>Holocaust never hap-
Holocaust never hap-
Other urls found in this thread:
>bullets not existing.
They must've been pretty shitty at killing Jews if she made it through 3 camps.
i believe that the holocaust did happen, but that it was exaggerated, particularly by the soviets
Aren't holocausts survivors tired of only ever be known as "the guy/gal who survived holocaust"?
It's been over 70 years. Surely at least one of them has accomplished something worthy of note since then right?
My favorite was one guy who said that the pipes to the gas factory just ran dry one day, and so they couldn't kill any more Jews. :^)
should've just used a bullet
>because Nazis ran out of gas
My sides are somewhere in Alpha Centauri right now
running out of " gas" being a over the counter delousing agent
>nazis not being able to walk down to the general store and buy some more jew killing materials
Of course not. Being Jewish is all about finding your niche and milking it until you die.
Why do you think germans are retarded ?
Why the fuck would they want to kill jewish people en masse ?
Why would they use zyklon b ? The fucking germans using an inefficient tool ? A kraut not knowing about gas ?
Holohoax is just mass hysteria started by crazy jewish women.
>"Don't use this soap, it could be your grand mother !"
Yes sure...
For your own edification:
>they ran out of gas
Bullshit story, one of the guards must have taken a liking to her, if wanted her dead but had no gas they'd have just put her in the room with the floor of knives.
Adding to that, why would such an old person even want to get media attention and cameras in her face?
>no more Gas
You get out of it this time Juden!
No one is saying the camps didn't exist, only that death camps didn't exist. The US had concentration camps, as well. Only the japs didn't catch a mass wave of Typhus.
There were no gasings, only cremations. The death camps were overflow burial sites for the plague bodies they couldn't burn quick enough. They were temporarily buried, before being exhumed and burned. The rest is Soviet lies.
>marked for execution
>oh noes not enough gas
>let der juden live then
>not just shooting them
How the fuck does anyone believe this? There are so many more successful purges but muh six gorillian.
Or put her on one of those trains that flings its passengers into a giant fire pit
I guess the electrified roller coaster and robot bears weren't working that day either.
They need to get more Holocaust survivors footage before they all died and people stop caring, they'll probably make some "last interview with Holocaust survivors" documentary every 5-10 years for the next 1000 years just to keep reminding people.
This has to be fake
Daily Mail is shit news
Or it's just the trauma of getting their foreskin cut off without any anesthesia.
>when the jews were herded like malnourished cattle into the chambers, all guards put down their weapons and vigorously rubbed their hands together
>that's when markus suddenly wriggled out of a window
>the guards were too astonished to pick up a single weapon
>markus then hopped the walls and made it to romania
>kikes actually believe this
Yep, a race of coffin riders.
A holocaust survivor professor at Georgia Tech saved nearly his entire classroom by sacrificing his life to barricade the door so his class could escape the school shooting.
I think any jew that was in Europe when WW2 started is officially allowed to call themselves a Holohoax survivor. Some kike organization came up with the rule (I'm not joking).
No shit, science has known for a long time that genetics can pass down trauma from starvations and famine.
Why would they Chambers have windows? Wouldn't that let the gas out?
"Ran out of gas"? Impossible. Typical jewery.
she survived the rollercoaster and being turned into a lampshade as well? that's incredible
stop asking questions, goy
>Headline reads like a joke
Well, it is a joke I guess
The same kikes who tell us intelligence and temperament isn't inheritable will swear that some sense of victimhood is.
If that's aloud then I guess every other religion or race who was there too can say they survived the Holocaust too.
They could have strapped her to a rocket and shot her straight into the sun and passed right by my sides after reading what you wrote.
Which actually means the holocaust story will be passed on for generation after generation since poor jews will always have a disadvantage because of the trauma the natzees caused to their ancestors.
I can not help myself but chuckle a bit when a former allied nation gets built a new Holocaust museum/memorial on their soil like recently London.
Being a good goy does not spare one from the goy treatment.
I survived columbine.
>ran out of gas
not just using the Pence room or the masturbation machines or eagle/bear tagteam on her
It was real, in her mind.
Good to know he finally got his chance to become a good jew.
>combining his hoax story with his jewish perversion
Is this book real?
I survived London twice yet the Muslims are still around and I didn't get paid anything.
>citation needed
Fucking antisemite.
>t-the windows were normally locked you anti-semite
Sure, the soap thing is bullshit but that's widely accepted.
There are clearly many exaggerations but that doesn't mean that they didn't want to kill the Jews and I don't doubt for a second that they didn't try. I think it would be mathematically impossible for them to fabricate a lie of that calibre.
Obviously I'm open to solid proof that it was all a hoax if there is any. At the very least, the Nazis were responsible for the deaths of many Jews and that cannot be argued. The conditions of the camps alone would have caused thousands to die.
>that's incredible
but true.
>survived THREE death camps
How convenient
That was Virginia tech you dummy
Oh shit, got them confused, thanks.
Also Orlando night club, Fort Hood, San Bernardino, Wako, 9/11 and OKC bombing.
I have PTSD from watching all these on the news while sitting on my couch.
>Is this book real?
Real.... in my mind.
Seriously though, yes, there's dozens of these tall tales and doubting them will get you thrown in jail in many countries.
>Ran out of gas
>Not shooting them
Nope. They'll milk it forever. Their next move is saying that grandchildren of holohoax """""survivors""""" inherit depression.
>People believe this shit
>>survived THREE death camps
Not even the high score.
While I was on holiday I survived Paris too. I need reparations damnit.
So the only way to kill a Jew is poison gas. Do Jews have any shame at all?
I literally can't understand that twisted jew logic, I am sorry.
also check'd
I survived Y2K and the Mayan apocalypse in 2012. Now I get PTSD whenever my computer boots up or I see a Mexican.
>>People believe this shit
Question it openly and you'll be thrown in prison.
Yea but he wasn't a holocaust survivor. it should read:
>Liar dies heroically.
>the Holocaust never happened
>I wish there was another Hitler so we could kill all the Jews again
choose one Sup Forums, because you keep going back and forth
Why couldn't the kikes leave German occupied yurop, is like they wanted to get shoa'd, you hear about this fucking kikes escaping one or two death camps and they still get cought on to another and by some fucking kind of magic they survive that one too.
>Some events do take place but are not true
You should be jailed and your family shamed for all time!
Your mother and siblings should make it their life's work to lock our feet in recompense!
Hello son.
It's like they make it so ridiculous just to test how far they can pull this bullshit.
"Hey Shlomo, let's pulls some bullshit story about a woman who somehow survived 3 death camps, I bet the goyim will believe it!"
Good thing she's a woman or she'd have been wanked to death by machines
>you can only wish for things that happened before
and this right there is why asians are not innovative
>I literally can't understand that twisted jew logic,
They are not like us.
Here's one interesting example
Did he just imply that jews eat babies?
He can't be this stupid
>not available in your country
absolutely (((democratic)))
Thanks for actually giving me some material, can't watch it right now because the missus is asleep and its 2:30 but I will check it out tomorrow.
The mind of a Jew is warped beyond imagining.
Oi, my shekels.
This is the best use for the image. mind if i save it friend?
The 6 Million didn't die from gas.
The ones gassed were probably a minority. Euthanized because of lack of food.
Most died for diarrhea, cholera, flu, starvation, infection, etc.
The total gassed was probably extremely low. Gas was probably the most shocking, though.
Possible top killers in concentration camps...
- malnutrition
- bad sanitation
- infections
- depression
- suicide
- beatings
- bullets
- waterborn illnesses
Oy vey its annuduh shoah! My lawya is gonna hear about this!
Not my OC, do what you like.
You mean the Holocoaster?
you know, i actually thought this body burning thing was just a Sup Forums gem that someone found randomly, but if you go onto the main holocaust websites, the legit ones from institutes, they actually try to use this to explain away the cremation numbers. i couldnt believe what i was reading.
bad sanitation is deadly. Shit gets in the water supply and people die.
The people who got Zyklo B'd were probably already suffering from malnutrition and illness. The poison gas would finish them off. That's my guess.
The crematorium was to keep the disease from spreading to the Germans, I'd assume.
This right here is the biggest reason I don't believe jews were deliberately killed in WWII. The Germans couldn't even get gasoline for their tanks, but they had enough to burn dead jews?
No business like shoah business.