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I might be retarded, but comics like this one are supposed to have a punchline, no?
What the fuck is the point of this one?
Wa mi crak it wa mi rou
Unresolved teenage agnst and the negative effects of blocking your natural hormones.
This series of comic is supposed to be ankward and without sense, the fruit of a seriously disturbed person.
dull propaganda. it's supposed to be cool to teenagers because the mentality ill character uses the word shit
Mentally ill peeople are mentally ill?
oi does you or anyone you know have a link to the "coal"soula ja boy remix where he says coal a lot and is mining for coal and shit, its probably the best version of that song and I cant find it anywhere anymore, it used to be on youtube like in 2007ish but no more. pls help
US citizens don't have a normal usage of vocabulaire
Mentally ill faggot breaks everyone's balls about it.
flawless logic
i know if you fuck a regular pussy there isn't a chance of getting SHIT on your dick.
So its a mentally ill person depecting their mental illness?
Hmm... the comic actually makes sense now.
The art style pisses me off more than the captions
It's like the artist went for a cutesy look but it just looks really amateur and ugly
Round them all up and gas them
unless your an arab, I heard a story of a roastie soldier in irag or Afghanistan who was fucking the local towelheads and she got a horrible std and it ate through her vagina wall into her butthole and she has poop leaking into her vagina and it was real gross man
Oh, so to understand one you would have to know about the characters beforehand?
>Trannies actually think they'd look like that.
the fuck is it rubbing up on him in the last panal for?
speak for yourself fag
they kinda do if they take hormones from like 10
pre spoopy
Well, freak's right. Only because of the loophole that the liberals have defined "gender" to be social and "sex" to be biological.
I'm in Las Vegas, and I've seen some incredibly convincing trannies. There are always tells if you look hard enough, but some pass 100% to the unsuspecting, untrained tourist eye.
but generder dosnt have anything to do with sex apparently, according to liberals, so I guess in theory, the comic is right.
hmmm really made me think
First red flag is a voluptuous, beautiful, overtly sexual, highly done up Asian woman. Does shim try too hard to be feminine and relishing in the attention of men thinking it's female. Regular women that hot have an attitude and are less likely to be walking around pleb areas like the actual street or hotel lobbies. Real women either have a large posse of other obvious females or a man glued to her side.
Kek, underrated
didn't he take down his comics or something?
The voice will always, ALWAYS give them away
But I'm working on a Biology degree though. I know a thing or two about humans.
>b-b-but my fish and lizards and frogs n sheeeeeeit
Last I checked, you were a human and unless you are literally a genetic dud, you only have XX and XY chromosomes.
Post the original, faggot.
Eye brow ridges are the single greatest weapon in spotting trans. Its a morphological difference thats developed by the time theyre 5. Mens are noticeably more prominent, while womens are flat.
laffing at trannies who think like that.
vast majority are unconvincing.
>y-you just don't notice the ones ARE convincing
>t. every tranny ever
What if I have an extra chromosome?
nice one leaf
I love you roos
This is leftist humor. This is why (((Comedy Central))) has become absolute cancer. It's why (((Samantha Bee))) has a "comedy" show that is completely unfunny
since doonesbury, and especially identity politics, comics aren't "supposed" to be funny any more.
the comics are mostly shit, fitting that the doonesbury author's last name is trudeau.
Go to youtube and type "crank that parody" into the search bar you lazy fucking abbo. Christ I'd say the hummer limousines out tinkers use for weddings chugs less petrol than you.
(96 kbps steel drums intensify)
(niggering proceeds)
Technically true, X and Y aren't always the determinate chromosomes.
But in humans they are.
>Watch out for all those bachelors in biology! They've mastered cell structure and blood types!!!
>Much taller than the guy
If they're taking hormones from 10 they have bad parents, you can either: Abuse your child and assure their mental instability by forcing a sex on them before they can even consent so sex is irrelevant or wait until they're 18 and let them become a literal abomination that will only get fucked by equally ugly rejects with a tranny fetish.
Fuck trannies.
>Much taller than the guy
Are you an Abo?
If we dont know shit about biology, please educate us and refute centuries of science?
like Bill Nye famously once said, "its settled fucking science you mentally-ill mutilated-crotch bearded transfaggot"
That's like the least retarded looking downie I've ever seen
What exactly is he saying? Never figured it out amongst all the chimp hollering. All I can make out is "YOU BLAH BLAH SOLDIER BOY YOU BLAH BLAH SOLDIER BOY"
then a bunch of fucking gibberish.
It's impossible to tell the originals from the edits anymore
This penis is what all traps strive for.
One benefit I'll have from getting a PhD in genetics is that I can tell these mentally ill trans fucks to shut the fuck up
Holy shit, kek
> Are there more than two genders?
>nice infertile womb
I love how he SILLY'd himself. Not even trying to hide the fact he's insane in his own comic created for the pure purpose of straw manning.
Then you are going to fail that biology degree, there are many quite a bit more than two possible sexes of humans biologically
The list goes on but it is extremely uncommon, this has nothing to do the bullshit tumblr genders where are retarded and should be a commitable disease, they are generally considered genetic disorders with the person suffering generally predisposed towards a certian gender, using the two sex arguement is wrong, there are plenty of better and more factual arguements against trans that you can make with out labeling yourself a moron
What would gay luigi have to say about that?
Anyone have that memeball?
Boy, it sure is faggy around here.
Whats the matter with you mooks
Fuck traps. Right in the ass
>XX gonadal dysgenesis
>XXY Klinefelter syndrome
>>Sterility, weaker muscles, reduced strength, ataxia
>XYY Syndrome
>XXXY Syndrome
>>similar to those of Klinefelter syndrome, though usually the symptoms are more severe
Whereas the creator of this comic knows plenty about biology.
You're not going to make it being this retarded.
Yeah? Whats your point moron, literally just reterating everything I just fucking
>there can only be be xx and xy
>actually theres a lot more
>theres a lot more you mentally disabled person
Lol what is this.
is this real and not memed dialogue
Yea and those are called mutations.
Its like saying if a child is born with 4 arms is perfectly healthy.
There are mentally ill people. Feminists, traps, adult lovers of MLP, and weeaboos.
I blame the lack of positive male role models, hormones in the food, and (((TV/media))) peddling trannies as normal. We live in bizarro world.
You missed the "unless you're a genetic dud" part.
All of those chromosome disorders are genetic duds, with little to no chance of reproducing successfully.
>there are more than two genders
>procedes to list diseases that has nothing to do with genders
Are you kidding? I couldn't stop laughing!
Someone cut out the >SHIT! panel for me.
You god damn retarded goal post moving mongrels, the arguement was that there was only two sex possibilities, an absolute with no conditionals which is factually wrong, yes it is a freakish mutation but thats not the fucking point holy shit this is why every hates you morons, whenever youre proven wrong you just change the arguement
>the only colors are red and blue
>actually there is a whole spectrum of colors
>yfw you don't pass
nice num nums
This kind of bullshit is always better-off in the hands of Sup Forums than the original artists.
you are retarded. Get help. Diseases aren't fucking genders, you dense motherfucker.
Except all of those sans turners can reproduce, try again
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