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How long bro?

How many years can you shariablue faggots keep this up? we have 7.5 left man....pace yourselves a little eh?


Can you imagen how bad its gonna be during the 2020 election.

I honestly don't know anymore.

But the civil unrest that'd follow, especially considering who might replace him, would be euphoric

Oh yes totally because there is just so much evidence. Falling asleep over here.

Yes. Drumpf is done. It's over for him.

i have deep sources and know the truth

dont they need a crime or some actual misconduct

i dont think he will get impeached over
"anonymous sources said"

its just political fuckery until they come up with something, so until they come out and say what they want to specifically impeach him for its just fear mongering

haha what


No, Kush is going down.

No my child.

Trump will get impeached the same time somebody finally pushes over that god damn card rack.

no. all this 'hysteria' is propogated by the media and retarded liberals.
Literally if Hillary won and did everything that Trump did no one would give a shit.


Yes, in early July.

I forgot "hildawg" was a thing

Never unless a crime was there.

fabricated crimes by the thousands of journalists who 'investigate' and run by the DeepState with their weird stories about memos and leaks aren't even worth to discuss

it's over for us former Drumpflets

How long are you going to be a delusional fucking retard? I cringe half the time when you're calling some kid shareblue or any of that shit. Hell i'm convinced some of you actually thought it was called shariablue and just started spouting the meme.

Sup Forums has stooped to the level of getting baited and trolled all day long, and insists it's the boogeyman. Not to mention the inflated since of self importance.

Example: The community i visit is being targeted by an elite group led by an irrelevant bitch and a bunch of democrats! They have our structure down, and folders full of our memes so they blend in! They've been doing it for over a year now, picking up where JIDF left off, but i'm fighting the great cause! You won't get me shareblue! Not falling for it!

Bunch of fucking kids i swear

why july?


but she lost