So what's going on with these threads recently

does Sup Forums finally hate drumpf now?

Other urls found in this thread:

He did nothing wrong. He's a good President.


sage it

Another Global Engagement Center propagandist for the Ziofucks? Do you ever stop breeding?

Not so fast

The normies are trying to invade Sup Forums and twist our views closer to theirs. That or trying to convince us to o into a state of feeling hopeless. Sup Forums does not hate Trump, but some of us are questioning him

Most of us never liked trump

It's just the alt-cuck trump supporters are autistic NEETs who post in every single fucking thread, so they took the board over from casual users

Hopefully they fuck off soon

trump was a false prophet


its just you and your cuck army shiriablue

You really need to stop throwing that word around. You don't even know what it means. Sup Forums is turning on Trump because we're not dumb enough to keep falling for his lies.
You nazis and racists all will be shown how wrong you are when civic nationalism really takes off and makes the world a better place.

>trump 2020!
>SJW BFTO by Milo
>how retarded can SJW be?!
>praise Kek!
>I'm a ethnic kekistani! Lol XDDDDD!
>Watch Sargon of Akkad
>join us on reddit and Sup Forums

He didnt do nothing, he a good presdent



>Nazis and racists

You've given yourself away sir.

source: your gaping anus


when did people stop reading filenames?

Shill threads, they're pretending to be us to make us play into their hands.

Not gonna lie, former #ImpeachTrump supporter here. It's fucking terrifying watching the MSM lie and distort. But in all seriousness we can't let the deep state get their hands on the nuclear codes.


End yourself please

>You nazis and racists all will be shown how wrong you are when civic nationalism really takes off and makes the world a better place.


We're just being infiltrated by a bunch of leftist trash. Nothing to worry about. True Sup Forums tards can identify them quickly, and just don't respond to them. They think they are smart, but they aren't. We easily defeated them in the meme war of 2016, and will easily beat them again.

trump tower is no paying anymore to shill


>Sup Forums is turning on Trump because we're not dumb enough to keep falling for his lies.
>You nazis and racists all will be shown how wrong you are
but we/pol/ ARE nazis



>I was patient the first 2 months
>nervous the next 3
>'ve combletely lost faith at this point

Where's my Animu, GRUMMMFPHHH?

I'm not wrong. You people despise your fellow man because you're scared.

You know what the word "phobia" means, right? It means "fear of."

Homophobia, xenophobia, gynophobia.

People here on Pol who are afraid of other races will very soon find out just how wrong they are.

All the time we see based black guys who BTFO liberals and send them crying back to their safe spaces.

Milo the Based Faggot BTFOs feminists and homophobes.

The future is here and you nazis are not a part of it.

(What about this post? I think I hit pretty much all the buttons on this one)

NYT/Wapo have kicked their Jihad into overdrive so the shill army is invading. Nothing out of the ordinary.

>pointing out concern trolling while concern trolling


there is a small group of inbreds at /ptg/ that will slurp his cum for a few days more, but that's about it.

>we are nazis

if this was 1942 Germany you would be hauled off to the camps for being untermensch

dont even pretend otherwise

>anime picture
>civic nationalism

needs more subletly

> sub-sahaaren africans as a population have the lowest iq of all races
> in order to preserve the intelligence that sets us apart from animals and also based on the fact ethnically homogentic populations are more peaceful we should not "diversify"

>when adjusted for population size

Every time I see this I get angry. That isn't how statistics work.

Trump is a globalist zionist, Sup Forums has just been infested with reddit td fags that need to go back

$40 million pays for a lot of shills and a lot of shilling. Will the shills finally win?

Outstanding recent threads such as and suggest otherwise, maybe.

Shills like you. Sage.

I was referring to the influx of Redditors who tried to push the "Trump is a NeoCon" narrative and the project that was going on at UCLA (i believe) where a professor told his students to mess with the threads on Sup Forums

hello friend!

No. Some of the things he has done is dumb like the syrian air strike but other than that I think he has done a great job.

his greatest job was the one he gave putin

am i right

Wow user K+z9H0SQ, that sure is a lot of accusation with no proof.

You do know doxxing is against the rules, right?

I'd suggest you delete that post before you get banned.

How bad would you feel if your post caused an entirely innocent person to become the target of online troll attacks?

All in all Trump isn't doing well and black folk are deserving of respect and you Pol users can't stop that.

I just saw an uplifting video earlier today of two white gay men who adopted four black orphans in order to give them a better life.

See? Love wins and your hate will only kill you on the inside.


>and the project that was going on at UCLA (i believe) where a professor told his students to mess with the threads on Sup Forums


Has Sup Forums 'replied' to the good professor? Has Sup Forums 'corrected' him?

What the FUCK kind of post is that
Is this some kind of bot

Really seems like things are going down for him, yes.

Well at least when those orphans grow up and go to jail for armed robbery/murder/rape etc, they'll be used to homosexual rape thanks to their upbringing.

It's in prototype. You can't rush a perfect waifu user.

Minus the b8, he is spot on

>when civic nationalism really takes off and makes the world a better place.

A reminder to Sup Forums: a vote for Trump was a vote for civic nationalism, whether you like it or not.

Most of Sup Forums only supported Trump ironically. It was all for the lulz. It's pretty cringe-inducing to see that some people here actually took it seriously.

No, it doesn't. I thought people on this site weren't supposed to be easily brainwashed. Unless you guys are shills you're pretty damn unintelligent.
Deep state will be in jail and Trump still president within a year from now.

Nice word thinking, dummy.

How so?

You do know there is a really good chance that they are going to molest those kids right?