Post White World

What will happen white people become a minority in every country?

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We'll be able to live without dealing with their annoying as fuck inferiority complex

The white man feels afraid and inferior next to everyone, and they lash out like violent animals

Will never happen for based countries. There will always be an almost white country somewhere. That country will always be better than all the other fucking countries.

You think they will stop blaming us when we become a minority?

>still dressed better as slaves than niggers

honestly, no

Justice will be done and everyone can go home

What an absolutely disgusting photo. I don't care how white guilty you are I can't believe parents would allow their children to have these slave accessories to be put on them even if it's just "muh education muh teaching a lesson".

This post is an obvious projection.

Whites are only a minority in America if you dump all the nonwhites together in a group like "people of color," "colored people," "coloreds," "darkies," and so forth, as the left likes to do to prove a point. More pandering to minorities only means they need more to pacify.

get the fuck out of my country shitskin.

Guy in the front has been cured of white guilt already.

Not yet, we're still above 60% but give it 20 years and we will be.

Niggers are fucking horrible.

Pajeets and zipperheads fight for dominance and the black man continues to be oppressed from the grave by whitey.

Planet of the apes worldwide.

That or China realizes what a scam modern hyper liberalism/post modernism is and exterminates it's proponents to stop the spread.

Not even close to that, I'm afraid. Whites are barely 50% in the US now.

This is how evolution works - the better adapted organism wins and if white people are becoming a minority, that's their own fault. They made that decision when they decided to stop having kids, created a welfare state and opened their borders.

Even at that point, whites will still be over represented in the military when it comes to combat military occupational specialties and on police forces at all levels. It will be difficult to just start genociding whites as long as good ol' country boys and city boys looking for adventure keep signing combat support, infantry, and SOF enlistment contracts and police recruiting doesn't go full affirmative action retard.

>better adapted
>depends on welfare from whites

you act like we had any choice in the matter.


Yeeeesssss.....good goy.

When we're gone I pray to God the Chinese brutally enslave you mutts. And whitey's not going to be there to hold U.N. meeting to save your asses

Whites will migrate to an island and will make the book utopia become real, it will be named, kekistan..

The only thing that matters in the end is: who had more kids?

Evolution doesn't care about the how and why.

Even with all these things in place. there's not much stopping a hard-working white person from having lots of kids. People choose not to.

Allowing yourself to be a slave is no longer the height of cowardice and huge source of shame as it once was.

Thanks (((cultural Marxism)))

Please let me write the school curriculum. In 15 years we'd have a great nation again.

The evolutionary measure of adaptedness is the number of viable offspring.

Evolution does not care if you pay tax or not, live of the donations of others or not.
Only reproduction counts.

The world will be less degenerate

In that case that would make turkroaches master species

Hey, I never said it's a good thing, I'm just stating what's happening.


This guy gets it.

Turkey has a fertility rate just above 2.0. They are below the replacement rate.


They will enslave us with the technology our ancestors created

Ironic isn't it?

fuck, maybe whites breeding with black females and kicking out black males is the only way to ensure at least a majority white genes in the future and an end to white hate

black females prefer white men anyways, just fuck and leave, they'll have the kids for the tax-cut/benefits anyways

>Only reproduction counts.
In evolutionary measures, yes, definitely.
In, at the latest, 250 years, roaches will make up the majority of the population in Germany (when ignoring the rapefugees).

That's a very crucial point, we are talking about here:
the environment does not always select for those features that are deemed best, such as intelligence, athletics or physical attractivenesses.
It only selects for those features that give an reproductive advantage.
E.g. assume the following situation:
there are contraceptives, and no one wants to have children, but people still have sex.
The effectiveness of contraception depends on whether they are applied correctly or not.
Whether people apply them correctly or not, again, depends on the intelligence and discipline of the persons involved.
In such a scenario, being unable to use contraceptives properly will be a reproductive advantage - only people to dumb to use contraception will reproduce.

ching chong cru will snuff out niggers without the slightest bit of guilt. and they won't let kikes interfere either. Chinks admire the executive abilities of jews and study their methods, but when they time comes they're getting offed along with the nogs.

There's a grorious future in store for humanity.

cant afford to feed and educate more than 2 kids. when you are on wellfare the more kids you have the more money they give you.

oops, wanted to cite
>In that case that would make turkroaches master species

>In, at the latest, 250 years, roaches will make up the majority of the population in Germany (when ignoring the rapefugees).

That has relatively little to do with reproduction and everything with your elected officials actively importing a new population by the millions a fucking year kraut.

When whites become a minority the world's societies will also die out.
Meaning blacks will begin to die in mass numbers, whites will learn from their mistakes and breed a society again without black or mexican influence.

Not difficult to consider.

My brother worry not the white monkeys reign of terror will soon come to an end. 杀死白人

They have a fertility rate of 2.4 in Germany, while German women have a rate of 1.5.
At least they are conquering us. It's also Erdogan's official plan for roaches to take over the German democracy by even increasing the fertility of Turks living in Germany.

>What will happen when white people become a minority?
- everything will be dumbed-down
- institutions will go away, resulting in a control of language by government
- wealth will become centralized in a socialist government

The baby bomb. Infowarsdotcom

The free world will under attack. Civilization will break down. Whites will seek asylum in Australia. Cleanse the nation and turn it into an island fortress last stand for humanity.

As soon as the gibs dry up, mass rioting and looting, essentially the fall of Rhodesia on a mass scale. After which roving bands of nignogs will eventually expend every round of live ammunition they can get their hands on, some on whites but mostly against each other. Without the technological know-how and chemistry knowledge to produce more, they'll resort to any sharp or blunt implement they can heft, again mostly against each other. High end military equipment will be all but unusable to most asides from those who are specifically trained, and after the gas runs out they become things to lie on between murders and looting.

The food infrastructure will fall the fastest and the hardest, after stores and warehouses are raided for treats, the rest will be allowed to spoil; in time to be picked over for morsels like the farms and pastures of the outlying farms. Again these raids will be marked by murder, rape, arson, and generally mindless destruction.

As the chaos spreads and more and more whites flee to wherever they can, key points of infrastructure are invaded; the gormless apes will wander the halls of hydro-plants, oil-refineries, and nuclear installations scratching their heads and stealing anything of any apparent value, destroying much in the mindless nature of their race. I imagine after a few (dozen) accidental deaths they'll dismiss them as cursed or something and leave them to crumble, burn, or eventually explode.

Electricity and running water stops, the only lights coming from the occasional fire. The only meat coming from their own fellows. Dark skyscrapers become pock-marked towers with their elevator shafts slowly filling with garbage, sewage, and the occasional body. Nothing is repaired, built, or improved upon. No invention, no democracy outside of the range of a rifle, and no written word. Such things will be considered "white" and as such, Haraam.

A true empire of dust.
From that day, until the end of days, until the Sun burns out.


But were cheating evolution. This isnt evolution, its just fucking insanity. 95% of the worlds population would not be alive right now if it werent for us propping them up artificially. This is just self hatred suicide.


I almost wish we could all leave and watch China exterminate the others from a space station then come back and coexist with them. Chinese were the best thing Europe ever invented.

Fucking Christ, I would spray those turds with my M-4 And empty a few magazines into their corpses hang them from my gates as a warning to others.


Why Austrailia? Its a spider infested potato nigger colony.
Why not iceland or somewhere /comfy/

Just think, this picture may have been a reality if we didn't open our (white) borders.

>implying you can actually wipe out Caucasian people
>implying the next cold period of the ice we're still currently in won't wipe out all the non natives of Europe as they aren't adapted to live in freezing climates

The white man always wins.

chinks genocide everyone else

>why not Iceland?

Iceland is small.
Iceland is cold.
Iceland has a homogeneous gene pool, we don't want to destroy that.

That's early-Mugabe Rhodesia, after he declared white farms were unlawfully stolen black land.

You would have a pack of several hundred pseudo-communist former revolutionaries armed with technicals and AKs rolling up to shoot, rape, butcher, and eat anything that moves within the week.

Note, this was after the US and the UK decided that white refugees weren't a thing and barred them from seeking asylum.

Theyre pretty much just drones for white people. They have an incredibly high iq and are great at copying anything, but they have terrible language/ innovation intelligence and no empathy towards out group or in group members.
They will cleanse the world of niggers and spics with no remorse. If niggers think whitey is there biggest oppressor, then they are in for a rude awakening.

they'll still try to push laws that require PoC in positions of power

Honestly if we let them China could solve our Middle East problem just let them move their chink robot armies in and exterminate the Muslim population slowly and use their new resources and infinite cheap chunk labor to eliminate scarcity.

>take over german democracy
you know WW3 is slowly being set up right? i've learned to hate germans for allowing this to happen. all european countries who are just sitting back and allowing this deserve 0 respect.

They arent homogenous. Theyre just isolated. The reason they have so much celtic dna is because the vikings would take all the pretty women from the British Isles and bring them over to their colonies, leaving England and Ireland with only slags.


asians will take over as whites decline, so civilization won't just collapse. with that decline, white liberalism will disappear completely. the genetic future of humanity depends on what China decides to do with genetic engineering.

There never will be a truly post white world. It's been discovered in living memory than whites have Neanderthal genes and that niggers do not.

Basically, the white is a Neanderthal (see, not stupid like the common misconception would have you believe) and the nigger is Cro-Magnon.

It was wondered for many years, before this genetic connection was made, how Cro-Magnon "made Neanderthal extinct" even though Neanderthal was known to be more advanced.

Now we can easily guess why. Cro-Magnon spent (as it still spends) its entire life thinking about "muh dick." The niggers out-fucked the Neanderthals just as they're doing now.

So what will happen? Same now as then. The Neanderthals will be relegated to the frozen north where their sophistication allows them to live but Cro-Magnon is not advanced enough to live. Then over the generations, Neanderthal waits while Cro-Magnon destroys himself. Same as it ever was. When Cro-Magnon has died off enough to recede from cooler areas it once held, Neanderthal will come down and populate, bringing culture and architecture with him. At first he will build with stone, crude but already more advanced than Cro-Magnon ever did or will accomplish on his own. And future generations will find those stone structures ages hence and declare them the first thing mankind ever built...

comfort of modern life will keep them alive.

He's a somali monkey.

Its isolated enough to make a last stand. As well as having an unforgiving harsh climate, and terrain making it suitable to defend. Plus having Asia which will be the only group left fighting the hordes as a buffer.

Starvation, poverty, endless skirmishes and genocide by ephemeral regional warlords fighting over scraps and marveling at the technology of lost civilization

thats how you lose. Thats what they want you to do. There plan is to control and the black gene is piss is easy to manipulate

>they have terrible language[...] intelligence

Do elaborate

Are they less able to learn second languages, have difficulty properly expressing their ideas, or are they just less poetic?

But thats us living out of our element, the niggers are adapted to live there.
We should take over a multitude of isolated islands so we can develop a commonwealth. Islands like Iceland, Faroe, Ireland, the Falklands come to mind.
The only thing we will need is defense, so we will bring our nukes with us, and we will have a military like state and navy to keep the chinks from getting to power hungry.

If they already hate us, when they have us under their thumbscrew we'll be eradicated. Not gonna happen though, i'll fight to the last breath if it comes to war.

No, they are homogeneous. They had considerable bottlenecks in their (~1000 y. ago ) ancestry.
Also, there has been much less influx of other people because of their isolation.

The answer is obviously Antarctica only whites can survive there

Fuck off, niggers.

Theres many kinds of intelligence, and iq tests are best suited for asians intelligence.
Asians are great on paper at solving equations rapidly, doing whatever complicated task you need them to do etc., but for some reason they really dont have any groundbreaking inventions like Europe does despite having an iq 10 points lower.

niggers from around the world will unite and call for a racial version of socialist policies. whites will flee to some place. about three generations better, they'll claim whites are still the oppressors and invade our land. whites will win and we'll do this whole three hundred year jig again but better.

Besides china inventing gunpowder

Kind of like the plot for Into the Badands?

Youre the only nigger here sweetums.
Also, America isnt even 25 percent white if you take out people with dark features.

you fuckers want reparations for slavery, but idolize pimps. go fuck yourselves.
recognize your hypocrisy before you destroy the only thing keeping you from mud huts and spears.

whites won't allow third world status. they would form their own countries and government. it is just natural process.

No whites are homgenous. Our entire continent is based on conquests and mixing into other populations.

everlasting peace

Haven't seen it. Is it a good post-apocalypse story?

Hapa detected.
Also, they "invented" it, but didnt even know what they invented. Europeans made it into weapons.

Why contain it? Let it spill over the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end they'll beg us to save them.

Should we go extinct then ethier Slavs or Jews would be the next to go. Despite what we think of them a lot of people would see them white. So they just switch thier targets. And by some means Russia and Israel managed to defend off thier new invaders, weather it be black,Muslim Turk,etc, you now got to worry about China because they are billions strong who would genocide them without so much as a regret from thier mind. Seriously these guys have Christianity on the rise there and it would not be long after whites go extinct they have a worldwide crusade. Plus should only thier be a few whites left. When we come back we be seen as gods because of our ability to be bountyful of food. Assuming of course if we just hide in a small enclave, away from the world.

Yeah man, America is only 70% white. How dare those shitlords talk about the 60% white population like that? Fucking idiots don't know America is 40% white. I can't believe there are people out there who actually think it's more than 25%. Seriously, can't people just Google that we are 12% white? I just don't understand when people tell me America is 3% white.

Pretty much exactly the same thing as in Latin America.

The elites (often of European descent) would form enclaves where they live dissociated from the chaotic masses living in their own bubble. Life honestly wouldn't be much different unless they stray from said rich enclaves and possibly become victim of crime (and even then it would have to be real shantytowns which beg the question as to why anyone affluent would travel to one).

The real issue will be the democratic systems set in place. You let the masses vote, then the system collapses, ultimately fucking everyone over (see Venezuela).

Wait up so when whites are no longer able to prop up your gibzmees what happends to you?

It's basically a post world where guns have been destroyed and only swords remain and sword/mixed martial arts warriors called clippers fight for barons who control resources and cogs(peasants) work for the barons for protection.


Maybe if we're lucky we'll follow the example of the Serbs and do as they did when Yugoslavia collapsed.

well, only 30% of Americans have blue eyes, and most of those people are old.

The young generation is literally 50% "White", which really means about 15-20% White (Northwestern European descent)

Have you ever looked at Africa... That is your answer. It will be a slow slide we will hit Latin America levels of shit for fifty years or so. The future is Asia and good for them, they are as rasicst as the best.