Why do you like Hitler?

Why do you like Hitler?

He was a loser.

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Because he did nothing wrong

Ronny, bitte.

>drive over Autobahn
>car almost breaks apart because of how shit the famous Autobahn is
>traffic jam and construction sites everywhere

He couldn't even get the Autobahn right. What the fuck.

>car almost breaks apart
Kauf halt keinen 10 jahre alten golf mustafa

So viele Projektionen auf einmal.

Yeah, it only took the entire western world united to beat him. Total loser.

I also like Hannibal Barca, and he lost too.

Get out from underneath the table sucking paki cock, and do some reading on History.

You will be surprised how often the defeated made more sense then the victors, or do you hate the Spartans too?

Don't ignore all of his accomplishments just because he went full retard and invaded Russia

Yes he did you stupid kraut, he invaded Poland.


>Artist who had his dreams crushed
>Volunteered for the war and received many honours for his service
>Loved animals

He was an underdog who made it and stood by his convictions after, name me anyone since that compares

I hate him because he didnt genocide the jews

>trying to take back rightfull german land with german population that was stolen after ww1 was a mistake
He even made a pact with the devil himself, stalin, to make sure the brits and france wouldnt intervene. Who could have know they would just ignore that the soviets are invading poland too?

So a loser became the leader of a country?

What have you done with your life, loser?

>Implyimg prussia doesnt belong tl germany
Literally neck yourself

Because he was right

>build Autobahn
>get blamed for it 70 years after construction because it's falling

ukraine was not rightful german clay. and that is just one example. how about northern fucking africa? hitler should just listen to his generals and stop taking drugs.

He had to invade Russia...the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact wasn't going to last forever...he had to attack them whilst they were weak

He went full retard when his ally Japan attacked Pear Harbour and he declared war on the isolationist US.

>ukraine was not rightful german clay
Everything west of the urals is rightful german clay
We were in north africa because the stupid spaghettos couldnt handle it themselfes. Also there was much oil and other ressources to gain in africa


oh, ok

>isolationist usa
Embargoing japan, taking away the oil they need for their war while delivering war equipment to the chinese. They basically begged japan to attack them

>Be Hitler
>Beaten by father, hate him with burning passion.
>One day crying in bed, trembling from being beaten by a bed you beg God to kill him.
>Mfw he dies
>You thank God, you begin to feel like you the universe sometimes bends to your will.
>Beloved mother died. The grief nearly kills you.
>Promise in your heart you will marry a local girl in your village
>Know she will probably not remember you.
>Hold a candle for her for the rest of your life.
>Decide to Vienna to give yourself to the Muses and try create some art.
>Mfw's when hard, told by Jewish art critics your a talent-less hack
>Try paint some postcards. See other homeless suck off Jews for money, beginnings of hatred.
>Meet Goebells in coffee shop look at disgust young 10 year old goyim. Hope to squash goyim against the wall like a bug
>To make the pain go away you lose yourself in Wagner.
> The Twilight of the Gods, the Ring Trilogy
>You see on the streets, you have to fight for scraps, fight and struggle just to survive.
>Watch magicians and actors, they captivate you. Sometimes you copy their mannerisms.
>Become awakened through Right wing literature. See how degeneracy is destroying your country.

Shall I continue?

beaten by a belt

> other resources to gain in Africa
Yea niggers, right?

Is the bottom one Kaczynski?

>He had to invade Russia
1939 promising 1000 years of Reich
3 years after Germany is in ruins?


Yes blis
Im hard already

Indeed, he was a loser.

Kangdomz full of gold n shieet

Yes pls

>Vienna full of many ethnicities.
>No longer the place of Mozart. The Old Empire is full of homosexuals, Jews and Slavs
>You paint the old grand houses.
>Begin to read about eugenics and the various sciences of the day.
>Read in the newspapers about the tensions in Europe.
>Feels happy, Germany, the fatherland can re win like back in 1870.
>War is necessary to be the forge of mankind. Tough men will burst forth.
>You are with Siegfried and the great heroes smiting enemies.
>You sell a few postcards and a smirking Jew buy's one of your paintings.
>This city has become overrun by the stateless
> The Archduke is shot in Serbia
>War is declared.
>You are in Stephansplatz with your country men. Proud how the German speak peoples are finally asserting themselves.
>You feel destiny whisper in your ear.,
>You try to join the Austrian army,
>Too many want to join, your village battalion is already full.
>You apply for the German army.
>You get it!

That's where you're wrong kiddo!

lack of proper father figure when growing up. same reason many neckbeard incels voted for trump.

He was right.

>Needed whole of Europe the commonwealth and North-America to bring him down

Stasser was better

>Your biggest shocks in life
>My mother, my rejection from the College of Art due to the disgusting bourgeois tastes of those that sat on the Admissions boards.
>The spat on you in the Mariahilf district.
>You had to listen to the snores, and coughs of alcoholics in the dingy hostels.
>You remember the Slav vermin that tried to steal your overcoat.
>The vicious pawnbrokers that got their blood.
>You where terrified you would get consumption.
>But you feel in your heart God spared you.
>You know know why
>Here was friendship and a band of brothers.
>All your life other boys despised you. The rejections, you hated authority you didn't believe in.
>Here was a cause. Men from all over Germany a single people.
>You read Nietzche for the first time. The Kaiser issues Nietzhes works to the army.
>You see how Christianity has enfeebled mankind.
>Only by subordinating yourself to a greater power can you begin to harvest the full potential of humanity.
>Here you are brave, not like the little boy that pissed his pants when he heard his father on the stairs.
>You become firm, hard.
>In 1914 the Germans and British play football.
>Its disgraceful your comrades agree with you.
>A lack of martial spirit. You copy some of the magician tricks when speaking.
>Men rub their chins and nod in agreement
>A British sniper lets you go on no mans land. The mortars avoid you.
> Your little doggy saves leads you from a bunker before artilerry demolishes it.
>One day you hear destiny speak to you.
>An undeniable creed etched onto your heart "You are being spared for a reason"

He went to war with the world.(and almost won)
Germans really were superhuman.

>You have knowledge of the truth, glean while fighting in the depths of the greatest war humanity has ever fought
>Life is filled with struggle.
>Struggle molds you into something worth living.
>The German shephard is a strong lean hunter, breed by humans to be a loyal companion.
>Why do we limit ourselves we could be so much more?
>Fight with suicidal bravery.
>Win an Iron Cross
>Verdun, the Somme, Paschendale.
>Men barely last two weeks yet you endure in the the thickest sectors.
>You feel in your heart Germany is losing.
>Grief overwhelms you, you have faith, trust in goodness.
>All this sacrifice can't be in vain?
>We start to win
>The Russians falter in the east
>Revolution. A man called Lenin
>None of your concern, Germany gets the eastern lands its being fighting for since Barborossa
>Now to win the West.
>In 1918, its the Great Push. Ludendorf and Hidenberg lead the last gambit. The Spring offensive to beat back the Tommies and French.
>Men fight with a scarce know rage.
>Advances once thought impossible now happen weekly.
>We will drive them back to the see
>Rumours of discontent back home.
>Inconceiveable! Not when we are winning.
>Men in your unit start whispering about Bolshevism & peace
>Malingerers, filthy jews spreading lies that will sap the will.
>Not far from Paris.
>Its impossible that they could betray us now after 4 years of carnage.

>we went to war with the wrong people

He lost, he was not a loser. In fact, he was the biggest winner.
