She. Won.
She. Fucking. Won.
She. Won.
She. Fucking. Won.
U r a fucking bigger ching who fuck you I will fucking rape your subhuman nugget ching ass
Go beat off into one of your wooden shoes.
inner city subhumans don't count. Also there were about 3 million illegal immigrants that cast ballots. So Trump also won the popular vote if we're talking facts and truth here.
Oy goyim. 02 cents has been deposited into your account at the first national bank of being a cuck.
Kys nigger.
>roughly 68 million American adults take antidepressants
Just a theory I'm working on, I'll be back with proofs.
Former Trump supporter here. Gotta say it's been great watching him crash and burn. What I'm wondering is how he ever got the launch codes!
No, only four-year-olds think direct democracies are good ideas. Most people are shit.
This is why we at least have the EC, to curb the tyranny of the majority.
This is so we don't have one fucking state like California dominating every election.
Go take a government class, you dungus.
Under electoral college law, Donad J. Trump wins the United States Election of 2016.
I have to agree. I was a Trump supporter from the start. I posted on r/The_Donald like all of you.
But I now see it was a mistake to vote for him. He won't get anything done. Scandal after scandal. It's embarrassing. I feel ashamed to admit that I voted for him now.
And his tax returns proved that he's been cheating us all this time. He stole from poor people who thought he would help them. I wanted to believe he was different, but I think this is it. I think he's done.
It was fun while it lasted, but now it's over for him.
Trump voter here. Even i'm gonna admit it now. She should've won. She won the popular vote. It's so obvious.
YFW it's 3.5 years later and he's still there and you're wondering why you're such a gullible goy.
Such nice digits. I'm glad I live in the timeline where she gets 3 gorillian more votes and still loses
Stop larping you sh*reblue faggot. This thread is spam. Read the rules
Saged and reported
Take out NYC and she lost
she definitely won last place
We have ID's here, kankermongool
Yea we get it you're shaking now fuck off.
>wanting California and New York to decide every presidency.
My Jimmies are Rustled.
shill kike nigger faggot sage etc
She won at being a fucking loser hack politician that didn't go after states with smaller populations to boost her electoral votes.Illegals voting,many people casting votes for dead people,and voting several times.They admitted it openly,and still do with pride.
She won at being the loser that didn't know how to play the game.We are NOT a Democracy that allows the 51% to rule unjustly over the 49%.We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. She lost the real popular vote by going after the minority vote while leaving the white vote out.
Pic related shows who really won.
>people still think that a state where illegals can vote is worth shit
Shills detected.
Just saged it and move on. The bait is so fucking obvious.
He. Won.
He. Fucking. Won.
haven't seen this in a few days
you okay, OP?
Replying to your own OP..
Electoral College?
The rule was not to win the plurality of the vote in the entire country but to win at least the plurality of the vote in the states that make up the majority of the population.
she didn't tho
Voter. Fraud.
She. Has. Periods.
popular votes means nothing cuck. wake up.
They pay you in gold or shekels ?
this, I am in the exact same boat. I really think we made a mistake backing Trump, the least we can do is own up to it and write to our representatives to let them know we support the impeachment of Ronald Dumpf. All good things must come to and end and we can't let a potential russian agent have access to the US nuclear arsenal.
you cant change the rules after the game has been played user
Tired yet, Schlomo shekelstein?
>Clinton knows she needs to win electoral votes to win election
>Gets most popular votes, but least electoral votes
>Bitches about not winning election because of the popular vote, yet FUCKING KNOWS THAT SHE NEEDS ELECTORAL TO WIN
How thick is your skull you fuck?
Sage and move on you tards.
She. Lost.
She. Fucking. Lost
Popular vote difference = aliens + people in NY and LA
Bad news, New York and California aren't the only states that decide American elections
Loser XD
Logic doesn't work with these fools.
Best to just point and laugh out them than teach them anything
Kys randstad nigger
>Illegals should decide who's President
Nuke California
>“Look at the way I’ve been treated lately, especially by the media. No politician in history — and I say this with great surety — has been treated worse or more unfairly.”
He's got his eternal victim jew routine on point. Why does it matter which actor won?
That doesn't look like the electoral college vote, the only vote that matters.
8 million illegal votes. Period.
>[autistic screeching]
Google 45th president.. LOL
uh no sweetie, it's called the electoral college honeybun.
Aw sugarplum, you're just so wrong you can't understand it honeypie
Nah. Democrats have it in with some polling stations. That's why they want the popular vote to decide the presidency, so they can inflate votes in the stations they control.
If you are 100% against anything that sounds like a conspiracy theory (except for Trump Russia ties *cough cough*) then also realize that Trump's campaign strategy was focused on the electoral college. If the race was decided by the popular vote, Trump's strategy would change as well.
Oh yes the same polls that gave hilary a 91% chance of winning they are reputable
You. Lost.
You. Fucking. Lost.
She lost and will never be President.
she won the illegal vote
go write to that representative quick england
fucking dumbasses
The mere fact that you believe this tells me that you're not ready to vote.
>quinnipiac university poll
>title: idiot top word to describe trump
f a k e n e w s
Jesus fucking christ. Im a god damn leaf and even i know how the US electoral system works. Hillary may have gotten the popular vote, but the electoral college was setup specifically to make sure liberal strongholds like california dont dominate American politics.
Tl;dr: get the fuck over it.
So he's not a populist then, she is
>Thinks the electoral college doesn't matter
>Isn't from the US
>Has no idea how our government works
"No one ever wins
No one finally loses
Except the dead
Under the sun
They rot together
With absolute
Biological equality."
Go die quietly nederlands while muslims rape your anus. Don't make any noises or it is racism. Quietly accept mo's penis
That's great retard. Thanks for that.
Here's the problem though: we don't live in a democracy. We live in a republic. Popular vote doesn't mean shit in a republic. Deal with it.
sage and move on kiddos
You chimps really should be banned.
You have absolutely nothing to contribute to this board, or life in general.
But boobiekins, if she is wrong, why is Trump president?
How many times are you fucking idiots going to reply to the same thread
Fuck every one of you
not for long
>Share blue rage guy sample 05
Are you guys even trying anymore?
aww, sweetie.
She also beat Obama in the popular vote 8 years ago, so if you didn't have a problem with the electoral college then, just pretend that Obama served her 2 terms.
Nice try, but no cigar.
No actually she didn't
Take out everyone named Paco or Juan or Maria and she lost for sure
aww, sugarpie....
Do you newfags not know how to recognize a troll post? There are so many of these threads because you faggots take the bait every time and bump them
Go back to /r/The_Donald or lurk more
>sage goes in all fields
Meh. There's fuck all going on at the moment. No problem with having out these discussions and reminding ourselves how epic our win was, and why Trump is objectively the best choice.
>lose chess tournament
>"but if it were checkers rules I would have won, therefore I technically win!"
she won last place
Here's the results by county
There's a reason it isn't a simple national popular vote system
>there were about 3 million illegal immigrants that cast ballots
>only 3
There are 60 million illegals in the US, all of them in states without voter ID laws, and you think only 5% took advantage of that?
Tell me, why isn't Trump pushing mandatory voter ID laws?