Animu: Liberal vs Conservative

Liberal weaboos like anime with themes:
- Protagonist accidentally gets power or is inherently a badass
- Panacea solutions for societal problems
- Promotes degeneracy like incest or pedophilia
- Changes world by changing others

Conservative weaboos like anime with themes:
- Protagonist gains power through hard work and pursuit of higher truth
- Sacrifice and compromise over panacea solutions
- Promotes personal responsibility
- Changes world by changing self

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okay, but where do i find the good anime?



also: Jin-Roh

Is this a conservative anime?

Oh now you fags wanna care about anime? Too late

t.Sup Forums

I notice how stupid OP is on the judge from tendency of liberal and conservation, not individuality by their tastes.

The magic highschool one on the left is literally nationalist propaganda though

the metaphor is ham fisted but i liked the movie

Where does Berserk stand in this?

Anime vs real life

3/5 better candidates than hillary and trump

The best anime is clear..

Not a rule, just a generalization of the fanbases.

Jin roh is surprising apolitical. It doesnt really glorify or demonize either side and is much more about the relationship between the two main characters.

Liberal anime edgy af

pick one

>Lelouch is defined by geass, not his intellect and strategy
>Lelouch didn't sacrifice anything

>Conservative anime

Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism.

naruto is the most hyper-conservative anime ever then desu

conservatives can't be weaboos? I'm not but I'm a Trump supporting Nazi to everyone on the left.

wouldn't know, never got into it.



It's not more wrong the one on the left, it's just waay more Jewish than the other one.

Nationalists like me like anime with cute girls having tea parties.

Probably leans right. Life is suffering.

Sup Forums has never really had anything against Sup Forums or anime. Sup Forums is definitely full of people that irrationally bandwagon hate on Sup Forums though. I don't like politics on Sup Forums either but the posters are clearly biased. They only throw a fit of the opinion being expressed is right wing.

The political stuff is all in the subtext. The world the series takes place in is much more interesting than you can tell from a single watch of Jin-Roh. Check the other movies and the manga, pretty cool stuff.

Anime is degenerate.

Damn this thread is autistic. Doesn't this belong on the dozen of anime board here? The only show I know listed is Full Metal Alchemist and taht show sucks. sage

That chart is total BS.

Code Geass is heavily based off of LoGH, and Lelouch opts for nationalism as opposed to globalism or Marxism. I wouldn't classify it as either liberal or conservative however.

This nigger put Re:zero as conserative and Code geass as liberal. What the actual fuck

>Still watching (((Anime)))

how is tokyo ghoul a liberal anime?
it's just about some beta who gets turned into a ghoul in an experiment and gets beat up until he stops being a beta.
Then weird stuff happens and he loses his memories and then more weird stuff happens.

Anime is degenerate

Is Jin-Roh high-tier to watch?
Or is it god-tier to put in emergency pile?

I might check it out, but I really did love it because of the relationship stuff. I thought it was a great "romance" movie in general if thats what you want to call it and its what made me think anime is more than just school girls with demon swords.

CG is contrived degenerate trash.

Jin Roh is pure kino. Dont watch any trailers or read any reviews, just go watch it cold. Its a great work of art.

What about cute chinese cartoons?

Re:Zero is a masterpiece. Fuck you if you think otherwise.

>implying anime isn't the late stage form of the (((media))).

It's an opiate and its so fucking obvious a distraction its practically a joke even to normies. Stop watch mass produced media garbage.

>Literally R*ddit:Zero

fuck off KANG, this is an anime imageboard


watched a review on it that pretty much spoiled the ending by eluding to it.
still fucking great though

I'm gonna teach my kids moral values based on TTGL and FMAB

Why is code guess a liberal anime?

nationalist anime or riot

hello LeReddit spacing, how are you today

Daily reminder that we fucking hate you and your cancerous board.

- Sup Forums

yes gaijin, farr for my trap

The (((media))) hardly produces material that promote the values anime does. Modern Family is a confused identity structure that calls itself a family, in anime the nuclear family with proper roles is the norm. Even moe awakens our paternal instincts.

It's superb. It looks incredible and the atmosphere is amazing. Literally about right wing death squads with stahlhelms. It barely feels like anime, for better or for worse.

but boy, Sup Forums and especially Sup Forums is full of libtards. mention or reference about Sup Forums they flip their shit

Is sagiri right wing?

How about eromanga sensei?

Nationalism is inherent in anime. Even in K-On of all places I see traditions being respected. I never see any anime advocating for open borders or globalism.

Also, this is the kind of show which is ACTUALLY considered 'conservative anime'.


>Tokyo Ghoul is a liberal anime


>Every JoJo is some sort of fucked up except Jonathan.
>Every JoJo grew up without a father except Jonathan.
>Coincidence? I think not.

nbr sibling a shit

Yeah they're probably worse. Sup Forums is full of retards but at least they're semi-rational and usually over the age of 18.

But where does the best anime fit into all of this?

Sup Forums is shit and so is this shitty thread

keep your cancerous sausage fingers out of anime, you shitdicks already ruined having an anime avatar

Sup Forums never did anything to you assholes besides despising your idiotic politics invasions and there was no reason to ruin anime

Ive always taught Sup Forums was slightly libertarian in nature since they hate how game companies and opinions are censored

yhis. best conservative animu/manga
always pushing against degeneracy and punishing transgressions. hell every apostol must have sinned badly to gain their power. and he just butchers them.

By my experience if some Sup Forumstard posts on Sup Forums, it would be fine if they only make the Sup Forums part obvious, but they usually make the tard part obvious too.

Is Johann /ourguy/ pol?

He did nothing wrong

Yes exactly.

These are the anime on my list of decent shows to watch:
TTGL, Mushishi, FMA:B, HunterXHunter, LoGH, Shingeki no Kyojin

I used to have Death Note and CG on there but I guess those would be considered liberal on this thread.

Any of the shows listed are miles better than watching anything from regular TV or Hollywood

>I have to align entertainment with my political ideology or else I won't be able to enjoy it

Friendly reminder that 80s anime are the ultimate conservative anime.

Sup Forums is so stupid, they keep falling for the capeshit/capekino viral marketing

Sturgeons Law applies even to anime

Best girl!

unfortunately the "lol invincible 900 yrs old loli catgirl" literally jumps in and ruins every good scene

It took Some Douche time to figure out how his powers work and how to apply them for success. That's not really liberal as per your definition of that.

>I get brainwashed by the entertainment I mindlessly consume without realizing it

The author is a 50 something japanese nationalist

Last Exile.

Bog approved

where does Evangelion stand ?

>capeshit/capekino viral marketing

OPM is based according to bill burr

You never met weebs in real life have you? They're the most apolitical people you'll ever meet and are so disgusted by reality they shudder into the world of anime as a security blanket against the sad world we live in. I never tell people irl that I watch anime for that reason alone. Even people on Sup Forums are open to Sup Forums and Trump despite the major literal Jewish fetish they have there.

Is JoJo the alt-right of anime?

Is that why Sup Forums hates it?

not FMA
>re zero

Unless those girls are blue-eyed blondes, you must kys.

lol you plebs don't know real anime.

>code geass
>the main character goes full unreasonable dictator to have the world focs their anger and hate on him so much the world turns peaceful after he has his friend kill him.

Last time I went in there I saw a few threads talking about how 'muh DC is making capekino and all marvel is capeshit plz spend money on DC movies and watch this youtuub trailer desu'

blatant marketing. All hollywood movies are garbage

code geass is a nationalist struggle

Sup Forums replaces life with anime. pathetic weasels

>no first of the north star

Almost all anime characters are white.

>I let myself get brainwashed by anything

When you realize that everything is trying to change your beliefs, you can consume even the most manipulative of media. The sheer virtue of awareness is enough to resist Jewish mind tricks.

All cartoons are bluepilled. Fuck off back to Fedor/a/s Anonymous.