Why shouldnt we accept The_donald?
We would literally have more people to our army of redpilled soldiers. Fascism stops becoming a meme and maybe even replaces the republican party next election. Lets do this shit
Why shouldnt we accept The_donald?
We would literally have more people to our army of redpilled soldiers. Fascism stops becoming a meme and maybe even replaces the republican party next election. Lets do this shit
>everyone should join the special forces
this exact mindset is why you need to go back
Because they're not Stalinists
Haha I Knew it, youre a fucking kike arent you?
You dont want us to get bigger, because you know that when NatSoc makes a comeback, youre fucking dead
Neocons/neoliberals are the problem. We don't need more of them.
>We would literally have more people to our army of redpilled soldiers
Fuck off reddit already!
The donald is white males that became disillusioned. When they come here, they dont know shit, but after awhile, they will be redpilled by us, and will become future followers of Adolf
>adding a million mentally retarded soldiers to your army
The_donald is not welcome here.
No thanks.
They can lurk but shoudnt think about posting until finishing the required reading list and wait their two year probation period.
fair enough
no, fuck off. the_kike is full of neocons, leave.
They just hjavent been enlightened yet
They've been bluepilling this board for a couple years now. I don't know if you're new.
>TFW you realize krillin actually got himself a sexbot and you will never have one
why live?
The only way Caesar was able to defeat the Galls was because they refused to work together.
Whoever wants to cooperate with Reddit is already part of Reddit. Sup Forums is basically the badlands - every man for himself with the he occasional organization.
>muh black maga man
they're plebbit faggots that spam useless threads
I've never swayed from my support of Trump until Joe Leiberman's came up for consideration for the head of the FBI. Then I began to think about it. Trump is a smart cookie. Anyone he picks from now on will seem like a godsend compared to Lieberman.
They could blend in. They don't. They bring their shit culture here. All they're doing is demonstrating why we need to keep immigrants the fuck out
Please do. This place already has soccer moms, r/donald, normies, etc. You're better off going full reddit at this point. Or better yet just delete the board altogether along with Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
they are retarded faggots in a mildly conservative safe space on reddit. they are useful idiots at best.
talking about a movement and changing the world is the type of autism that is endemic to the_donald redditors and its killing Sup Forums
Sup Forums is cringey enough already we don't need more fucking reddit posters
>Fuck off reddit already!
>uses exclamation points
You're not fooling anyone.
This is an example of a Jewish shill post
"its killing Sup Forums" hahahaha. What a ridiculous comment. you want real politics discussion? 8pol. Why would a single real Sup Forums member not want NatSoc to spread?
I want Sup Forums to be a good board to visit, not the center of your delusional "movement" which basically consists of you making excuses for Trump
i'll give you two reasons newfag
>Sup Forums is not a community or a movement. there's no point in numbers, legitimization, or another ridiculous influx of newfags like yourself
>t_d is a bunch of cock gobbling retards incapable of individual thought who have already ruined this board twice over. they're also not natsoc, if you care about your gay little joke of an ideology.
couple more sick points for you since you're such a dumb fucking retard: Sup Forums is irrelevant, fascism is dead, and trump is a joke. now call me a shariablue shill or something, you dumb fucking cuck.
>army of red pilled soldiers
More like flood of refugees. They can't even make a stand on their home site. They're worthless.
We're on a Vietnamese cartoon chat room. Fuck off with your delusions of grandeur and go back.
Start gore spamming their threads. We have no other options.
Because they use cuck ironically-unironically and can't formulate a compelling argument to save their lives
Cause Trump is a Zionist shill and the alt-right is Jewish controlled opposition. Now make yourself scare you filthy kike.
i'm not sure that's the only option for getting rid of them, although it certainly helps. if the mods would step in and start persecuting them we could expel them to another site, most likely.
We should only accept cute refugees that respond to our hazing and bullying the right way.
T_D checking in
Not until T_D accepts the JQ and salutes the only honorable way.
feel free to leave and/or jump off a bridge at any time
I dont give a fuck about Trump, I just want these people that are clearly young white males to become redpilled and start looking up to heroes like Adolf Hitler or Commander Rockwell
How will they ever change unless they come here?
That's the last thing we need. Redditfags want to come here and talk about "based Jews" and "based niggers" and "based etc", etc. they don't want to adopt OUR way of doing things and seek to change and subvert our boards culture. It's been getting worse too. Remember when that old nigger got shot on Facebook like a month ago? Remember how many cringey-ass threads there were about it and about how heartless we all were for not sobbing over it?
Just pls don't attempt to advocate them "migrating" here. This has nothing at all to do with being "edgey" and everything to do with us simply not caring. We worked together during the campaign. We get it, it was fun and all that. But the election is over and it's time for us to go our separate ways until we need to work together on something again.
The donald is gone, they coming here regaurdless, just get your redpill images out
Assimilate or GTFO
Pretty much this,
Either hate the kikes or go become one and gas yourself niggers
Heil Trump
Please refrain from using the n word or I'll report to the mods to delete your posts.
Racism is against Sup Forums rules.
You're aiming way too low. Aim high.
Pic related
I won't help you with it bc I don't care that much but at least put in some fucking effort.
>b b but we get back at Reddit!!
Wonder how the board of directors of Reddits parent company will like you targeting ALL of their subsidiaries. In fact I'd focus more on them than Reddit itself, at least at first
Enjoy your cucking and i invite you to take the real red pill.
>followers of Adolf
you're trying too hard, reddit
the_donald civvies need to hang
If you think Im not being serious, you havent done the required reading, newfag
>Why shouldnt we accept The_donald?
Because they're not one of us and whenever they come here, they show no interest in what makes Sup Forums what it is or what makes Sup Forums what it is and instead try to bring plebbit with them
>redpilled soldiers
Stop it with the "we're le ebin cyber soldiers XD" meme, it's embarrassing and one of the clearest signs of a plebbitor.
fuck off were full
Because they can't name the Jew
Posts like these are obvious sign of a kike shill.'
You think this is just roleplaying? That we are just pretending to be Fascists?
Because most of them are new and underage
Not feasible or possible in today's society. Give it up if you want to actually do something. We need more redpilled blacks, gays, asians, Latinos, Jews than cucked whites.
Why should we accept anime fags?
Fuck you, you kike loving nigger. Leave, we don't want your kind around here. You see this comment? It means "not welcome".
cant hurt to at least try out for sf
Black cities for black people
White states for white people
Mexican cities for legal mexicans, and no more mexicans will be allowed in because they already dominate such a huge part of the south west
And finally, the largest cities like LA and Newyork can remain multicultural
no chinese will be al;lowed in america, nor Israelis
if you care about quantity over quality, go to leddit.
Redditards are the devil. I've hated leftists for a while, but I've hated internet cancer for longer.
Fellow Android 18 good-tasteler bringing the reasonable arguments to desk, I am not surprised at all.
this and only this
You must be over 18 to post on this board.
Because for the most part, they are Trumpbots and don't see the bigger picture that is at play. If they want to redpill, they have to do it on their own.
>report for racism
>politically INCORRECT
Do you see how stupid your damage control is?
Jew-worshipping fanatics aren't welcome. You and your KIKED president can fuck right back off.
Sup Forums is anarchist