Blocks your path

>blocks your path

>"Problem Goy"?

What you gonna do Sup Forums?

Shake like a lil bish? Face it we're going to wipe out and enslave your middle and working class and turn them into Africanized worker bees and we will absorb your best and brightest genetics into our own.

What you gonna do about it?

>inb4 endless sleep in it, top KEK

hes a big goy

horrible quad insertions/10

for jew

What the fuck is that thing?

where is his junk?

a rotisserie chicken

>try to kick him in the nuts
>no nuts

This just goes to show, if you're ugly, muscles aren't going to change that

I lel'd

Four rounds of .38 later, he dies shitting out pieces of organ meat in a pool of blood and excrement. I simply claim the obvious to the police: I was attacked by a huge naked man and assumed he meant to rape me.

Dickless mutant in front of a ton of empty 'roid bottles on the counter

I kek'd hard at this pic

>laugh my ass off
>get beaten up

Big muscles, but Calvin Kleins make anybody look like a faggot.

say "no"
do a quick overhand knife slash when he doesn't expect anything

>This is a 10/10 in israel

fukn manlet


Don't do steroids kids. They aren't worth it.

You wouldn't get beaten up he probably can't even fucking move. Look at the proportions of that thing. Give it a good shove and it'd go down like a sack of shit.

No fear of micro-penis.

thats a huge manlet

The fucking microdick on that kid
I feel bad

Am I in Sweden when he blocks my path? If so I citizen arrest him for suspicion of illegal steroids as he is too masculine.

If only dick lifts were a thing

Most bodybuilders are actually nice guys.

Real pro bodybuilders are the humblest people at the gym, especially older guys, they always try to help people that are starting lifting, many have injuries and don't want others to end up like them.

The worst people at the gym are the weak skinny/fat dudes who think are bodybuilders just because they like zyzz and take creatine, they are really arrogant assholes.


Woah buddy. I said Gorilla MINDset

Hope he likes dry anal

Fit Jason Unruhe?

i'm gonna punch him in the fuckin throat is what i will do, if he doesn't clear my path
i only need 1 shot, his shot is unlikely to land vital points

ever wonder why the 'jews have large dicks' meme was never even attempted?

Haven't laughed this fucking hard in a while.