Why do men get a pass for racemixing but "white genocide" is the fault of white women?

Why do men get a pass for racemixing but "white genocide" is the fault of white women?

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Men are superior and can take advantage.

You're still contributing thus you don't practice what you preach thus you're not a man with principles thus you're not a man

The whole race mixing thing is sexual insecurity.

not bound to raising the child, it doesn't destroy our body to create a child.

Also this.

Both are wrong, especially when it involves niggers.

Not really, you're Asian and there are billions of you fuckers, your race in general will never go away.

There is nothing wrong with white men colonizing mud wombs IF he also has three white children in a stable white marriage.

A man can theoretically make 1000 babies in a year. A woman only one and if it's a mud she is permenantly trash.

Men are the army, women are the clay. If there are enemy boots on your clay you are losing. If your boots are on enemy clay you are winning.

This. White men are just insecure that some of their women find other races more desirable.

just another case of male privilege

Women aren't our equals and they naturally want one man to dominate them. Men, on the other hand, want more women to fuck naturally. I don't encourage men to race mix, but one is following their biological impulses the other is betraying there's.

Every race on earth takes another for "pleasure females"

It's paranoid propaganda on the right. If you look at the statistics a large majority of both white men and white women do not mix.

Furthermore, the far right is composed of mostly white men. When they see other white men with non-whites, it's less threatening because its the white man "conquering" the non white.

Not sure if shills, women or just cucks

Your women aren't going to take you seriously when you're a huge insecure hypocrite. This is part of why they seek other men.

You may not be certain what I am. But I am certain you are paranoid for no good reason.


They dont.

posts high school boy

America confirmed as the biggest cucknation after Swedistan.

Women want either protection or someone to support them. You think they actually give a shit that you're a hypocrite? Half of them want to get fucked by sociopaths like Ted Bundy

Its astroturfing shills. They flood their opinion as if its the majority, meanwhile no one here actually thinks that.

Don't worry, that's just Chad sowing his oates. He will impregnate then cheat on his white wife Stacy!

white women are the bottleneck on white reproduction
plug up the bottleneck with shit and you don't get any more white children

Because white women are race mixing in the first place, therefore leaving white men with no options aside from "white" hispanics or the latter.

Because a single can sire thousands, millions of children.

All you need is 1 man to repopulate the Earth but you need thousands of women.

1 white man can create 1000 Mulatto and 1000 white babies easily.

1 woman can have at 10-20 kids max before she hits menopause.

Women have limited fertility, men do not.

It's more the insecurity than the hypocrisy. If it actually bothers you that some women who have nothing to do with you and likely want nothing to do with you are fucking men of other races, you're weak. Concern yourself with your own affairs, don't sit around worrying about how other men are running their lives.

>confirmed shill

If you were one of us you'd know Sup Forums doesn't approve of race mixing of any kind.

Because Sup Forums is full of insecure, underage beta male virgins who can't get laid so blame women and minorities for all their perceived problems.

can't believe it took 25 replies to post this.

no one wants to be you

It's one or two trolls having "fun".

Why do women get a pass for those eyebrows?

Sup Forums has posts approving of men race-mixing all the time. The "COLONIZED" meme ring a bell? The Asian women threads? The Kuruminha threads? That Latina schoolgirl that people fawn over? Even the black woman threads? Sup Forums is mostly fine with race-mixing, as long as it's not a white woman doing it. Then they feel threatened, and their insecurity comes to the surface.

Untrue, older men have a much higher chance of making children with mental disabilities than young men

Fucking this.

If only white men could vote, there would be negligible non-white immigration.

But as women are allowed to vote, there is mass non-white immigration. In such an environment it is inevitable that men will fuck attractive non-white women to fulfil their biological urges.

It's not like I'm crying over not getting any pussy. However, it does set a bad example for the other women in their family on top of the female mentality to copy what other around them do. I have to live with women in this country so I do have some reason to be concerned.

If all white women stuck to white men, then the white race is safe.

If some white men race mixed, It's not a big deal. They can still inject sperm into white wombs, no problemo. They're good to breed until they die, usually.

Over time, white men can whitefy humanity by simply bleaching/colonizing colored wombs.

White sperm can civilize the planet.

i used to read archie comics all the time

i had a biiig stack

Men can make as many babies as possible, so it's ok if a few are mixed.
Women have finite amount of eggs so they have to be pure.

Woman can have a finite number of children in their lives. Each time you occupy their wombs with white jizz, that's one less full blooded negro baby.

Thus we should promote white male / non-white female sex-only relationships as a counter-strike against white genocide. Provided - and this is key - that said males are continuing to create and raise fully white babies.

The definition of "white" has changed over time. Many people considered white today where seen as nonwhites in a post suffrage world

OP please tell me... what is the ratio of white women to white men mixing with other races?

I hate white girls they are more into themselves and what others think, black girls are just gross.
Best off with a non American Asian girl, they are loyal and treat you like a king

well done feud you are so intelligent lets all give this clever fuck a hand. honestly this meme needs to stop

No they don't, you retard. Have you ever thought that perhaps men with certain mental disorders have children later in life? Did you know that in Iceland the average age of a first time father was 35 for generations?

But Betty and Veronica were white? English and Welsh respectively

Yes they do

Women are going to do it as long as men do it. A lot of society's problems with regards to women could be fixed if more men understood this simple thing. You want women to stop race-mixing? Stop participating in it yourself. You want women to stop parading themselves around like sluts? Stop encouraging them by giving them positive attention when they do it. You want women to stay pure so you can have a nice virgin wife to marry? Stop fucking women before settling down yourself.

Or, if you don't want to stop any of this, that's fine, but don't act shocked and disgusted when women decide to engage in the same things. The only way you're going to get away with this behavior is if you impose some sort of Sharia Law-tier control on your women.


Witebois get sooo mad when they see me holding hands with a white stacy in public and they can't even get asians, LMAO

Are Icelanders all mentally ill? They are not. Do they have higher rates of mental illness? No they do not.

TL;DR You are retarded. And probably always will be.

Mental disabilities is not the same as mental illness you retard. And by "older" the studies are talking about 40 plus. While men have a longer time span to make healthy children, it isn't infinite


Go home, autist.

cause the boy does not have puppies

not anymore

men are improving other races
women are downgrading ours

Since when do men get a pass for racemixing? Shit's fucked regardless of gender.

>Women are going to do it as long as men do it

Women just don't think like that. They will racemix so long as the media tells them that it is cool or so long as they see say someone they perceive as a protector. Women only really care about social status, protecting their babies, and being protected/provided. They aren't free thinkers like men. You overestimate their intelligence and outcomes, they will fall in line and they want someone strong enough to get them to do so. White men have to become masculine and stop treating women as equals, that's what will solve the problem.

>The only way you're going to get away with this behavior is if you impose some sort of Sharia Law-tier control on your women.

Nothing will change until some form of this happens.Emotional feminine thinking is the modern left, there can't be compromise on this.

White men and a nonwhite woman will have the same result as a nonwhite man a white woman

Because a man could impregnate several women per day, every day of the year, whereas a woman gets pregnant and it's realistically a full year before she can do it again. The white guy could knock up a black chick and then get 3 white girls pregnant the very next day with white babies. If the white woman chooses an inferior color to mate with she doesn't have a choice what color offspring she produces until a year has passed and she could be ready to bear another child.

Because Latinas are actually pretty cute. And some of them are almost white anyway.

Men dont absorb the DNA of their sexual partners so they can BLEACHED shitskins and still produce white children.

>And by "older" the studies are talking about 40 plus.
Source? Pretty sure you are pulling this out of your ass.

>While men have a longer time span to make healthy children, it isn't infinite
Atleast you are right about one thing.

It is true and what you said doesn't refute his point at all. A woman could probably have 10-15 kids from the time she's 20 til she's 40. Meanwhile a man could have 100-150 kids in the same time frame

Women can have only a few kids but men can dilute the gene pools of the animal races and make them more human


Neither do women. Who the hell informed you otherwise?

You can easily google it yourself. You are just looking for a reason to discredit anything source even if it was from the CDC itself because you backed yourself into a corner with your ignorance

>uh you get my sourced for me
So you don't have a source then? Figures.

Stay mad and wrong forever, retardo.

Why do you want a man to have 100-150 kids? A man like that would be a highly irresponsible person who wouldn't take raise any of those children into well functional adults

Because the logic behind a key and a bullet applies to a man and not a woman. A good lock holds out for a single key a good key is one that gets into many locks and I forgot who's quote this is but men travel farthest when smoothest. Like a bullet aimed at a target. Now stop being a stupid jealous cunt you stupid bitch and show TITS!

>>sage@this bitch

>I can't look up easy to find sources on my own

stay mad alt right

White men BLEACH
White women get BLACKED

One expels, while the other receives.
This is just common sense.
Oh, and any man that says another man can be a race traitor is a faggot.

Normal people do not expect the other party to find studies and statistics for them.

Then again, you are an idiot. And now I'm sure that you always will be.

White genocide isn't the fault of women

It's the fault of the jews

Just think, with all that time spent arguing against established science, you could have looked it up for yourself. Go back to bed kiddo, adults are talking

tell that to black "dads"

>caking that much makeup on a face to make it barely palatable and yet it somehow stops the dude chad in his tracks even though he's facing a woman with an objectively better face

yeah, sure jews

keep pushing it

Cause our based Gen Z is redpilled. Whores of all breeds are for pumping and dumping. White virgin women are for marrying and child bearing. amirite?

Because we live in a patriarchy.

It actually is a double standard, since whether it's white men or white women race mixing, the result is the exact fucking same. And contrary to what effeminate Sup Forums users insist, you would not be whitening them more. All you'd be doing is merging your white genes with them and it becomes more of a mixed mess. The skitskin genes still stay there.

Yet I know heaps of white dads who are running around with 10 plus kids with different mothers and don't raise any of them

But white women are the least likely to racemix.

You've been posting these threads incessantly, implying that white women love to racemix.
The reality is, they don't.

In fact, nearly 100% of all white admixture in modern day black Americans (whom are on average, 30% white) came from white MEN.
Not women.

>I'm just going to make shit up now because I have no argument

Nice anecdote bruh

>implying you aren't going to dismiss any evidence as "jew propaganda"

go to bed kid

Sperm vs Eggs.

KB with important information:

>92% of biracial children with African American fathers are born out of wedlock and 82% end up on government assistance
>88% of the time the father of the child does not financial support or help with the economic costs of the child
>90% of biracial children with African American fathers don’t have their father in their life
>94% of the surveyed mothers believe the father of their child doesn’t have a good relationship with the child
>63% of biracial children who are raised without an active father in their life exhibit major behavioral problems.
What you mean is you don't have any.

>he thinks anecdotal 'evidence' means shit

we still haven't worked out what classes as white in america if that beaner that jihaded in new york is considered white that could easily be


Because the reproductive opportunity cost to an errant penis is a few minutes; the reproductive opportunity cost to a seized womb is 9 months or more.

Any one of any race who dates a black guy and gets pregnant will be a single mother. Other races might be insecurity, but a woman who fucks a nigger is retarded or damaged.

who this?


I think it's assumed now that men are basically animals with no sexual ethic whatsoever. Thanks (((hollywood))).

Consequently, even on the right no one assumes that men have any capacity for sexual regulation of any kind.

Anyone who has ever tried to fuck a woman knows that women are very capable of turning down sex for even the most trivial of reasons. So everyone assumes they should know better.

I don't think white women with non white men is a thing outside shill memes though. Essentially never see this outside walmart, it's pretty much the number one marker of shit tier white woman with no other options


When white Men mix it up, they are making offspring that are more white then they would have been. When white women do it they are making something less white then whTbtheir offspring could have been

Because white women have never contributed anything technologically and are also the worst mothers of all the races so they should bow down to white men.