When was American culture at it's peak?

When was American culture at it's peak?

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Some say 50's, some say early 60's, some say 80's, some say 1910's...

Right now, baby




When there wasn't any niggers or jews.


Who? We got a whole generation of great artists in the 1920's because of how shit the 1910's and WWI was.

Right after WW2 US is basically was guy with biggest stick in town.


I wouldn't say there was a definite peak, by my definition it would be the most recent one

I don't know jack shit about America prior to the 1900's so I'll go with the usual 20s/50s/60s/80s

The 90s. That is, the 1690s. Zero tolerance for degeneracy.

Watch the movie American Graffiti

That was the best time to be an American.

Pic related - you could fell stuff like Pic related and not be an asshole.


1776 to Forever you fucking Commie. Fuck you.


When were we 0% kiked? Any point until then


>dumb drivers still block the intersection
i thought the 50s was redpilled?


>men's bikes have this bar there to jam their nuts
>nutless women don't have a bar
why are bicycle designers so anti-male

It's for skirts. Lack of bar weakens bike significantly. Women are smaller so not big deal.

1990's after Soviet fall.


Pick one.

before birth control


Check out the big brain on Japan.

When men smoked pipes, women stayed home, and there were such things as studies with walls of books.

american culture, exactly what our country tried and failed to replicate for so long.


et tu, Ausfailia?


Just after 1776? Possibly 1776 until the twentieth century. Certainly no later than the fifties.



around the time cocaine was being used by almost every normie and aids was starting to spread.
its probably americas low point to be honest.




I say 1776 until very early 1960s. Decline happened with the Economic Opportunity Act in 1964, the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, civil rights, desegregation, hippies, feminism, women entering the workforce, contraceptives.....
Pretty sad tbhf.

You nation's sole cultural contribution to the world is ass to mouth porn, and that is it.
Suffice to say, the world is now thoroughly sick of you and collectively wishes that you would just go away.

what is this

Fucking niggers

lol. Very funny, Aussie. Very funny. You Aussies sure are a silly bunch. You keep memeing, Aussie. Someday something will come of it. Don't you worry. Keep it up, big guy.

Late 1945 to That nigger riot in Detroit in the late 60s.

That's Pen Pen


maybe in 2112 when pedo hysteria dies down and people start fucking kids again







Probably recently after WWI and WWII. We really need some sort of event, like another world war or economic crisis to harden this generation.

2033 was the beginning of the golden age which lasted at least to approximately 3033.

No one has be able (allowed) to return travel from beyond that time.

LA has always been retarded when driving.



>American culture


50s and 60s with things like pic related. Slight resurgence in 80s


1776 - 2001

OP, from 1945 to 1965. After that women, niggers, fags and white male cucks brought everything to ruin!!!FACT!!!



October 8, 1981


See this? The decline of the West started as soon as the
credits of this episode were over. Literally to the second.


Early 1960s before hippies and feminists ruined the world. It was the peak of Human civilization.


No Canadian flag in there? LOL

is that heebie kikeberger?

1965 really does seem to be the turning point where things went to shit. I wish I had been born in 1946, grew up in the 50's and 60's in California. Lived in New York Times Square in the 70's and 80's before retiring to Florida in the 90's until now. That would be my dream life. Sure, I'd be dying soon, if not dead already, but it would be better than seeing our civilization slide further into the fucking shitter than it already has. I'm 39 and I hate this fucking era I'm stuck in.

pic related

I wouldn't call that car a failure


your not white

Says the kangaroo molesting faggot whose nation was a former penal colony populated with the dregs of society who are your ancestors. In closing, eat wombat shit.

1960s is when (((they))) took full control of all our institutions

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:





November 2016.

Zombie apocalypse would be ideal.

The Twilight Zone is the best TV show ever made!!!FACT!!!


Oh user...

My dream life:

>Born in Buenos Aires in 1910
>Marry a 15 year old virgin qt in the early 1930s
>Volunteer for the RAF like many Argies back in the day
>Become a fighter ace
>Come back home a hero
>Make babies
>Die a happy man in the early 1990s with a huge family and several grandchildren
>Don't live long enough to realize I was the villiain


>what once was

No matter how many times I see this picture, I let out a deep sigh as it makes my heart ache that I'll never see an era like that.

Between August 6th and August 9th, 1945.

When this was normal.

Third world nigger detected


Probably before the 20th century.

Why do you hate your yellow brothers so much?

Give it a rest dipshit. Go print your newsletter somewhere else, preferably on the bathroom stall wall of some McDonalds with your own shit, you faggot.

Not an argument.

i cri everytiem ;_;

You can never go back. It's lost.
