantly set back by freeing the currency system and implementing an actual standard for money to prevent over-printing and inflation. Also we don't trade with our enemies, what the fuck.
>What will you do when governments take over you/reform?
Toss them out of helicopters again. Our crusade is eternal. Liberty or Death!
The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
A Treatise on Political Economy by Jean-Baptiste Say
The Law by Fréderic Bastiat
The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich August von Hayek
The Economics and Ethics of Private Property by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Man, Economy, and State by Murray Rothbard
Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
Democracy - The God that Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Second Treatise of Government by John Locke
Anarchy, State and Utopia by Robert Nozick
For a New Liberty by Murray Rothbard
Against the State by Llewellyn Rockwell
facebook com/MinarchyMemes - sometimes posts edgy stuff
facebook com/LibertyHangout - adamant fighters against communism
facebook com/theliveshowtv - The Jason Stapleton Program - right-libertarian podcast
faceberg com/HoppeanSnakeMemes - the source of the snake memes we keep posting - keep up, nerd
youtube com/user/FreedomFighter631 - Chris Cantwell - host of the Radical Agenda
youtube com/channel/UCRr7mGBwURyRGM2BRPV3hNQ - Augustus Sol Invictus' ramblings and other content
youtube com/channel/UCIwnY7Ee4Kfn8g6tz9tjfzA - 1st Irregulars - former Cantwell's supporters, decided to go even further right
1stirregulars com - 1st Irregulars' main site
youtube com/user/stefbot - Stefan Molyneux
youtube com/user/ThatLibertarianT - That Guy T
Christopher Cantwell - How I started hanging out with Nazis - youtube com/watch?v=2RdnvahTAnU
Christopher Cantwell with Mike Enoch - youtube com/watch?v=aSz_L1WZS7w
Augustus Sol Invictus - Becoming a Reactionary - youtube com/watch?v=HPQ9yh0gWoE
Augustus Sol Invictus - The War on Terror - youtube com/watch?v=wy2O7CPNmqI
Hans-Hermann Hoppe - What Must Be Done - youtube com/watch?v=d_ybi1MeC3c
1st Irregulars - 1433: National Capitalism and the Correct View - youtube com/watch?v=eVnDAa1LWpw
That Guy T - The Case for Libertarian Fascism - youtube com/watch?v=l2-jH1vFrW8
Eric July - AnCap Rap pt.1 - youtube com/watch?v=pGuj-Z3PNg8
Eric July - AnCap Rap pt.2 - youtube com/watch?v=EO68Kvb9fD4
I Need a Pinochet - youtube com/watch?v=zhrYY3ocQ5o
Ain't I Right - youtube com/watch?v=XxIbq7HkalQ
Metallica - Don't Tread On Me - youtube com/watch?v=fh-TKJTCtnw
Dixie's Land - youtube com/watch?v=IUjLE_N1Cuc
Yankee Doodle - youtube com/watch?v=IzRhFH5OyHo
Battle of New Orleans (if you counter-signal Jackson I swear on me mum I'll skullfuck you - plus it's a good song so fuck you) - youtube com/watch?v=50_iRIcxsz0
Mi General Augusto Pinochet - youtube com/watch?v=R9R4zPTpS9w
Adios Mi General - youtube com/watch?v=5rsb7dT6sEM
Rhodesians Never Die - youtube com/watch?v=r1J8F6YQjBg
Hammer Of The Right - youtube com/watch?v=5WzAFG0Wntc
Start Up The Rotors - youtube com/watch?v=Ptw41GUKLpc
Hoppewave - Physical Removal - youtube com/watch?v=u-wMmYSG9JQ
Cato's Speech - Let's get Physical - youtube com/watch?v=XMqPWqOCGJU
Hoppean Snake Memes - Let The Commies Hit The Floor - youtube com/watch?v=yy9VvAuCCEg
Stefan Molyneux - In-Depth Analysis of Marxism - youtube com/watch?v=SGunPi4G2Ns
Hoppean Snake Memes - Shadilay (Meme War against Agoristball) - youtube com/watch?v=8xBsJUYySNo
Hoppean Snake Memes - Snekintosh 420 - youtube com/watch?v=JJMdttBmtsY
That Guy T shitposting about the Alt-Right - youtube com/watch?v=77CdqY4IdgU
Wassap Slovakia my dude. Nice paste.
I compiled some data.
(2006) Maddison analyses the history of the world economy from a millenial perspective.
In his work, Maddison displays some intriguing figures about the 1990 purchasing power-adjusted (PPP) GDPs of various western capitalist and eastern socialist nations between 1950 and 1990, which are shown above.
The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic declined in total GDP 20,9% after the collapse of the CCCP/USSR, in addition to their minute growth; Hungary declined 17,5%, and; the Soviet Union in toto declined 22,8%.
On a PPP basis, weak capitalist economies (Italy, Spain, and Austria in this example) outperformed strong socialist economies (Czechoslovakia, Hungary, USSR total) by a factor of two. Counting the declines of socialist economies after the CCCP fell and liquidation began, they beat them by a factor of nearly four.
(1995) Hardt & Kaufman analyse the patterns of economic growth and transition in East-Central European economies.
Their analysis reveals that nations under Communist control actually experienced relative decline in capital stock, development, GDP, and prosperity in toto. Meanwhile, Germany, Austria, France, and other western European nations experienced increased economic growth in the Wirtschaftswunder, Trente Glorieuses, and the post-war boom. Overall, the inefficiency of systems without competition or market-clearing prices became costly and unsustainable, especially with the increasing complexity of world economics. Per capita GDP in Socialist nations rapidly fell below comparable western European counterparts on an exchange basis.
To showcase the effects of Socialism and Capitalism on the basis of per capita GDP, several average nations are compared above using 1990 dollars in the years 1938 and 1990.
The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic declined in total GDP 20,9% after the collapse of the CCCP/USSR, in addition to their minute growth; Poland declined 13%; Hungary declined 17,5%; Bulgaria declined 28,9%, and; Romania declined 32,4%.
In 1990, Soviet nations also spent a larger portion of their income on food (44%) versus western nations (11%). This indicates that food was relatively more expensive and their wages were lower, since they still ate fewer calories than did westerners.
The authors remark that socialist states lacked competition and market clearing prices (they hit them twice between 1938 and 1990, for oil, and for grain), while effective demand neither constrained supply nor provided stimuli to improve microeconomic efficiency. Capital stock stagnated as individual initiative and risk-taking was impossible and governments are unable to create innovation — in the Soviet Union, factories didn't close or improve.
The authors call these results 'misdevelopment' and they're readily visible in the aftermath of Communism, when every post-Soviet nation experienced a precipitous immediate decline in GDP as they began the process of liquidating their bad investments had under Soviet central planning boards. This price had to be paid eventually, and it cost them dearly, but the results of transitioning to the capitalist market system were better than continued squalor under socialism.
Socialism made eastern Europe poorer than it should be. Socialism cannot work without omnipotence and clairvoyance thanks to the impossibility of the aggregation and use of knowledge in one place, and the impossibility of economic calculation, explaining these results.
Support Right-Wing Populist movements! Support Secessionist movements!
Whats "good" about starving?
also fuck off back to your containment thread.
When you fuck off from "my containment thread" :^)
>When you fuck off from "my containment thread" :^)
What? thats not even a reply to my post. you're an idiot.
perhaps we should create a pastebin with these type of links categorized in a way we can reference to them in discussions.
I've already got a library of these on telegram. Just get the app and join the chat.
I came
I'm glad that the eastern Europeans have a good sense about subjects such as communism and anarchy. It's sad to think that this is likely only the case because so many of them suffered so much under what my leaders are now calling progress. Maybe then I can think of what is happening now in my country as an indicator that there is something good to look forward to in the future. God bless you all and let's look forward to restoring our ways of lives to the ways that they were intended to be lived by nature and by our ancestors.
The only issue I see with this is the violence against bums. Some homeless are vets and I don't think we should use violence against those that served our country.
>Orwellian Socialist Goverment
>Jewish Faggotry Goverment
Nah, fuck both of those.
is this whole helicopter ride thing an attempt at making libertarianism seem cool?
A society where population threatens to "seize the means of production" starts riots, and destroys property is not a libertarian society.
Yes, they must be removed. Helicopters would be preferable.
More like "sees the memes in production", am i right, fellas?
Violence? just shoo them from public property.
>Further: We must reject once and for all the left-libertarian view that all government-operated resources must be cesspools. We must try, short of ultimate privatization, to operate government facilities in a manner most conducive to a business, or to neighborhotod control.
Rothbard is based.
shit theres a typo in my image. heres a fixed one.
Oh I'm fine with that then. As long as the vets get taken care of. Its a damn shame that our vets get neglected and left by the wayside by the government.
Of course. The vets are cool.
>mother duck waddles towards me with ducklings in tow
>fails to realize i am the apex predator of all apex predators
>fails to realize that my spacial requirements are FAR greater than a duck's
>as such, the duck and ducklings have now entered into my domain
>the non-aggression principal (NAP) has now been violated
>you know what must happen next
>i mount a short but quick retreat to a safer position
>i whip out my super sized davy mccrockett (credits to ronald mcdonald's ballistics and missiles LLC) and take aim at the mother duck
>i abstain from firing, realizing an opportunity has made itself known to me
>i whip out my lenovosoft L769 smart phone and call in my private militia
>with utmost speed, they move in and seize the ducklings from their mother
>having expanded my ability to tend to my personal farm agriculture, i am now free to respond to the NAP violator
>in addition to my mcnuke, i decide to rely on a single abercrombie and fitch brand chlorine trifluoride grenade as to land a test blow against this dastardly bitch duck
>nail the increasingly aggressive duck right in her bitch face with my a&f ClF3 grenade
>fire off the mcnuke i got in a happy meal and get the hell out of dodge
>watch the fireworks from a distance
>tfw libertarian paradise
I think you got the wrong thread friendo.
In all honesty, how the fuck do we get rid of degeneracy and minorities out of western civilization? Unless a full on 1488 revolution occurs, things aren't going to easy.
Can anyone tell me what the fuck left libertarianism is? It sounds like an oxymoron. Is it just anarchism? My friend told me he was one but couldn't explain it coherently
It is an oxymoron. You can't have communism without a government.
It's anything from geofags to communists. I don't believe it can be libertarian.
I working on a FAQ, if anyone wants to help me out. (questions are not set in stone, they may be ordered differently, edited, removed or replaced if you have some ideas)
1. What is libertarianism?
2. What is anarcho-capitalism
3. What in particular is 'right libertarianism'?
4. What are the differences between anarcho-capitalism and libertarianism?
5. What is a free market?
6. What is Austrian economics and what does that school of economic thought teach?
7. Why is free trade good?
8. Why do we advocate for privatisation?
9. Why should health care be privatised?
10. Does the USA have a private/free market healthcare system?
11. Why should government welfare be abolished?
12. Why should governments reject gun control?
13. Why are labour unions bad?
14. Why should education (at all which includes levels primary/elementary school, secondary/middle and high school, and tertiary level) be privatised?
15. What does free speech matter?
16. Why is the freedom of association important?
17. Why do you oppose taxation?
I don't know how to seperate libertarianism and ancap (not my question) but im working on the "what is ancap" and "what is right-libertarianism" right now.
So it's just a meme for commies to sound smarter than they are? Figures
We should probably add something about our stance on democracy.
Communism is an anarchist ideology. The whole endgame is to have a stateless society run by unions.
This meme that communism requires a state betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of the ideology.
Socialism is the interim period until full Communism, whereby the revolutionaries take over the state and organize society along Marxist principles, eventually leading to a dissolution of the state, somehow.
The fact that commies think this can happen shows how fundamentally fucking stupid they are on average.
I just stole this from mises.
1. What is libertarianism?
Libertarianism is a political philosophy that views respect for individual choice and individual liberty as the foundation of the ideal society, and therefore seeks to minimize or abolish the coercive actions of the State as that is the entity that is generally identified as the most powerful coercive force in society.
yeah thats a good idea too
Forgive my autism.
So once the state is all encompassing it will for no reason at all give up all it's power and become the opposite type of government. Sounds reasonable
2. What is anarcho-capitalism?
Anarcho-capitalism is a libertarian political philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state in favor of individual sovereignty in a free market. In an anarcho-capitalist society, law enforcement, courts, and all other security services would be provided by voluntarily-funded competitors such as private defense agencies rather than through taxation, and money would be privately and competitively provided in an open market.
Honestly I feel the same way about minarchists.
I highly doubt that in an ancap system homosexuals for example couldn't survive as they can work just as hard and wont have children who require extra resources, resources which can ensure their survival to old age. Also I believe that an individual who totally refuses to deal with blacks or muslims would be at a disadvantage over one who will deal with them when it's profitable.
>not using the superior FAHR image
Personally I prefer uncle Pinochets helicopter tours.
Huh, I could have sworn it was uncle pinochets helicopter tours.
>connection to server lost... attempting to reconnect...
thats fine, live in the civicuck, faggot covenant. I'd choose civility and conservatism over profit. good luck thriving in the exiled states of degeneracy.
why is dapperton faggot tier?
also who's the guy, bottom right based tier?
i've got movement buffering strats while the server is down; check this shit out pham
Praxeology is the study of those aspects of human action that can be grasped a priori; in other words, it is concerned with the conceptual analysis and logical implications of preference, choice, means-end schemes, and so forth.
So what's /LRG/'s thoughts on Frank Meyer and his fusionism philosophy?
Dapperton is a prime example of a humorless ideolouge that pretty much all the anti-ancap memes are based on. has nothing to do with his political stances. I just think he's a total fag.
also bottom right is Christopher Cantwell. Hoppean, white nationalism, pretty much Sup Forums with a microphone.
glancing over the wiki page, it seems like a more moderate Paleolibertarianism. Social conservatism, Economic Liberalism.
Paleolibertarian is the master race of /lrg/
3. What in particular is “Right-Libertarianism”?
Right-Libertarianism, sometimes called Paleolibertarianism is the particular libertarian philosophy as espoused by Murray Rothbard, Hans Hermann Hoppe and Lew Rockwell. Adherents hold traditional Juedo-Christian beliefs on morality and oppose globalism, Marxism, socialism, multiculturalism, open borders and homosexuality. They are in favour of closed borders preferring ethnic nationalism over multiculturalism, and would otherwise be considered 'conservative'.
>Judeo-Christian beliefs
It has nothing to do with religion or spirituality.
>Juedo-Christian beliefs on morality.
At least quote the context. no one is accusing you of being a jesus freak.
ment to tag you.
I will make a master image, but I will make them one at a time first. Think the few suggested in an older thread are good enough to publish.