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Yes yes yessssss
he called this deepstate shit way before anyone else
he's so obese he should be an honorary american
Shiat mang
400 pound hacker
Nobady ever thinks of this?
There are two groups of people fighting over Seth. The lead candidates to murdered him are the Russians. As he was killed the same manner that Putin has his enemies. Something tells me all these conservative Seth followers are about to learn they have been fucked.
Wasn't he arrested?
for fucks sake that fat fuck never delivers
Why would they kill him? Not saying you are wrong, but I don't see the motive. Assange pretty much said between the lines that he Seth leaked info to wikileaks from the DNC, why would the russians kill him for that?
Doesn't this guy have some sort of major issue with Clinton? Something about her charging him with some sort of crime, thus he can't come back to the US?
Also interested.
Not discounting Russia, but what's the motive? Framing DNC? Seems a little far fetched.
This guy delivers less than James "muh CNN leaks" O'Keefe
That is not the purpose of these investigations though, the 'coup' part is that all this is solely to find something to impeach Trump over.
Nothing we can do at this point but hope Trump comes out with the football from this dogpile
woah wtf. how would this fat fuck have anything to do with that situation? Is it because he is le autismal internet hacker?
fucking bump
>Kim dot com
>never delivers
Kim is a top tier larper