Which race is the most pragmatic and efficient?

Which race is the most pragmatic and efficient?

I would think Germans maybe.

I used to think that but modern events have shown that they're actually just subservient gullible cucks who love to please their masters.

germans are the niggers of europe

This is cringeworthy. You are an under age loser with a girl obsession problem. Shut your dicksucker

Pragmatism is more of a Mediterranean thing. Germans are a bit more idealistic.

By Odin's beard, who is this spooge deluge?

Obviously japanese or chinese people...like ants...coordinated

You realize pragmatism can be a handy cap when used across the society, right? See Chinese business practices or South american corruption.

American Germans are the most powerful race in the universe.

The best Asuka cosplayer in the two universes.


From "let's make Aryans great again" to "Fuck Aryans, we deserve to die" in 60 years.

I think so too in the industrial sense anyway. I sure as hell know it's NOT us of Irish descend. Hell! half the time we don't like one another. Too many drunks and losers who disgrace is Irish-Americans. It's a shame.

why is she so upset?

Race doesn't matter. It's 2017!
We're all Americans guys

Very few Germans want us gone. White masochism is more of an American thing.

>thinks German is a race
>wants to know who is most pragmatic and effecient
>doesn't choose the hive-mind east asians

Germany inherited Prussian culture and virtues, and Prussia was a very militarist society so they obtained lots of self-discipline.

This kind of culture made them perfect for the industrial revolution to hit Germany, allowing them to outclass Britain even though Britain had a century lead.

It's almost like the millions of them who thought that died in a war or something

It was the Germans, now it's the gooks.

True. Creativity is inefficient, just copy and replicate what whites have created.

Also jews, incredibly efficient at shilling their way to the top through any means necessary.

Whites also started with copying techs from Egyptians and Middle easterners long times ago.

>inb4 muh one cuckcasian race

With that logic, you should call all middle easterners white.


germans are only efficient because of autism

Garrus why are you such a huge fucking faggot.

Her roommate jacked off over her while sleeping and she found out.


now its the japanese

theres a small distinct difference in "copying", and "learning"

Except whites came into civilization after Egyptians and Middle easterners.

Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese has hundreds of hears old civilizations that became stagnant and only industrialized by copying the west.

That girl is amazing. Every time.

>what is the dark ages
>what is modern white degeneracy all over Western countries

Only Ancient Greece - Rome - British Empire flowline is acceptable. The rest of white countries are either shitholes or full of degeneracy & being cucked voluntarily. How embarrassing that even the democracy from Ancient era was superior to current """democracy""".

Pennsylvania Dutch are objectively the most powerful race ever to walk the Earth.

She is russian. Lives in Moscow.


Germans by far. My brother in law comes from a german family, and you can feel the presure of them expecting you to behave like one of them, but i couldn't, they are extremely organised and efficient, but comes with a price of living only to work and always fighting among each other to see who is the one to blame for all the problems when the shit goes dow.



Not Germans. Germany efficiency and pragmatism is a myth. I work with Germans. They create a bureaucratic nightmare just because they never know how to do a job. They just keep passing the buck. Germans are industrious the same way a Rube Goldberg Machine is.