Whatever will they do?
Other urls found in this thread:
I wonder how much traffic they will lose
Interesting situation. Bump.
I guess the redditor user was right, the donald immigrants incoming
6.5 million users
Be prepared for the reddit raid now..
Well there goes my night...
Oy vey!
they're migrating to Voat
Hi. I'm here from reddit
This, tell them all to go to Voat.
Redditor user? Link?
Some guy kept spamming that this would happen for a week.
yup, we dont like them, but the newfags sure like us. goodbye whatever was left of /oldpol/
(save us mlpol, youre our only hope)
We are coming here. Last post I saw was to come to Sup Forums
That's right racists pol is ours now
Ah, thought it was a LARP thread, my bad.
I find myself spending more and more time there and less here. Sup Forums has been cancer recently.
fucking redditor
>6.5 million users
That's how many were subbed, not actually visiting. There are bot accounts, alt accounts, banned accounts, people who sub and forget, and people who sub to a bunch of different sub reddits.
The traffic they care about is the people who visit more than one sub reddit.
Shit we're going to be in the midst of our own refugee crisis... Except we don't have the Mediterranean sea as a buffer zone
The irony
Fuck off Nazi cunt this is our board now
nah that is already a jew psyop. its v/thedonald
we have gore
we need another /mlpol/ happening
/mlpol/ was unexpectedly civil. It would not be the worst solution in the world.
You're gonna have a rough time here kid.
Oh great, more retards are coming.
Hopefully they'll shit up the rest of Reddit and run in into the ground
I'm a Reddit refugee from the_donald. I am not really interested in the racism on /4/chan/pol but I hope our two communities can merge and get along and maybe we can "redpill" each other. How do I get an account here?
Too late
gas reddit and redditors who come here
get the fuck out of here t_d cucks i like shilling for the lulz i dont want people that are actually serious about this shilling shit
Finally some BASED BLACK MEN AROUND HERE. Can you fuck my wife?
>reddit spacing
get out
/r/the_donald had 28 million daily views
the_donald was aganist mass migration how we must hold up these faggots as they break into pol
So many Nazi shills here it is fucking hilarious
Just post a bunch of stuff about how great Hillary is and how "Drumpf is done guys!". You'll fit right in with all the shills here
we are going to change pol to make it more inclusive
Yea this is pretty much the death of pol
Not gonna bother coming to a le based civic nationalism I love niggers board
Over my dead body you smelly nigger.
You're serious enough about it.
I think a semi-permanent /mlpol/ would be good for the newfags
you have to go back
I have another idea, if you are from r_td whatever, go to Sup Forums instead. You will feel right at home.
Post gore
delete system 32 so you can access the /i/ board
i'm ironically serious
No. t_d and pol won the election.
there was /mlpol/, not reddit.
read up a post or two
>save us /mlpol/ you're our only hope
I thought you get banned for that?
just remember one thing Trump friends
Whoever controls the voice controls the race
The media knows this
Boycott Fake News
>a fucking leaf
7/10, got some.
I miss /mlpol/
god fucking damnit
Shills couldn't make any progress with their concern trolling, so they just act like Nazis now. Pretty good strategy, but a tortoise could see through it.
Wow redpilled kek
Then go to mlpol.
You will learn many things here newfag. The first thing to learn is that you will never leave. The second thing to learn is to lurk and lurk more. After a couple of years, please make some polite posts about things you know of. Else just lurk and be comfy. You think you have something important to say, don't, lurk more. Welcome.
Hey pol from reddit. never posted here the threads are so confusing to read how do you guys do it haha.
Voats just about dead and on its last leg. They managed to get enough donations to make it another month, but without a major overhaul that switches them from .net to linux the singular owner will be left with a sky high bill he simply doesnt have the cash to pay.
False flagging this hard, only Canada
Greetings, Sup Forums
I keep hearing about the amazing things you do here. Im sure we can MAGA together here since the nazi mods over at Reddit want to treat one group differently than another.
Now that they've become the real fascists we always knew they were, we can come together to become the allies we were destined to be.
Praise KEK!
I da know bro....
Like fucking clockwork, they've been in media matters for America and shareblue's sights for a while now. They planned to pressure platforms like reddit into ideological policing their sites, looks like it's working
Ironic that the most anti-immigrant and anti-refugee group are now refugees themselves. Loving this, delicious!
I don't understand why if there's that much hostility towards their Donald board why do they bother with posting? Can't they start their own board?
I am mainly a lurker here, an oldfag though. I read Sup Forums and some of the threads there because my brain has a need to constantly devour information. I saw some stuff about the guy running it changing posts and I knew immediately that reddit was shit.
You're gonna have to do better than that bluefag
From t_d... actually I spend time between both. I just really don't like the Sup Forums UI... I have to read through a bunch of bs to find the nuggets, I'd like nuggets to rise to the top.
Don't know why everyone is getting pissed...
We've all come way too far to let the cucks win.
Calm down shill your orgasm is showing
u best be trolling nigger
→ #
Already a thread, if you fags are going to shit up the board please look at the catalog first to see if there's a thread already of the cancer you're going to post.
>Stormnigger thinks he wasn't the retard the whole time.
>another wave of pseudo-liberals LARPing as right-wingers hitting Sup Forums
>Sup Forums becomes even more normalfag/reddit friendly
>another wave of newfriends who are going to spam how great Jews and blacks are while shitting on Sup Forums's far right culture and Sup Forums's anime culture
all t_d threads belong on Sup Forums remember to report and sage
I'm not a skinhead you retarded leaf.
>muh shill
Lots of Laughs!
I'm removing all posts that tell people to come here. This place is my home and I don't want it fucked up with the retard circus redditors.
That isn't a "stormnigger", nor a skinhead, you autistic retards.
They consider themselves to be skinheads.
Reddit became best Korea.
I've seen vastly more threads of this screenshot getting spammed and Plebbit LARPers then actual Plebbitors here
>"redpill" each other
You can't make this shit up kek
This is too much
Hey Sup Forums,
What do you think about Kushner being named a person of interest in the Russia investigation? Probably more 4D chess from the Don if you ask me. Anyone good enough to marry our goddess Ivanka is committed to draining the swamp.
No Breaks!
Please go back
Well that is just downright insulting to actual self respecting skinheads.
Jesus fucking christ.
>Nazi shills
how do you shill for a near dead ideology
They'll get some bad press and open it back up tomorrow with a new team of kike mods.
I am not a redditor. I was ate the red pill when you were still in diapers.
Interesting development. In general, I'm in favor of moving forward with the investigation so as to settle the endless MUH RUSSIA baseless allegations.