Some headway has been made with Seth's alt email [email protected], up to the point of getting a recovery PIN, but Google still claims "we can't verify this account belongs to you" once the PIN is input.
Any other suggestions?
Other urls found in this thread:
have you tried panda?
Just in from old thread. Codefag you in here?
It's gotta be done quick. The keys reset I think
Avenge me, brothers.
The law firm that sent that cease and desist letter donated $11k to Hillary in 2016
How fucking stupid are these people?
>i got broads in atlanta
This happened when I tried to recover my old gmail with something other than my phone number.
One recovery option does ask what date/year the account was made. Not sure if that helps...
Email bros you in here? I want to see you fags lock eachother out.
Bump for Seth Rich, patriot murdered by the DNC
Yeah, Panda4Progress should be sometime in 2015. I tried July 2015 and then it gave me the recovery option and I used a burner inbox to get the PIN
For the lazy fagggs.
I love these kind of threads.
It was this type of thread where we learned about podestas hawaii hot dog stand
Fuck you hahahaha
Bumping for Seth Rich as well, the patriot murdered by the DNC
Solve it autists, we love you.
Sad panda thread? What kind of porn you want senpai?
does anyone know a customer service rep that works at google? just bribe them to get us in his account.
whatever happened to that guy that found the blue pedo shack in hawaii with all the wifi signals coming form underground?
>customer service rep
>at google
who cares? the truth will be found regardless.. not a single person here is unable to spot shills.
any Omaha anons here?? The burner inbox trick might work if your location is close to where the account originated
Always bump seth rich
So 'investigation' is now dependent on breaking into some dead dude's alt Gmail account lol. Given it's certain Google is aware of what's happening by now...are there any slightly less easy to foil approaches?
Don't post any passwords whatever you do OP
flintstone messaged about people following him in LAX or something and then nothing since (that i know of)
Just give up.
his recovery phone number is known. if someone can somehow spoof the SIM (no idea how that works) it might let us get in
nope if I get in I'm archiving the whole thing
>attn. all operators
We are in phase 3
>auth. code 478sigmaroger92
The veil will be lifted this weekend
OP I think this sort of convo should maybe be held in a more private setting as we know this forum is watched and I'm sure they can have words with google in regards to this.
Probs too late now though.
Impressive stuff though folks keep digging.
For shills/people who don't know:
Seth was the leaker, why else would Wikileaks offer reward money for investigation into his death?
Any journalists in the house might like to take a look at the following links. This guy knows who the leaker was. Pic related contains the names of cops that spoke to Seth before he died. As you can see some of them were wearing bodycams so their interactions with him was recorded. Where are those recordings???
if they are forced to shutdown his email or something, that is pretty much an admission of guilt. let them.
This seems way to obvious to actually work but maybe try a separate browser to input the code.
Bump this shit for Seth. Shills coming in hard. Lots of slide threads in the past 20 minutes.
This is getting slid hard boys. Don't give up. Godspeed anons
Any good guys left in the NSA? NSA will have copies of all the emails too
you are not going to be able to verify a google account on a device that has never logged into google with that account.
Short of spoofing his ### it won't let you in; this has happened to me before.
Theyve been busted spying on spouses and ex's but not one of those gutless traitors stand up for good, except Ed.
LISTEN TO ME YOU NEED A WAHINGTON DC ip address for the pin to be verified. do this fast.
seth lived in washington dc you must have an ip address that comws from DC or possibly even his old neighborhood. if he accwssed his gmail at lous bar that might work tooo.
that graghic is almost certainly fake you faggot
give the pin to a dc resident who has xfinity and use their public wifi system in his neighborhood to get access
can get a free number from twillo and receive text messages without paying anything
HideMyAss has an Omaha server, if someone happens to still use that VPN for some reason
>Seth's alt email
ye sure sure its an "alt"
stop making up shit guys, dosent work, you blew it off with the pizzagate thing
Hey sharia blue go shill somewhere else you piece of shit
>The veil will be lifted this weekend
What did he mean by this?
Seth Rich's parents need to be made aware the same people who had their son killed are trying to kill any real investigation into his murder. Any anons out there live local to where his parents live? No doxing, just think smart and be subtle.
i just tried this on my old mac running firefox, no dice
my god
Bump for my bros jas x 2
Was anyone else aware that he worked in Pakistan?
>i just tried this on my old mac running firefox, no dice
Is it possible that google has locked it out at a request of an agency?
>hack into that gmail
>see all correspondence with wikileaks
>mfw the key to jailing Clinton, Obamas, CIA, FBI and saving all of Western Civilization is in that inbox and Google won't let us login
it's definitely not locked (all recovery options still available) but they can probably tell I am attempting to access on a device/IP that's totally new
You think your'e hot shit dontya,
Bunglebum Simpleton
Ronald Bumpf
I'm gonna call it quits because I've been trying to brute force this motherfucker for the last 2 hours, but it's still fair game if someone has more tech knowledge than me
Fits just so nicely.
it is possible they have locked it out because there is 20 people trying to get in from various places
Hes the devil, the light bearer, the fallen one. Look at those digits, faggot.
i believe he has one more alt gmail that nobody's tried to break into. someone posted all his gmail accounts on plebbit.
yfw that happens, then no one pays attention because the e-mail was compromised by hacking it.
Google won't just let you crack it. You'v got to have access to his phone or other emails Seth configured as backup in that account. Only then will Google let you reset the password and login. Brute forcing passwords won't work, I figure Google will just temporarily disable logins to the account if they detect too many logins.
What can work is figuring out Seth's password from other social sites with weaker security and hoping Seth used the same password in his email. That's a long shot.
OR, we just keep faith in Trump's ability to fight Deep State. That's all its really down to at this point.
Bump for Seth Rich
Already reported to google. You get nothing. Good bye. Also, don't even bother with his dnc mail.
Dead men tell no tales. How else are we supposed to find out?
PIN won't work because the email address doesn't exist anymore. Has anyone tried registering the address? Maybe if it was deleted and you make a new one there will be a way to recover the lost emails.
Hes getting punked out right now. WE cant count on him for shit.
Maybe we take this shit to 4+Sup Forums? All the smart people left here to go there
A video of Seth's parents thanking those who helped them:
Damn its just so sad
I figured as much. Google was stupid enough to send recovery PINs to mailinator inboxes, but ultimately rejected them. I also believe it's an IP issue (you have to be located where the account originated)
IT happend!!! SB stepped up to false flags!!!
I'm sure they're very aware or they wouldn't have a private investigator. Considering the law firm who wrote the cease and desist and the fact that the lawyer who signed it is an insurance lawyer and also considering that Brad Bauman is crisis PR for the DNC and both are releasing statements in their own words on behalf of the Richs, the family is probably limited legally in what they can do (for whatever the reason). They probably suspect that these guys killed their son but will be sued for drawing that conclusion without evidence.
I would try using a VPN or VPS outproxy in DC, google wont let you reset it from an area youve never been usually
I doubt it.
The DNC probably just went to them and said.... "the evil republicans are trying to destroy his memory. We're his friends, we can handle this for you".
And, not knowing, they said "OK"
I live in Seth's old neighborhood. What exactly do I need to do?
suggestion: enhance the video to see if there is anyone else in the room in the reflection of their glasses.
You can start by reaching out to the DC gangs.
There's really only 2 choices... His killing was a robbery gone bad or it wasn't.
If it was a robbery gone bad, someone in the neighborhood knows who did it.
They would also probably know if it WASN'T one of their neighborhood regulars.
We still haven't ruled out a non-DNC-related perp. I know we want to make a connection, but we haven't done that yet.
The number is most likely free now? What about just walking in to a carrier store and requesting a phone with specific number?
>Was anyone else aware that he worked in Pakistan?
This is news to me. Anybody else? I'm getting shades of Nick Berg here. What if Seth Rich was working for Mossad? He was jewish after all.
Perhaps Mossad gave him the tools to get the emails with the intention of leaking them and making it look like they came from Russia. And instead he gave them to Wikileaks for some reason. So Mossad taught him a lesson and the DNC and deep state are just freaking out over this story because they're afraid of Israel
Prove it.
AIDSanon/Sherlockanon has been inactive since yesterday morning after he sent a email to Aaron rich (the brother of seth rich).
he sent the message through the gofundme page that was updated yesterday, he said he would report back earlier today and also follow up with the hospital call as well.
itd be safe to say ((they)) are still very actively trying to nip this before it gets completely full blown.
attempting to contact the family should be a last ditch effort, and if or when it does happen, it will have to be a very lengthy story on all the findings and truth of the death and cover up. not something some random user can just run up to them and blurt out.
the DNC is controlling the fuck out of this family. they are not safe from any of this.