average Sup Forums user
Average Sup Forums user
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That's a proud member of kekistan where based black men will lead us to victory
>average Sup Forums user
The donald is its own level of stupid, at least at pol we can make some sort of sense without mods crushing us when we point out logical fallacies. You try doing that on The donald you get banned.
Enjoy the internet while it lasts. I give Brazil without a president two months before it sinks into the ocean.
>Shill thread
Sup Forums BTFO
It's illegal to buy 65k worth of hotdogs?
Can someone tell me a what a pede is?
> Average American on Sup Forums
Average Sup Forums user has a much darker skin. Average Brit is a muslim. Sup Forums will be an Islamic board in couple decades.
Shit.. India that hurts you're right
this and disgusting pakis like this
This actually. 12 year old boy used to be the number one description of a 4chin user
>Sup Forumslack makes video series during early months of Trump running
>You Cant Stump The Trump
>Every installment begins with youtu.be
>Its breddy good and Trump retweets/promotes episode 4 youtu.be
>reddit takes it and kills it
>every trump supporter is now calling themselves a centipede or "pede"
Is that short for pedophile or something? What's the story behind why redditors call themselves pedes?
>Sup Forums
>screenshot of reddit
what's your logic, OP?also
>1 post by this ID
still bumping a sage thread.
absolute retards.
This guy's 12 holy shit, he looks like a 25-year-old with a baby face
So as a below average Sup Forums user what does that make OP?
it's funny
it's true
OMG based Generation Z!
there's no difference between Sup Forums and /r/the_donald
>Is that short for pedophile or something? What's the story behind why redditors call themselves pedes?
Good kid
How can a 12 year old be a pede? Who'd be the one in the wrong if they're both minors?
average brazilian
most Brazilians don't have asses nearly that fine.
this is proof that all of Sup Forums is like that. feel free to use this hard evidence in your future arguments.
not really surprised
At the risk of sounding arrogant, most people truly are as Dr William Luther Pierce describes them: Lemmings. They go their whole life without true convictions and only do whatever they percieve will give them social status, and it just so happens to be that we were part of a movement big enough to give attention whores the potential to virtue signal.
This is why i have no doubts that we could turn back all the progressive bullshit, most people would never signal for gay rights if they werent perceived as "progressive" for doing so, and equally if the system calls for fags to be hanged most people would have no quarrel hanging them if they were to be seen as pious for doing so. Thats the true nature of what we are fighting for here, culture and politics ultimately are the battle for the normie's heart.
And whoever controls the normies controls the world
in French, it means gay
and yes, it's because it's short for pedophile
using lemmings as an example for ignorant/arrogant people.
boi that sure is ironic ain't it.
i didn't come up with it though, but he does make a point
This is the Jews most perfectly mixed child of the future. Behold, man...your destiny!
>what's your logic, OP?
To clog up the board with shit, and people still take the b8.
you created this monster, now live with it. we could have continued being a Ron Paul/Zimmerman/Dorner Libertarian board but you decided to invite the cancer in.
t. fat 28 year old virgin
the aggressor
Average chapo shill