How do we fix millennials?
How do we fix millennials?
ruin this piece of shit's life
Gen Z will fix them
Fucking blacks
Wait for gen z to replace them
How do we fix OP's genitals?
What exactly is going on in this video?
Hahha fucked based McDonalds worker and the fat kid wearing a crown it was his birthday awww baby
if you think kid with backpack is millennial then you're WRONG! millennial is the guy who is beating the kid
>hard working millennial employee puts entitled snot nosed gen Z faggots in their place
wtf I HATE millennials now
that's russia btw
you can't they are a lost generation focus on redpilling genz. I think we are gonna be fine check this youngins yt channel out
I love this McWorker
what the fuck is the context for this video?
>t. Millenial
These kids made and mess and now a man is teaching them the error of their ways.
2 Kids throwing drink about, cleaner snapped.
Anyone with half a brain can figure the kids made a fucking mess at the soda fountain and based employee is making the little shits mop it up.
> Russia
Its old, some sperge is mad the kid produced work for him, so he forced the kid to clean up, mop the floor, drew a bunch of attention to him, put the hat on him etc etc.. Big mistake, pretty sure he was sued and Im certain he was fired.
Hard working Burger King employee, maybe if I work hard I can end up like him one day.
>How do we fix millennials?
You don't. Black men will solve the White man's burden as usual. Since white men are feminized pathetic shits Black men will breed them out of existence and gladly take their women. White pathetic white boy is watching anime and playing video games the black man is lifting weights and playing football against other black men which causes his testosterone to skyrocket to unheard of levels, something the loser white boy can't experience. I for one welcome it, I aint white or black, watching the 1 kill the other is satisfying in its own right.
I don't blame him if I snapped I would do the same
looks like millenials are doing the fixing already
the millenial is the older one
t. edgelord
what? why? kids are annoying as fuck and need to be put in their place. blame the parent/guardian who is not with them while they make a mess of a restaurant
Have them spayed or neutered
I like how he punches the little fucker!
what fucking country is this?
Looks like that dude's doing the job his parents should be doing.
>little faggot makes a mess on purpose
>gets punished
gen Z ('97) here, dont get your hopes up we are literally turbo-milenials
Have fun doing that shit in America and get fired while the restaurant gets sued into oblivion because an employee assaulted two kids.
have you ever been around any gen Z kids?
you think millenials are entitled ?
you havent seen shit yet. these little pricks are down right disrespectful any and every chance they get.
were talking an entire generation raised on ipads and youtube
Kill yourself millenigger
The millenial is the burger king employee, cleaning after the mess left by shitbag gen x kids birthed by shitbag gen y parents.
based russia
>were talking an entire generation raised on ipads and youtube
Imagine growing up not knowing what boredom feels like.
We need to squeeze more out of them. Boomers aren't getting enough entitlements.
trips has the best answer to this thread's question
At least they're less left-leaning. Of course they're entitled now, they're still young.
You have a point but it's no business of that burger king employee to put those kids in their place.
So many people are having children and failing to properly socialize them. And some kids are too socialized.
yeah those nogs takin' our women, it's not right
>in russia
nvm move along
This is how to turn boys into men. Burger did nothing wrong.
I used to go to a Burger King after seeing movies as a kid. Between 11-14, it was the cool thing to do. Parents would drop you off at a movie, and then pick you up at the Burger King next door. While we waited for our parents, we'd just fuck around in the restaurant.
The managers fucking hated us, dozens of snotty little tweens running around making a mess and acting crazy. We'd spill drinks, not put away our trays, leave junk everywhere, etc. And sometimes they'd have to come out and reprimand us. But everyone knew there were limits to what they could do, so we took advantage of it.
We deserved an ass kicking. Every one of us. Though I'll say I always tried to listen to adults and do what they said, and I never left a mess. I was part of that crew of kids though, so I guess I deserved it too.
I stand by the Burger King employee. We need to hold these little shitstains to a higher standard, and smack them if they don't meet it.
>sperging out over having to do his job
Seems like there's only one millennial here to me.
I feel like I have a natural right, as in a natural order I would be able to make a shit eater clean their stuff up but society doesn't let me
>siding with the little brats
Kill yourself.
Lmao what afucking loser
Lol, it happened in my town, parents of this fuckers saw this video and said everything is ok.
nice cherrypicking dumbfuck. If you actually lived in a southern state you would notice the trend is increasing where blacks get above 7/10+ solely due to there being no other choice for women since white "men" refuse to leave the house. The choice is literally a mexican or a huge muscle'd black. the choice is obvious what white women pick.
according to whomst are gen z more right leaning? LMAO not allowed around kids are u?
This man is an hero.
Anyone have source?
I knew it had to be somewhere like Eastern Europe. I bet those kids wont fuck around again, but still, trying to slam his head into the bench top is really fucked up.
lel these little shits deserved it
What kind of stupid does it take to sue a McDonald's min wage employee????
What were they planning to get big guy? Some ketchup packets.
It's Burger King with the paper crowns for your birthday stupid britbong also I'm sure that it wasn't even the kid's birthday
alpha as fuck
based mcdonalds man is based
>Trashing movie theatres as a kid
>Throwing popcorn and drinks everywhere
>Employee comes in and starts yelling at us
>Submission to authority kicks in
>End up cleaning for a few minutes
America used to be like this.. We lost our balls and dignity, and for what? Diversity!?!? We are pansy cucks now who jump at each others throats for the silliest of reasons. We need to bring back drafting.. Our kids all believe they are gender queer.
Good god where did we lose our way?
This is why nationalism and Traditionalism making a comeback is a good thing. Hedonism is utterly killing this country.
more of this. you're not a man until you've had your ass beat
Gen Z are going to be liberal cucks. These kid grew up with facebook, twitter and Instagram.
Hate niggers so much
You do realize most of the Right leaning Nationalists are on those websites right?
this guy seems like he has experience with this kind of reprimanding, he must be an older brother.
the employee is the millennial the brats are gen z
>this faggit
You're one of those kids aren't you
>you're fired from burger king
oh no
that guy in the webm probably is a millennial you fucking twat
this, gen z are disrespectful, very selfish, and quite a bit are Nihilistic or just dont care about religion or meaning and are full blown hedonist, tho im 18 and gen z and a lot of people around me hate the government currently and will pretty much just vote in any president that is meme worthy, but they are quite nationalistic at least.
dig it, digits
Use archive you newfag piece of shit
gas them cause they can be replaced with sexbots
>gen Z is less left leaning
Are you mentally retarded? They're going to school and being taught about racial and sexual issues. They're literally swimming in that shit you fucking dumb fuck.
Those little shits most likely did something like toss soda on the ground right in front of him and the guy did the adult thing and made them clean up their shit. Nothing wrong was done here and stop letting the state intervene on obvious wrongs with fair punishments.
Gen Z here. These are the sites I use to redpill the masses and since nobody left-of-center seems to hold any convictions whatsoever for fear of being seen as "cringy", it's incredibly easy to do so.
I'm a millennial, and I hate saying that. I'll be turning 30 this year, I have a good job and I'm very conservative. I can't think of anyone I went to college with acting like a total nutjob but I have met people older than myself who are overly entitled left wing faggots.
Was it something in the water? Are the frogs turning gay? What happened to my country?
>generation grows up in an enviroment dominated by liberalism
>teenagers are rebellious
>teenagers rebel against this shit
What part of it don't you understand?
hur dur he's not black idiot
you are a fucking faggot
fuck you BITCH
i hope you hear your mother getting gangbanged every night from your dirty ass room
if parents won't discipline their child society should do it for them.
they are nationalistic and a lot know how fucking shit and corrupt the government currently is.
pretty if you were born pre y2k you're a millennial
gen z post y2k
> ('97)
> Gen z
Pick one
Canada considers 1992 + as genz, genz imo is 1998 +
Where do you live? The GenZ's in Pennsylvania are extremely nationalistic but are not Hedonist thankfully. Maybe we'll see a white baby boom hopefully.
You need to look up what hedonism actually is.
Protip - It has nothing to do with decadence.
yeah u both need to look up the generation divides lmao
The part where you obviously have never been in contact with one of them. Half of them are fags and the other half are fag sympathizers. They'll turn every issue into something to do with sex or race because that's all they know. Your argument is mindlessly reductive. Kids absorb everything and eventually all that stuff will sink in. Once they get passed the rebellious phase they'll magically come to see how they need to conform to what they "know" is right, when they "grow up" (or, everything that they've been conditioned to accept as truth and is latent in their subconscious mind).
Wow, really stimulates my chakras.
Actually you are factually incorrect.
>Be Greece/Roman Empire
>Adopt Hedonism and Anti-Natalism
>Get utterly destroyed by the Germanics and the Ottoman Empire
Yeah maybe it's a good thing that Hedonism is dying. Plus Schopenhauer was a Jew. It's pretty much used as a tool to degeneraify modern day whites.
I bet you will be a cuck parent when you have kids.
Of course it is.
It's something that is "Politically incorrect" But so so right and how things would of got dealt with back in the old days.
They're the twitch generation, the kids who grew up not playing video games in their bedrooms with their school friends and instead formed twisted fake relationships with youtube ecelebs.
They're going to have zero social skills in 10 years time when they're kicked out into the real world.
Epicurianism != Hedonism, especially as used colloquially, you psued.