This image kills the Theist
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God was using a template for all mammals and accidentally left a bit of tail when he removed ours.
by god you mean reptllian aliens who genetically engineered us from their own dna to be good goys and mine their gold
Why woudnt god give us a tailbone?
That's a cute butt
Man was actually created in Satan's image, you of all people should know that Schlomo.
>evolution and the existence of God are mutually exclusive
typical judaic tactic of false dichotomy
this image kills the white man
>it's called the tail bone because it's located in the butt where tails usually go but we don't have a tail but we call it a tail bone therefore we are related to other mammals despite not wanting to call that bone anything else
When a programmer expands old code to contain new functionality, or work in a different environment, he will add new segments to the old code until it works, not changing anything further. This may leave fragments of unused code, because cleaning this up is work and may break other parts of the code.
If you understand this thought you can easily combine evolution and creation. Not saying that it works like that, but at least be a bit creative.
If evolution is true explain plants. I'll wait. Did they evolve to be eaten and be defenseless? Did they evolve from same goo animals evolved? Why did animals evolve if there were no plants at the start? We are so indoctrinated that we never notice the most important fuel for evolution which is food. If evolution was true we would have ended up with one type of animal. Evolution? More like fucking bullshit negro cock.
200 years ago
>god created everyone 6000 years ago
Today with irrefutable scientific evidence of biological evolution:
>God guided evolution
You christ cucks literally find any excuse.
holy shit how do you even feed yourself?
This leaf is alright in my book
Never fails to make me laugh.
I always believed that the God made everything, designed every concept and put everything in an executable. That's the Big Bang.
Lets all go switch our genders and fuck everything in a big ice cream orgy like nature intended because we're just animals and there's no god so might as well do nothing for the world and live as meaningless ash; but hey, fuckin and cumin!
muscles attach to that bone. You need those muscles to shit. Not vestigial. Bullshit argument. kys
>muh omnipotent being programs like a sloppy undergrad
Turns out that Coccyx is pretty important for reproduction. You've got some muscles anchored to it that without them, you're chances of procreating are ~0. Go ahead, have it removed if you don't think you need it. I think there's an idiot creationist who will personally pay to have it removed if you believe it's vestigial.
Found the virgin.
>Jew tells me to be atheist
>tfw everyone ignores the actual truth and debates their own retarded ideas instead
actually christianity is significantly more conductive to degeneracy than any other ideology. If you aren't even allowed to ask why, let alone actually study why, something is verboten, it follows that rebellious teenagers will try the degeneracy. On the other hand, when you can provide well-studied scientifically-grounded arguments why degeneracy is shit, then even a rebellious teenager will listen.
>Did they evolve to be eaten and be defenseless?
No, you mong. They evolved to be poisonous, but animals evolved to be able to digest them anyway.
If you are not at least religion (belief in a monotheistic God aside), you WILL be more susceptible to mass cultural movements and thus less likely to have a fully developed sense of self.
Atheism and human individuality (personality) are at ends. Find me a truly charismatic atheist to prove me wrong. Meanwhile, religion wouldn't exist if there weren't really convincing people telling us about how good it is.
>Look at all these random complicated rules, jumping through hoops I made to seem evolution work.
I'm an animal and I decide to evolve hands because I like grabbing dicks after living in the water and eating food there just because I can. By the way it happened through many generations so I came out on the shore with the thought that my kids will evolve the way I told them to evolve by writing genetic code just because alright fuck you it just works
GG Americano. Not thinking was your biggest mistake.
Some 6/10 with daddy issues fucking a negro for money doesn't quite rustle my feathers, believe it or not.
Some evolved to reproduce by being eaten. Some evolved to be poisonous. Some evolved by keeping edible portions in such a way that their seeds will be safely transported away by animal fur. Some evolved by forming traps and eating animals.
This is a simulation. The Gods are simply the programmers of this simulation. It's quite possible that their world is itself an intricate simulation created by an even higher power.
How did plants happen in the first place? We have goo and then goo decides to be a plant when it could have been destroyed there and then by other goo bacteria. Basically it just works because fuck all yall
Well, omnipotent doesn't necessarily mean perfect. In your imagination you're essentially omnipotent, now try to imagine a fully working human body right off the bat. It's a tad difficult to pull off, even if you already know what it looks like. Now if you wanted to create something like that from scratch, you'd probably start with a single cell and work yourself up from there.
>sloppy undergrad
Now that just shows that you've never worked on anything larger. There's no point in refining working code past a certain point. Ever heard of diminishing returns? This has nothing to do with being sloppy, but with realizing that you could spend your time and energy on something more productive.
I meant to say religious, not religion, obviously.
The reason religious people are more resilient to "mass cultural movements" (as if it isn't obvious, religious people are frequently mis-labeled as conservative for a reason) is because religious people DO believe that life has intrinsic value and meaning. They're self-worth and purpose isn't derived by formulae but by a holy union with reality (ie they experience/live in meaning rather than analyze it)
I'm really sleepy and should stop typing now. I hope my replies help you formulate some stronger ideas in the future, OP.
The most ironic post on Sup Forums right now.
Humans are naturally predisposed to "degeneracy". Guess what, a species needs to fuck to survive, and the genes which liked to fuck the most were the most likely to perpetuate themselves. We are the end result of the horniest humans reproducing over hundreds of thousands of years.
"Degeneracy" and "perversion" are just integral parts of what it means to be a human being. They are demonized because of religion, it really is as simple as that,
>he keeps making a person incredulity fallacy
Literally just google "plant evolution". I'm not explaining this to you here. Not understanding something is not an argument.
No it just turns me on
The most predictable nationality on Sup Forums right now
>Biblical God
>making accidents
Okay, so is he infallible or not? I never got this, even as a kid in catholic school I did not understand this. I mean even now you can't say that the entire universe moves in
accordance to how he reasons things.
It takes 7 days for him to make an Earth. Can someone calculate that into the universe, then find out how much energy he uses?
>homosexuality and self-sterilization helps the species survive
really makes you think huh....
>christcuck logic
this image kills the samurai
>some 6/10
post a 9/10
Will they return or are they still here?
Lots of stories of gods coming down from the sky...but not lately
Kind of fail logic there mate.
>An appeal to nature is an argument or rhetorical tactic in which it is proposed that "a thing is good because it is 'natural'
Now watch god cucks elaborately and desperately try to fit this to their strawman Lmao
I'm sure you'd be shocked to see what all the food you eat looks like in its natural habitat. We evolved all of it through selecting traits we wanted like more flesh with smaller seeds. I suppose you think god snapped his fingers and made all the dog breeds you see today as well.
He did not remove your tail, huehue. Learn how to use mirror.
>omnipotent doesn't necessarily mean perfect
Okay, so you're basically conceding that God was a sloppy programmer. Fine by me.
>Now that just shows that you've never worked on anything larger
No, your response just shows that you're incompetent and don't understand how to write modular code. Otherwise your entities wouldn't inherit unnecessary tails.
Homosexuality makes up only a tiny fraction of all forms of degeneracy and perversions. They are an anomaly and a lot of faggots are bisexual and will end up breeding regardless.
Not really.
God created the machine that is nature, with all its rules. He mostly just keeps the perpetuum mobile going. Without God there would be no movement.
You could say that the atoms in a camel were predetermined to be there.
That pic isn't even remotely correct. It's easy enough to point out the whole moses saga as an extremely well-known counter-example.
thats not true, mohamed spoke to gabriel deeper in the desert of saudi arabia no?
If we were created then it would've been aliens
Pretty simple
And if we did evolve naturally in this universe, then that's still something. The universe is complex enough to produce a human being after a million years.
There's trillions of these complex things in your body. That's just how animal cells happened to evolve, sometimes absorbing different organisms and incorporating them into themselves and sometimes because of pressure from the environment. In the end, it formed this perfected building block made of fairly simple materials abundant throughout the universe.
The future of electronics should be done like this
Nowhere did I say it was good. I am just saying that it is an exercise in futility to try to change the nature of a species which has evolved to be that way since its inception.
I'm an atheist, but understandably that's how faith works. I don't see the problem with it. You have a base idea of god(s) and creation, and then mold it to new empirical scientific discovery. This is assuming you're not a Luddite.
Funny that it's a jew telling me to google things. Instead of googling, think. It's so fucking easy. I can come up with bullshit theory for life also. We got created by 4th dimensional intergalactic rocks that every 3600 years come into our realm to plant seeds and fuck until hoomon come. Nigga a scientist tells you that many years ago there was this lil bacteria which appeared in gray goo and was eaten by predatoric bacteria and still managed to evolve many non poisonous species just to reproduce and be idle just because. That's the purpose that bacteria came up with billions of years ago when there were also other bacterias that wanted to be aggressive. Basically everything came out of nothing because fuck you atoms and shit goo plants animals and yeah it just works because it's science goy.
Don't kill yourself.
human females are among the most selective sexually of any species on earth. this "fuck to survive" circuitry is actually an expression of something from lower lifeforms
You dont decide to fucking evolve you nutjob. Organisms have mutations and if these happen to survive they reproduce, therefore continuing in the offspring.
>believe in Dog
You need a brain surgery.
Then you are entering into the realm of fatalism or nihilism.
Rape is natural but you wouldn't want to encourage it in a civil society.
I also don't think it is down to religion actually. Look at the reaction to this video, which is kind of the ultimate encapsulation of modern degeneracy: youtube.com
>opposite is Do
>opposite is save
>opposite is other person
Only Jesus can save you, not me
It is 4AM why are you awake. Go to sleep user.
Drawing your opponents interlocutors as ugly, fat and stinky is not an argument since like nursery school degree
>hurr durr i don't understand plant evolution therefore it's wrong
Blatant ignorance is not an argument. You need to understand what you're criticizing first to make any sort of coherent criticism. Literally just do some googling.
Who is this poor guy you all keep jerking on so hard? Was he a jew?
Go on, do the opposite to avoid jewish bible tricks.
lately we have the technological means to shoot them out of the sky. most alien sightings since the 50's are human made space craft, the abductions greys are all human controlled biological robots.
the reptillians still control us through muh illuminati, but they don't really need much of a direct stake in it, just give instructions to keep us all miserable and feeding them negative vibes, they feed on negative vibes and gold.
fifth dimentional fuckers that they are, they live in the 5th dimension on Saturn, that's why all religions are saturnic in nature, the black cubes, the star of david, the Christian cross, which is a folded out 2d cube, directs yet more energy to Saturn, the hexagonal storm on the south pole is where their concentration of power is located.
Saturn in this the 3rd dimention gives off a sound, it sounds like the literal hell noise, screams of the damned.
If you removed it you couldn't walk either. Not sure where people get these ideas about vestigial organs. The appendix serves functions but you COULD live without it, just like the gallbladder, half your liver, 1 kidney, no eyes, teeth, toes...etc etc.
Thanks. Some old and new info for me to digest.
Are you telling me that if I leave some grass for a billion years it will become a tree? Evolution tells us that whales became cows and also there's backwards evolution when land creatures became water creatures because they decided to eat sea grass in an already populated environment with huge competition for food fuck you. Also if you leave some fish in the ocean for billions years they will reproduce reproduce and one day the offspring will no longer look like their parents and parents will not kill off this offspring because it will seem normal to them even though abnormal offspring is usually killed off but basically that offspring changes just a little bit with final product in mind. Basically your kid will be the first in line to start growing a lil sharp bone fragment on each of his arms and his children will grow more of this and his children more because one of their ancestor decided to just grow it and one day we'll have sharp weapons on our bodies. Fuck it. Basically that's how humans will get sharp weapons-spikes on their arms it's good for evolution since now humans are useless and defenseless. Oh by the way it takes a billion years so you can't actually check if it's the truth goy. Bascially we're all retarded fishes go fuck males and children GOYS.
How do you wager?
The image supports the Theist.
This kills the theist
>this kills the nonbeliever
This revives the theist tradition in order to save civilization as we know it
Monkeys also have eyes
>if god created things then he created time
>if he created time he wanted things to change
>biological things changing is called evolution
why don't atheists think these things through?
>If we were created then it would've been aliens
And I'm guessing THEY also were made from aliens? OR did they actually organically arrive? We talking turtles all the way down?
Doesn't kill the deist though.
>Checkmate atheists.
the reptillians evolved here on earth from dinosaurs
Some people grow tails user.
If God has anything like a human intellect then your God is not worth worshipping.
I honestly think hes the most unconcised speaker ever, he just drags anything he says with long multi syllable words and appears as a intellectual too normie reddit cucks
Just tell them to google "human vestigiality", they will get flustered, then desperately attempt to explain it in a religious context.
It could potentially be something akin to a tree with the right evolutionary pressures.
If you let fruit flies or microbes reproduce over and over eventually they start becoming distinctively different to their ancestor. Eventually the group distances itself enough that the environment affects it differently to another group that stayed roughly the same as the ancestor, thus they branch out as almost the same but not the same microbes and eventually distance themselves enough to be considered a different type of microbe or fruit fly altogether. A longer nose for drinking from flowers, or to fend of X's antibodies.
So yes, we are saying that, because logic dictates that small changes can lead to significant ones. The biggest proof of long term evolution is the artery that stretches from the top of a giraffes neck, all the way down around the neck bone and back up. Basically, because the growth of the neck was an advantage, the length of this originally small detour slowly increased and a random chance to have the blood vessel form on the other side of the bone never occurred. Eventually this blood detour was actually a hinderance, but the selection for long necked giraffes was so great it outweighed the negatives. Thus we have a uselessly long blood vessel in giraffes. Similar excessive bit and bobs are the human tail bone, the appendix and your tiny dick.
Are you implying plants arent incredibly successful life forms?
I mean I disagree with him on a lot, and I agree he goes on inanely, but he's pretty redpilled in the context of being of lefty. And he's so well read and lucid that most people wouldn't stand a chance against him in a debate, short one Jordan Peterson
>I don't know what something does so it's vestigial
Most of the results actually have functions even though it was not always known what they are.
Who here has broke their tail bone?
>accidentally left a bit of tail
So much for God being all-powerful.