Everyone should read the last few days worth of tweets and the blogspot post

Everyone should read the last few days worth of tweets and the blogspot post

Calls out Podesta by name for monstrous crimes

Other urls found in this thread:


Connect all the dots together.

Lt Col Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set


Advanced technology and black magick merged for total control of the populace. The origins of the real life Borg.

Truth is stranger than fiction.




Keep this thread going for as long as possible. His twitter account needs to grow so more people see what he tweets. Last night the thread made it to a third one before dying off. Keep it going!

All of this is working. Weiner's arrest, Seth Rich information, the LAX plane that was prevented being blown up with a laptop today, all of it is from us spreading the KNOWLEDGE.

Has there ever been a useful FOIA request / dump about this guy? He's been a regular name shared for years among conpiracy guys but has never cracked into the mainstream like most eventually do




Remember JapAnon and the Israel art students? Well his twitter confirms that:
"Israeli Art Students" were given construction permit on 91st FL of WTC I. Oh and look! Explosiveswith fuse holders!

I can't screen cap right now or i would upload it. Anyone available to screencap his tweets?


why? does your keyboard lack a prtscr key, a basic paint software and a temp folder?

They are trying to start WWIII to prevent this information from coming out. I don't know how much time we have...

Think of the money you can make from ww3 though...

Also I hope that guys continues tweeting , he says interesting stuff

That guy has some nice bantz going on, but he needs to give some evidence.

I'm a phone at work you amoeba

Hes linking wikileaks files...thats pretty good shit and reliable as it can get.

my 80 euro/2012 android smartphone that i have sitting on a drawer because battery fuck you can take screenshots, you corn syrup mongoloid


Is it possible this is actually Trump?

He's dropping some heavy shit now RE 911

and the planes being switched out midair. glad the CGI planes lie is getting BTFO. that was starting to annoy me.
