What the hell is Trump doing?

He gets the one in a lifetime opportunity to be president and instead of just working he keeps doing nonsense like unpresidential tweeting, insulting/attacking idiots or people that can be dangerous to him, engaging in useless fights with the media every day, etc.
During the election this was a problem too why can't he stay on message?
Now he is in trouble because he fired the FBI chef without defense and contradicted the justification his people made.
How is he expecting to last until 2020 with this behavior? It was all unnecessary as well.

Other urls found in this thread:


The real question here is: What are YOU doing, user?


he'll lose in 2020

he lied too much,won't have any kind of momenthum and far less meme magic. Overall a massive disapointment but it's not entirely all his fault ; the system is just broken. Nothing short of hanging thousands of traitor and commies will solve the problems

No I like Trump. But he has been getting me angry lately. He has so many possibilities as the most powerful man in the world.
Why the hell is he doing so many retarded things?

>During the election this was a problem too
and how did that work out
oh yeah he won

Low IQ
He got all his capital from daddy and in business all you need to make money is (you guessed it) money. Money makes money. Unfortunately, when it comes to running a country, intellect becomes really important.

Hi OP, I see you are another sick person. There are ways out of the darkness you are in. Praying for your future recovery

>What the hell is Trump doing?
Making a FUCKTON of money.

Yes but he focused on these nonsense things like that woman that he called "miss piggy" or these fake sexual assault "victims" or that stupid Muslim family.

I don't believe he's dumb. He is a billionaire and became president of his country.

this. I still cannot fathom exactly what vision he held of the future when he decided to oust comey for literally nothing. what did he envision happening? does he have any future planning skills whatsoever? any concept of consequence? like jesus christ. there was no way in fucking hell that was going to go over at all. ALL ALL



kek has spoken

>Trump does indeed eat steaks welldone with ketchup

Yeah, I think I'm just about done with Mr. Trump and gonna cut my losses. The campaign stuff was tight, but so far there has been no actual winning yet.

I defended him vehemently despite living in the most cucked part of Denmark. But now I'm just gonna shrug.

You have no idea what Washington or our media is like
He's trying to tear it all apart

It mostly looks like he's trying to show his ass at every opportunity and destroy only the Republican party.

>Not wanting to see America go down in flames

just enjoy the show my friend



what was the real reason Trump fired Comey then?

This is the oldest trick in the book. You can't destroy the enemy until you know who they are. Trump's drawing fire to flush them out.




Also praying for you OP, I hope you can wake up and realize that doing this for a living will haunt you, defending sick men like David Brock and the Podesta's

He's only destroying himself if he's tweeting about Obama's wiretaps in an inaccurate way or about millions of illegal voters or obsess about nonsense like amounts of inauguration visitors.
It's so unnecessary. Like why?


This guy never wanted to be POTUS. He liked campaigning, he liked the attention and the adulation he got from crowds but that's where his drive ended. When he got elected, he probably assumed everyone would be doing most of the work for him and he'd more or less be a figurehead, like a king or something. Then he got in and realized the job was way harder than he thought. He's openly admitted this. He also openly admitted he misses his old life.

Look, you need to distinguish between Trump the Man and Trump the Meme. Trump the Man basically has good instincts for people and decent business sense. You don't become wealthy by not having those abilities. He's not, however, Trump the Meme. He is not playing 4D chess, he's not some master strategist and manipulator and I'm convinced he doesn't give two fucks about being POTUS or the people that voted for him. The guy is trapped in some Twilight Zone-esque hell where he's in a prison of his own making and forced to do shit he simply has no interest in doing. On top of it all, he's in way over his head and dealing with people that are way, way more politically savvy than him.

I don't think he knew what was going on in his campaign or Russia (if that stuff is indeed true). I think he just assumed people were running shit for him and that was fine by him. Who knows, at the end of the day we may find out he did.

His greatest accomplishment may very well end of being that he triggered the FUCK out of liberals and woke up a lot of people, including the younger generation. A small victory, but one that cannot be underestimated in its value.

Why the fuck does Aquafresh think it gets to be the arbiter of what is and what is not presidential?

I'm scared Trump is going to kill the republican chances on the 2020 elections and that the democrats will get an even more destructive force than Hillary would have been since whoever it is will be a shoo in.

He's really rallying his base with things like that. Very few people left in this country who doubt that Obama wiretapped him, especially in light of the Slush Fund


Sure man, he's gonna be impeached any day now. Keep listening to NPR

When did I say in my post he was going to be impeached? Reading is fundamental, dipshit.

I know Obama wiretapped his campaign but Trump needs to PROOF it otherwise he is only hurting his own credibility.

Trump is no match for the "deep state".

To actually change American Domestic and Foreign policy you would have to purge tens if not hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats from Federal civilian positions and the military.

The Bureaucracy is more powerful than the President will ever be. Trump doesn't have the power to drain the swamp. The Majority of the "Deep State" is against him. The only thing Trump is going to drain is our respect for the voting process.

Also I read somewhere that 60% of Trumps current foreign policy advisers are Obama appointees. Its hillarious. With Flynn and Bannon playing less of a role in advising, who do you think is draining who?

The Deep state is draining the Trump Kiddy Pool.


He's not, and it is going to take a full blown civil war for that to even have a chance of changing. That is a depressing though, but look at the Roman Empire. It survived dozens of civil wars and sometimes even came out of them better off than before. This country isn't even 300 years old yet. We've had one already and we'll likely have another before this century is out.