Reddit Raid

Now that T_D is fucked, it's time for a good old fashioned reddit raid.

1. Create antisemitic posts in an inconspicuous reddit board and flood them with votes.

2. Once post reaches the front page (all), switch to a new board.

3. Repeat.

Trips decides which subreddit to raid first.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nothing antisemitic we dont support that. Well just call out the shills



who the fuck is spez?

it's called outmeming them

The next step of the plan is now in action.
Get your redpills ready. Time to up the dosage.

inb4 pruned
raids aren't allowed

it's called outmemeing, welcome to pol


The CEO of Reddit. He is a faggot.

you're supposed to spam gore stupid newfags

>Nothing antisemitic we dont support that.

I wonder who could be behind this post

>we don't support that

Shut up, this is our website.

are they so desperate to shut down the seth rich citizen investigation that they shut down r/T_D...? i mean, what else could have caused it.

Check em

We're raising /r/Funny

Can we not be antisemitic? We'll be just as bad as them if do that. Can't we just use pepes?


but I bet you support that niggerdick though ya kike.

Organize raids on infinity chan, they're not cucked like this shithole.

>what else could have caused it?

Shut up, faggot

The only raids going on right now are faggots like you shitting up Sup Forums

serious question how do I get on to reddit. you have to register or something? Will I get banned and then I need another email to register?

>we don't support that


raid r/guitar

Only homos will know the answer to this

No, you don't need an email to register, just make a username and password that's it

It works with all VPNs and also Tor.

Upvote this so everyone sees it guys

has anyone started a thread? /r/islam a good starting place?


This is why we don't want you ledditors here btw

Get off my board you fucking redditor


yea that is my point, what else could have happened that caused it? it is probably their anti doxing rule that got triggered. like that guy working for the seth rich family on behalf of the DNC probably said they are getting flooded with calls and emails (this could easily be true) asking questions about Seth's laptop and various lines of investigation.

Can you imagine how triggering that must be for the family? That a bunch of concerned nobodies on the internet, also 99.9% Trump supporters, are trying to follow up on their son's murder more than the DC nigger police ever did.

R World news chekem

if you are posting in this thread chances are youre an edgy 16-20 year old who is only here because he heard about EPIC raidz Sup Forums used to do back in the good old days

someone posted this in the other thread:


/r/Sup Forums



I wonder who could be behind this post.....
Oh wait, it's T_D scum.

Fuck you, jew.

I fully support the eradication of the jewish disease.

Wherever I go,

I must,

reddit space.



Decentralization is the solution


This liberals are the real racists.

Lol I can't imagine the type of hurt their Network is going to be in.. not even counting the monetary damages. Morons.

Ayyyy what's going on ovaaa hereeee

youre fucking retarded, it wont reach the frontpage, itll get deleted very quickly

Good thing t_d isn't in charge here

why the fuck trips though you faggot


Pic Related, that's from the plebbit admins.
I recommend /r/PrequelMemes. It will rustle the most jimmies due to its visibility.

raid a slow subreddit or get all the conservative / alt right/ redpilled leaning subreddits banned as well. might as well burn reddit to the ground


>literal safe space

Go back to watching Barney you fucking faggot.

>nothing antisemitic
Get him outta 'ere!

Get out kike before I turn your entire family into a set of designer lampshades.


Sup Forums is not your personal army.



you will assimilate or you will be forcibly removed

Not to mention you all were a Sup Forums colony anyway. You owe us your loyalty


> Reddit

For the toppest of keks, we start with /r/ShitRedditSays

Stand up and be counted!

He sucks dick so what? 50% of Sup Forums faps to traps what's new?

this is a dumb idea. just go on a PC board and say Sup Forums needs to be raided with love and antiracist nonsense or something. Let Sup Forums the autism in action


Shit list.


>ctrl F
>gore spam Reddit threads

Seriously, I need backup on Sup Forums before you all go kick Reddit while they're down.

shit my bad. a PC "subreddit"

>reddit unironically using Sup Forums as their personal army because they're butthurt about getting cucked by other ledditors

Fucking really? Holy shit this is a new low.

This. Merchants arent anywhere near offensive enough. We're trying to shit on them, not fucking kikepill them on to our side...

r/MarchAgainstTrump. That's the newest and most active anti Trump sub.

Have we started the fire?


Fuck off Reddit, nobody wants you hear. The fact that someone can actually post about Reddit on this board and actually get serious responses shows what a joke mainstream Sup Forums has become.

Come off it mate, you're pretty obviously reddit yourself if you're going to do this gay raid.
No one who's been on Sup Forums longer than the presidential campaign gives a single fuck about T_D cancer and their shitty reddit sub.



I nominate /r/NBA. It's filled with shitposters and the only game on right now is a blowout. It's an exploitable board with a currently bored user base.

clean up your nasty jew sweats.

r/ABDL. Diaperfags need to die

It's been dead a while bro. ATLEAST Since the primaries


On second thought, we're thinking to small. Time to take this to another level. pic related.

I seriously wish every fucking redditor could be gassed

stop shitting up Sup Forums, jesus christ it's become unbearable. fuck off for eternity
