Quick Sup Forums help me! I need to red pill this girl on muslims!
Quick Sup Forums help me! I need to red pill this girl on muslims!
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Muslims are all faggots and in total denial so that's why they kill faggots
pic unrelated
You are acting like a cringeworthy autist, you should just quit instead of further embarrassing yourself
You're going to forever be a nerd virgin, Jose
yeah I've fucked her, so I'm just in it for the redpilling, also...think we have a winner here
There's no such thing as "red pilling" a woman. Women only follow strong men, if you're wasting time debating her she probably already sees you as lower than her and won't take you seriously.
What the fuck are you doing OP.
You've already communicated to her how easily threatened you are by Muslims. You appear weak.
Say something about how they treat women like shit.
Then switch it up suddenly "Actually I think I might convert. Hope you aren't worried about being my 4th wife"
Idk you are completely fucked imo.
this is a great idea, anyway she just said she loved Hitler, so I'm confused now
In that case...nvm
>That sucks, you'll end up like France
>Sharia wherever you look
>I hate Muslims
How is this easily threatened? It looks like plain and simple hatred to me. Otherwise, that's a good idea and OP ought to try it.
This Brazilbro is right. You CANNOT redpill women, you'll change their opinion based on whose cock they like more that the time. Delete the app, hit the gym and delete the facebook. or something.
You already lose if you try to convince her.
You lead and she will follow.
I girl that says loves Hitler isn't turned on by a Mexican
what could she possibly mean???
i can't quite cogitate
this indianon gets poosy
That's not true.
My woman is now very anti muslim, anti sjw, anti black culture:)
She probably sucks nigger dick while you're away. Just saying.
wait are you on telegram?
fix your fucking life first
I'm whiter than you Cristiano
Whatsapp dude
My girl took me to a church once (we're hindu) cuz """god is one""". I fear she'll take me to a mosque next
I really really have to wonder
what's the reason a girl that says loves hitler
doesn't feel attracted to some Mexican that says he's whiter than me, Cristiano
my brain... it... can't... make a... clear... picture of... what could POSSIBLY... be on her mind
Mexican > Vietnamese > Niggers > Jews > Portuguese
yes yes
but.... what does she mean she doesn't feel turned on by a Mexican brownlet?
I really don't understad those words... what does she mean by that?
she says she loves hitler and yet doesn't feel turned on by... Mexicans?
I'm a beaner and that's some top notch banter. Carry on.
>she says she likes Hitler
>she doesn't like A Mexican
Please, Sup Forums, who can possibly help this man in his quest for KNOWLEDGE.
tell her about lebanon
>liberal, open borders
>muslims come in get to majority
>entifada, chistians BTFO, heads rolling
Posting some images
If she is still sceptic show her this video:
thank you
She was being sarcastic about the turnoff
Are you going to show pics of her already?
me on the left.