Be American

>be American
>4% unemployment
>3.5% yearly GDP growth
>stock market at all time highs
>massive labour shortage
>STEM grads making 80k-120k starting
>tradesmen making $50/h+
>unionized tradesmen making $65/h+
>jobs everywhere, houses are still affordable
>most rich country per capita with the exception of meme oil countries like Norway and UAE

How can one country be so successful?

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I want to be American senpai

Fuck off we're full

Shitskins, shitskins everywhere!

>tfw nip
>tfw i will never be murikan

feels so fucking bad

Don't forget the low effective tax rates.

Couldn't we just apply for US citizenship? I'm pretty sure they'd let Canadian citizens in.

>3.5% GDP
Kek, so I guess your posting in remembrance of the time before the depression we've been in since the GFC

Afraid it's not that simple, friend. You need a sponsor. Family, employers, etc. Easiest way to get in the states is join their armed forces and work in that until they grant you citizenship, from what I've read.


Yes goyim, keep improving the GDP rate!

No thanks, even if we become poor we're still going to establish the ethnostate — I'd rather live with my people than with zoo animals.

Life here is pretty good 2bh. I used to live in Canuck land and moved here when I graduated from school. Best decision I've ever made. Only downside is expensive healthcare.

Total meme

.t STEM major working nights for 48k/yr

stay out you're probably a nonwhite

Seriously though I'd rather have you than anyone else. Would let you rent my garage. Might also let you fuck my wife.

>Japanese lettering on box

Try again, retard.

don't worry, you totally can't tell everything in that picture is in chink

that bun on top of the other bun though

I just want the guns...

>most rich country per capita
richest country per capita
"most rich" sounds like you have been spending too much time with your "foreign" wife.
dont worry used tampon, just improve birth rates over there and seek practical solutions to effectively grow economic wealth inside of your country.
toilets per capita needs to be higher friend

>Stem grads making 80-120k
>tradesmen making 50h+


I'll sponsor you I live in Vermont

tradesman make about 32 dollars an hour unless you live in chicago or New York. Non-union makes even less probably closer to 22-24 dollars an hour. Non-union is for suckers.

red pill me on unions, is it where u pay to become a member?

this entirely depends on location.

you probably live in a cheaper area.

averages also tend to be heavily skewed by outliers.

basically is a social bully clique that does what it can to better the people that support it and make a living hell for people who dont give in to its demands.

it can do god things, it can do bad things, but the nature of it leads to a lot of pathological problems.

I'm too poor for college. Should i get a trade?

Much better than my position

t. STEM major making 28k

They originated when employers were doing legitimately shitty things to their workers. Now they act like legal, and sometimes perhaps actual, thugs to strongarm employers to their demands, monopolize some workforces and occasionally fix a legitimate problem. They also charge union dues from the workers who are a part of them (sometimes required to be hired to a job).

in college - computer engineering.
>100k job lined up for me at Texas instruments when i graduate
>13/hr job now

A union usually costs you about 40 dollars a month. With this you usually get paid health care benefits and a pension. You also usually get paid about 5-10 dollars more an hour. Then you get to vote on contracts and some other benefits. I do not hate non-union, I feel bad for those guys because they get paid less with worse benefits but there is plenty of work for both kinds of workers.
There are Union and non-union shops. Both are companies with bosses and CEOs and everything. The non-union shops just get paid less with worse benefits.
Where in the United States do non-union employees make more?

"At the Siege of Yorktown in 1781, Baron Closen, a German officer in the French Royal Deux-Ponts Regiment, estimated the American army to be about one-quarter black.[9]"


America is and always will be a nigger nation. You're already 56% white you absolute faggots

Here top 26 of life expectancy. Where are you burger. Live in america, ">most rich country per capita with the exception of meme oil countries ", live shorter than slovenian.

There are no black tradesman. I have literally been to work for months on end without interacting with niggers.

would like to see the american life expectancy based on race tho

It's not all great, the government is pretty good but the people are pretty shitty. Lotta libtards in major cities but everywhere outside of there is pretty good on that account

This is only because niggers and spics lower our stats bro. It will happen to you soon.

>jobs everywhere
negative, there's a reason trump was able to rally rural dipshits with his talk about bringing back work
>massive labor shortage

I'm not a fan of yanks either but if you have to resort to taking an excerpt from some random 200 year old battle wikipedia page with a quote from some random guy... Well, sorry pa, but that's just not how you banter

>be american
>gonad crumpf is your president
>get shot

Thank god I'm not American.

CBP here, you have no idea how many poos get a visa and think they are a citizen.
I can't even begin to imagine how many of you fuckers that are still here illegally undercutting average American's wages.

>50% white
Nope noone wants to american

During the early 1900s employers were literally working folks to death on assembly lines and in mines and shit, and folks unionized to gain the ability to bargain collectively for the right to, you know, be treated like human beings. Led to a bunch of shit for a while with companies trying to suppress it that should really have taught everyone that big businesses never have and never will have a worker's benefit in mind and need to be dragged kicking and screaming into not exploiting people to the breaking point.

delete this kurwa

because freedom


Don't worry leafbro Trump will fuck it all up.

Fuck off we're full

Take all your statistics about US living standards. One of the highest HDI's in the world, enormous gdp per capita, etc etc, and then remove nonwhites and see the numbers fucking skyrocket.

We could legitimately be top 3 in EVERY standard of living category if this country was only white Americans.




You're missing the point, America was and still is a nigger loving nation.

tfw you realise you live in a third-world socialist police state.

Give a medal to Poland.

I have always looked down on americans who bitch. Our road to success just takes effort.


this, .7% is current

i knew all you guys were just jealous.

Removing nonwhites from America would INSANELY skyrocket the absolute shit out of all those statistics.
>Statistically blacks weigh down statistics, check the statistics to show my statistics are real statistics.

to be american you just have to eat hamburgers.

USA is pretty awesome, wouldn't mind living there
maybe next life who knows

this is how you do a proper banter mate

>be american
>boss tells me to come in to work over the weekend or im fired
>on the way to work
>get shot and robbed by jamal
>$50,000 medical bill
>"sorry about your medical bills, but for completely unrelated reasons i've had to fire you. Rodriguez will be your replacement. he is much cheaper"
>finally go home
>jamal is fucking my wife
>she divorces me for the bbc
>judge gives her everything
>call her a bitch
>she gets pissed and calls the police, tells them i raped her
>police shoot me

average american life

Once the burgers build up in the arteries you are an American by blood.

That you Onigger Leaf?

The netherlands is almost as rich as USA in terms of the gdp, however we have one advantage the healthcare in the USA is very expensive, I only pay 120$ a month all-in included dentist

Feels good, man.

Fuck off Pajeet, fix your own damn country. America is for the white man. You people are ruining it.
I can't tell you how many street shutters come over here and enjoy US riches but complain about our culture - too white, not Indian enough, etc. Fuck all of you.

I see black men walking around shirtless all over the place on my lunch break. I see black men riding in the passenger seat in cars all over the place. They are all unemployed. How much does TANF pay? I know food stamps mean nothing because the parents get the food stamps and they waste it and then the kid has to get food sent home with them on the weekends from the schools. I am unsure why niggers are allowed to breed.

>police shooting white people

>live longer in squalid second world nations
K bud. Enjoy your last decade of dementia surrounded by African orderlies making side bets about how far they can stick their arm up your ass.

cucked by jews, not as bad as canucks tho

Who tf cares nigga. 75-80 years old is a perfect time to die

In 20 years minorities will be superior than you white american. You can close your border, you are fucked.


When I found out how little you guys pay in taxes I died a little inside

Leave USA alone, you can only wave with your white flag. Stop being butthurt or jealous

You forgot all of the bad ass firepower we can own, including flame throwers and anti tank rifles.

Work to make India more like America, better for everyone than working to make yourself Indian in America.

Lib arts major here. White, live in CA 350k a year. White wife lib arts major makes 100k. Depends on where you live but trades def makes 50/hr if they aren't cucks.

How can I move back to the USA. I already have citizenship, can I just show up and get some gibs?what do I for before I have a job


t. mech engineer who graduated 8 years ago from GATech currently making minimum wage

>country of degenerate

France is the America of Europe
France has the largest percentage of non native blood of any European nations
France has the largest percentage of non whites in Europe
France has the oldest immigration history of Europe
France has the largest percentage of non native French Whites from countries like Italy Spain or Portugal
France abandonned their only White colony for islands in the Antilles
Most French people do not believe there is a thing such as a "French Ethnicity"
40% of newborns in France in 2015 had African ancestry
Napoleon was Corsican (basically Italian)
France is the least religious country in Europe
Look into many surnames of "French Whites" and you'll find out their surname is Spanish/Italian/Armenian in origin
France has 2 million Alsatians who are originally German
France has the largest Jewish community in Europe
France has the smallest diaspora of any major Euopean country
France had for a long time the second highest number of international adoptions after the US
Ethnic statistics are officially banned in France (I wonder why)

We're treated like kings frog. Let us know how sharia law fits you.

>you will never be American
>56% white and dropping
Thank fuck for that

>my condolences

Thank Mohammad I'm not French.

>liberal arts major
>making more than $40k/year
I fail to see the connection


I feel for you Canadians, my customers are livid when your nation charges them some outrageous shit like 50% duties/taxes on sending some fucking food products across the border.

Your people are literally ass-raped with taxation. That sucks.

Your poor life choices do not reflect national trends

The US is pretty much the best and the worst at everything at the same time.

except 90% of the americans on this board are NEETS

Do infosec at your local comcol

Fuck off we're full.

>bagel bun
>baloney (3+ slices with the fucking skin on???)

get out. you disgust me

lack of gentry non-working class

I make $6k more than this at 20 with no degree in a smallish town. Not STEM either, just a random desk job

You're probably just socially inept desu. Find a more lucrative job

i couldnt get a job at mcdonalds so its not exactly like that theres tons of niggers and spics

america is pretty shitty desu

the US labor participation rate fell to 62.7%

40% of people not working

I did everything right, Used to work my ass off making perfect grades in one of the hardest colleges in the world. I never partied, did drugs, or committed any crimes. My sister, a C student party goer, just graduated from Tech as well in a dumber version of mechanical engineering, Industrial, and makes over 100k and gets job offers left and right. I've sent out over a thousand resumes over the years and haven't had ONE interview. Also I have my FE license, which I assumed everyone had, but my sister failed the test. I gave up and just do CAM/CAD work for min wage.

>US labor participation rate fell to 62.7%
down from 67% since 2007. Lol obama didnt do shit. He just gave out more gibs so the blacks stopped filing for unemployment.

Looks like Alva is no longer among the living according to his FB page....

Op is right, you just don't know how to find a job

t. STEM making >100k starting