I miss campaign Trump

I miss campaign Trump

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Why? President trump is cool too


I miss having a real president.

>real president

>posts democrats

I don't agree with them, but they were good at being President.

get triggered bitch

Shut up leaf

Based Bill

>"I miss having a real president"
>posts non-Canadians

I don't, he's bigger clown now.


How many times you need to be BTFO until you give up?

>every thread a right wing retard claims this
>never provides proof
Obama leaf provides proof of btfo'ing you guys? Why not do the same?

It was glorious, also him winning.
Seeing all the cucks, libtard and sjw loose it.
Fond memories, no matter what happens next.

Here, obamaleaf with a proxy.

A bunch of retards on Sup Forums disagree with you, haha BTFO xD xDDD

Are you sure you're not running out of proxies?

This, I don't think anything in the rest of my life will beat the sheer energy of election night 2016

Wait. Hold on. That's not me with a proxy. That's me.

Based Bill Clinton handed Republicans a $230 BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET SURPLUS that they pissed away.

On what right wing retard universe do u think that's me getting btfo?

Explain yourself retard.

>Obama leaf spamming the same .jpg info graphs for over a year
>rebuffed thousands of time
>not btfo

see Watch this fintard disappear

That's really fucking sad, dude

To be fair, the entire world was bumpin' in the 90s

As a leftist who voted against him I'm enjoying all this winning of his administration being a constant trainwreck and him crying over the most common mundane shit.

Friendly reminder that if he'd taken Obama's advice and not hired Flynn the only people that'd still be harping on the Russia stuff would be far left idiots. Trump's his own worst enemy and it's hilarious.

Poo in the loo, Pajeet, we don't need to BTFO you anymore because you BTFO yourself without our help

I've never been btfo once and u right wing retards know it. You literally post a screencap of u retards getting btfo and u think that hurts me?

Based Bill Clinton handed Republicans a $230 BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET SURPLUS that they pissed away.

On what right wing retard universe do u think that's me getting btfo?

You retards better start explaining your sheer retardation.

>when the leaf is right

See you're already dodging. Just like I knew you would, u retarded little bitch.

You posted this Now explain yourself retard.

Based Bill Clinton handed Republicans a $230 BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET SURPLUS that they pissed away.

On what right wing retard universe do u think that's me getting btfo?

You can't do it can you?

You retards get btfo by me every single fucking time and then u dip, dive, dodge, deflect like right wing retard little bitches.

How in the fuck did u think this hurts me?

BASED BILL CLINTON handed right wing retard hero and leading conservative thinker George Dubya Bush and a GOP Congress a $230 BILLION SURPLUS.

What happened to it?

You retards are so incompetent, you try to btfo me and u btfo yourselves.

obama leaf always presents solid reasoning tbqh

really makes you think

Explain yourself retard.

BASED BILL CLINTON handed right wing retard hero and leading conservative thinker George Dubya Bush and a GOP Congress a $230 BILLION SURPLUS.

What happened to it?

You retards are so incompetent, you try to btfo me and u btfo yourselves.


I mean the syrian air strikes were bad but other than that he hasn't changed much.

>Implying the "230 Billion" Surplus didn't go toward his pal W's war in Iraq... Implying Bill Clinton didn't plan 9/11 with Hillary Clinton.

Fuck you
You need to get nuked already...

You were saying?


I feel empty inside. I went from full nazi zombie to a normie now. I campaigned for trump but now I can't stand democrats or conservative people

>Republican national security pic rel

I love it when u right wing retards do what u do best, dindu.

I really dislike everyone on this board now and think you're all stupid racists





Can't wait to make a collage out of this thread.

>this Indian fuck again

Is anyone going to flush him?

Oh look the apex shitposting king nigger leaf is back

stop it leaf

btw for the record. I don't use proxies.

When I said this.

>Wait. Hold on. That's not me with a proxy. That's me.

I was clearly referring to this screenshot. Just to put that on the record.

I come back every day as Obama Leaf. While these right wing retards hide as anons, get btfo everyday, then come back for more the next day.

Trump campaign was the best thing to happen in this world.

him being terrible at the job makes it funnier that Hillary lost, but I wish he would do anything that he promised and stop acting like a senile buffoon

What? When he was lying about all the shit he would do and made empty promises?

Yeah, those were the days mane

>finland back with a denmark proxy to get btfo some more

Right wing retards too stupid to understand the relationship between revenues and budget deficits. This is why u can't be trusted with money. Can you explain this? Based Bill Clinton handed Republicans a $230 BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET SURPLUS that they pissed away.

On what right wing retard universe do u think that's me getting btfo?

Explain yourself retard.

Any new screenshots of you being praised? I haven't been on here in a couple of months

where did he go


>Presidents are in charge of the budget


>Watch this fintard disappear


>Trump is a doddering buffoon who can't keep his mouth shut
>Trump is a master of spycraft and subterfuge who's been able to keep all evidence of collusion hidden for nearly a year
really makes me think

oh ya plenty

I have some great rage caps too.

but by all means give me nice compliments i like getting them

>Watch this fintard disappear (You)



this is one of my fave rage caps. he was going at me all like this all thread lol

14 posts by this user ID. HAHAHAHA

in reference obviously to my extensive trumpjew folder

That's a Miller speech. I wonder what Stephen is doing now...

oh so budget surplus -> revenue??? golly gee why haven't we bumped government taxes to 100% yet???

literally go choke on leaves

they could use his forehead as an aircraft carrier

Don't indulge him. He's either a legitimate autist, or an Indian.


He's indian. Tell him to poo in the loo every time you see him.

oh fintard proxy u got btfo so badly why did u disappear?

Nobody is talking about 100% taxation, now you're just acting retarded.

Can u address this pls?

Can you explain this? Based Bill Clinton handed Republicans a $230 BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET SURPLUS that they pissed away.

On what right wing retard universe do u think that's me getting btfo?

Explain yourself retard. (You)

oh hey you're back.

Can you explain this? Based Bill Clinton handed Republicans a $230 BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET SURPLUS that they pissed away.

On what right wing retard universe do u think that's me getting btfo?

Explain yourself retard. (You) (You)




Poo in loo, Pajeet


He fucked up by importing a kike kabinet and bombing syria after the White Soros Helmets "investigated and found sarin gas usage by the SA." He's falling in line with PNAC just like every president since Clinton, and I'm only continuing to support him because A) There was NO better option throughout the campaign season, B) Presidency is more obviously now, than ever, a figurehead with only superficial lasting power, and C) he is following up on nearly every one of his campaign promises. Get deported you shills (which he is averaging at a rate of 400 spics a day.)

lol u started so strong and confident look at u now

u couldn't find an argument if it smacked u in the face

me too
wish we'd have the shitposting madman back instead of the kike puppet we have now

I've btfo these right wing retards into the BSOD phase

god i love it


>replying to the autistic obamaleaf
Here's what will happen he will
1. Ignore your point
2. Post a nonsensical "argument" on something unrelated
3. autistically reply your post multiple times
4. Use "infographics" and "sources" he posts every thread
5. Deflect
6. move the goalposts
7. go for the same strawmen of "muh right wing retards"

I don't know why folks bother, all he does is jerk himself off and claim "OBAMALEAF WINS AGAIN!!!1111!!". It's a serious case of autism.


You didn't even deny that you're indian

Also, get ready for me to be called a right wing retard who has been btfo'd multiple times by obamaleaf for posting an observation from a neutral's standpoint.

You are perhaps the biggest retard to ever post on Sup Forums
>And 1993 — the year of the giant Clinton tax hike — was not the turning point in the deficit wars, either. In fact, in 1995, two years after that tax hike, the budget baseline submitted by the president’s own Office of Management and Budget and the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted $200 billion deficits for as far as the eye could see.

>Newt Gingrich and company — for all their faults — have received virtually no credit for balancing the budget. Yet today’s surplus is, in part, a byproduct of the GOP’s single-minded crusade to end 30 years of red ink. Skeptics said it could not be done in seven years. The GOP did it in four.

>Now let us contrast this with the Clinton fiscal record. Recall that it was the Clinton White House that fought Republicans every inch of the way in balancing the budget in 1995. When Republicans proposed their own balanced-budget plan, the White House waged a shameless Mediscare campaign to torpedo the plan — a campaign that the Washington Post slammed as “pure demagoguery.” It was Bill Clinton who, during the big budget fight in 1995, had to submit not one, not two, but five budgets until he begrudgingly matched the GOP’s balanced-budget plan. In fact, during the height of the budget wars in the summer of 1995, the Clinton administration admitted that “balancing the budget is not one of our top priorities.”

>The figure shows that the actual cumulative budget deficit from 1994 to 1998 was almost $600 billion below the Clintonomics baseline. Part of the explanation for the balanced budget is that Republicans in Congress had the common sense to reject the most reckless features of Clintonomics. Just this year, Bill Clinton’s budget proposed more than $100 billion in new social spending — proposals that were mostly tossed overboard.

we had to fight them over there so we're not fighting them over here

He says he's a white male, but he's admitted he's from Toronto, which, combined with how he acts, gives a very low probability of him being white.

Too bad every graph you show is false

A made up list of bullshit because u right wing retards got btfo in this thread and not one of u can justify this?

Can you explain this? Based Bill Clinton handed Republicans a $230 BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET SURPLUS that they pissed away.

On what right wing retard universe do u think that's me getting btfo?

Explain yourself retard. (You) (You)

Fintard u are so sad. Why can't u justify your own post? I am white. I've told u retards that many times. I'm white and u right wing retards are a fucking embarrassment to my race.

>attempting to argue against a thick headed autist
>believing anything that sperg says

I don't ignore points. I btfo them. I'm the only one here presenting arguments, charts, data, facts etc.

You're just projecting because u guys always ignore my points and don't address anything I say.

I'm still waiting.

Can you explain this? Based Bill Clinton handed Republicans a $230 BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET SURPLUS that they pissed away.

On what right wing retard universe do u think that's me getting btfo?


my graphs are true and u retards can't handle it

Hey Obama leaf I have a non related question for you.

How do you feel about the Jews?

Answer this post, Pajeet.

White or (((white))) ?

I have a chart that debunks your entire autism. What is your argument even?

Based Bill Clinton delibarately stood with charts showing what the budget deficit was before his policies and after.

You just got btfo son.

You don't even know what his argument is. I btfo it easily in 1 post.


It's pretty easy to get a federal surplus when you spend 8 years printing money and getting loans to pay for shit you can't afford. Put up instead a chart with the internal and external debt and you'll see the true economic policy of a Democrat.

I just btfo that post muhammed. You retards are getting fucking eradicated

holy shit u retards are getting btfo hard

>A made up list of bullshit
I mean, ok

Gross that you'd want to see Hillary every day

>I btfo them
No, what you do is take a point, go to your image folder, post one of your 150 SAME PHOTOS, and shitpost about something to support yourself that was unrelated to the point the original user made. Holy fuck you are a sad, pathetic human. I pity you, it's like picking on a retarded kid.
How in the fuck you can type that and not know that everyone but your autistic self knows it's bullshit is fucking hilarious. Thanks for the guaranteed laughs in every thread you shitpost in.
>responding twice to me
It's getting even more sad at this point.

have 1 more

That 2nd board. They fill in here

He was a lot sharper and calculating and on point during the campaign